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3000 reconverted to Hinduism in Odisha

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1. This is an interesting development. Hinduism, strictly speaking does not allow re-conversions. Even jumping from one cast/class to another through marriage is a very recent phenomenon. Judaism is another such exclusive club. To be a Jew one needs to be born of a Jewish mother. A Jewish father's off-spring from a non-Jew is not a Jew.

2. Continuous intermarriage has caused concern in the Jewish community because of certain diseases related to this practice. Therefore, at child-birth Jewish women need special medical attention in addition to rituals like yoledet and niddah . Jews are also looking for good seeds to be introduced. That is a service people like Amartya Sen, Dr Mohammad Yunus and Imran Khan have provided.

3. Hindu thinkers/philosophers from the last two centuries have pondered over their situation which can only mean eventual disappearance of Hinduism through natural process. Their demographic curve viz-a-viz others has been travelling downwards constantly. In Bengal's history there is the fascinating tale of Raja Raja Ganesha. In 1414 seizing control over Bengal he faced an imminent threat of invasion. Ganesha appealed to saint Qutb al Alam, to stop the threat. The saint agreed on the condition that Raja Ganesha's son Jadu would convert to Islam and rule in his place. Raja Ganesha agreed and Jadu started ruling Bengal as Jalaluddin Muhammad Shah in 1415 AD. Qutb al Alam died in 1416 AD and Raja Ganesha was emboldened to depose his son and accede to the throne himself as Danujamarddana Deva. Jalaluddin was reconverted to Hinduism by the Golden Cow ritual. This required him to travel under a cow made of gold. (Obviously the gold went to the temple under the Brahmin priests.) After the death of his father he once again converted to Islam and started ruling his second phase.

4. There are now three schools of thought in the subject:
a. The conservatives stick to their guns and preach that there is no place for non-Hindus in SA (historical Bharat).
b. The modern liberated school doesn't want any interference by the clergy in the personal choice made by individuals. They say, let things move as they do.
c. The third group emerging sees the threat to their existence if ancient rules were followed to the letter. They, therefore, propose a system of re-conversion. There again there are differences in opinion regarding the status of the returnees. Some say, make a new low cast of these. Some feel they should go back to the original cast. Etc.

Re-conversion is termed as Shuddhi ( Shuddhi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )

5. Then there are others - and this group has shown some strength in recent times, who look for gradual absorption of Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists and others into Hinduism through various means. Indian Constitution considers Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and Brahmos as Hindus.Only Muslims and Christians are recognized as non-Hindus. For instance, Muslims following a sort of Din e Ilahi are more preferred. Take the case of Bollywood. What is common among the most successful Muslim heroes - Shahrukh Khan and Amir Khan? They both have Hindu wives who practice Hinduism - which is not allowed in Islam.

You are quite a paranoid guy.

Sanskritization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The caste system is far from a rigid system in which the position of each component caste is fixed for all time. Movement has always been possible, and especially in the middle regions of the hierarchy. A caste was able, in a generation or two, to rise to a higher position in the hierarchy by adopting vegetarianism and teetotalism, and by Sanskritizing its ritual and pantheon. In short, it took over, as far as possible, the customs, rites, and beliefs of the Brahmins, and adoption of the Brahminic way of life by a low caste seems to have been frequent, though theoretically forbidden. This process has been called 'Sanskritization' in this book, in preference to 'Brahminization', as certain Vedic rites are confined to the Brahmins and the two other 'twice-born' castes."
Who said Hinduism doesnt allow re-conversion ?

Hinduism allows everything. You can be a Hindu even without worshipping/believing any of the Gods. Yes that's right, Hinduism considers even atheism as legitimate. Atheism in Hinduism

What you do in Hinduism is between God and you. No boring mullah or pastor or rabbi to dictate anything to you.
So do they go back to being discriminated Dalits or do they get some rights now as normal hindus ?

OH bhai what discrimination ??

This is 2012 and since independence Dalits ,Tribals enjoy positive discrimination in the form of 25% reservation in education,in govt job & promotions and in the legislation assemblies . Dalits are one of most politically power groups now.

Its actually the upper caste hindus that suffer from lack of opportunities in the modern India.They have become the true dalits(oppressed) people today.

BTW in india every religion practice caste system , Muslims do, Christians do and even neo Buddhist do. You may change religion but not your caste.
You should tell to those missionary organizations busy harvesting souls among the poor Indians through monetary inducements by the aid collected from the west.
Very Right Put... When they Do it... They call its Secular India, Democratic India , Equal Right , Right to Choose Religion Etc Bias

When Some one Converts to Religion of the Land then the Question arises Like What did they Achieve??? , Should Look weather they where not Forced into it??? etc...

Main Karu to Sala Character Gella Haii... I hate the SICKluarist ... Cozzz they r Anti-Dharmic Religions ...
Very Right Put... When they Do it... They call its Secular India, Democratic India , Equal Right , Right to Choose Religion Etc Bias

When Some one Converts to Religion of the Land then the Question arises Like What did they Achieve??? , Should Look weather they where not Forced into it??? etc...

Main Karu to Sala Character Gella Haii... I hate the SICKluarist ... Cozzz they r Anti-Dharmic Religions ...

Dude do you have like a fixed template or something, you just change some keywords and sprout out the same pseudo sicularist, kongressi gunda, Italian mafia, Sonia maino garbage in every thread. :-\
Very Right Put... When they Do it... They call its Secular India, Democratic India , Equal Right , Right to Choose Religion Etc Bias

When Some one Converts to Religion of the Land then the Question arises Like What did they Achieve??? , Should Look weather they where not Forced into it??? etc...

Main Karu to Sala Character Gella Haii... I hate the SICKluarist ... Cozzz they r Anti-Dharmic Religions ...

Dear friend i understand your frustration....but let me tell you one thing..i belong to that area and state of Odisha for which this thread isbeing discussed....Beleive me ....this problem is not simple as it seems to be...You can not simply blame the missionary or the poor dalit people who r getting converted..There are so many other compelling factors that force them for it...And again..those people who gets converted are by practice and faith pursue their tribal religion although they gets converted to Christianity...
Dude do you have like a fixed template or something, you just change some keywords and sprout out the same pseudo sicularist, kongressi gunda, Italian mafia, Sonia maino garbage in every thread. :-\

Looks like people are not understanding what he says and that's why Nair has to repeat it again and again...and again :D
I never get what all this religious conversion is all about. Do you simply stop believing in one thing one day and start believing something else? Does the religious label define what you believe in or does your beliefs define the religious label? Do labels actually matter when it comes to religious faith?
Looks like people are not understanding what he says and that's why Nair has to repeat it again and again...and again :D

Ha ha not to mention that its hitting where it hurts , evident from the Tilbillana(squirming) it generates among the usual suspects.:lol:
Is this an illegal conversion ?

Did they have all the permissions and permits for such act ?

Or it is only enforced on Hindu folks trying to convert to some other eligion ?
Looks like people are not understanding what he says and that's why Nair has to repeat it again and again...and again :D

Looks more like a bot and paints the rational folks like you on the other side of river in bad hue.
it is, up to the converted people to embrace or reject their faith. rightwing hindu groups are stronger than ever in India. 10 years after the organized slaughter, narindra modi is now projected by rightwingers as prime ministerial candidate. it is all for the interest of India, that a third front must arise who must stop the rightwing party bjp and minority appeasing corrrupt congress from power.

reconverting tribals and dalits is a strategy long tried by rightwing forces in India. it is not the first incident.
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