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Stupid Questions About Warfare


Oct 16, 2008
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Some stupid question arises in my mind often and i cant get an answer..... I dont know if same is the case with you guys. I am making this thread if you have any stupid question to ask about warfare....

Let me start with No.1

In a dog fight the plane being chased try to evade because he can hit until he is chasing.... Right? So why dont they make a gun or missile facing on the back of the aircraft so that the A/C being chased can shoot the AC behind him..... I know stupid but thats what this thread is all about. :)
Some stupid question arises in my mind often and i cant get an answer..... I dont know if same is the case with you guys. I am making this thread if you have any stupid question to ask about warfare....

Let me start with No.1

In a dog fight the plane being chased try to evade because he can hit until he is chasing.... Right? So why dont they make a gun or missile facing on the back of the aircraft so that the A/C being chased can shoot the AC behind him..... I know stupid but thats what this thread is all about. :)

peechwaade main gun hogi to engine/booster kidhar dalegi.
There wouldn't be a way to maneuver a "rear cannon" into position in a fighter jet nah.Front canons are used by making the fighter face in the direction of the enemy jet,to get that same shot if the cannon is placed in the rear would be one in a million.Hence it wouldn't make sense to put rear guns on a fighter.

Airframes of fighter jets are small and delicate and so it will pose a significant structural challenge to put up cannons facing both ways without the additional pressure tearing up the bird into two(not to mention,a waste considering the odds of actually intercepting an enemy fighter/missile like mentioned earlier).Bombers can be afforded the luxury although,world war era B-52s used to have rear and maneuverable guns.

F-22 Raptor/Pak-FA both can fire AAMs backwards aided by situational awareness.
Some stupid question arises in my mind often and i cant get an answer..... I dont know if same is the case with you guys. I am making this thread if you have any stupid question to ask about warfare....

Let me start with No.1

In a dog fight the plane being chased try to evade because he can hit until he is chasing.... Right? So why dont they make a gun or missile facing on the back of the aircraft so that the A/C being chased can shoot the AC behind him..... I know stupid but thats what this thread is all about. :)

No question can be wrong when asked with the right intent.

Dog fights are pretty much things of the past, BVR munitions have made these redundant.

Recall flying machines of WWII vintage ( cannot post pics coz I do not know how to do so), they had rear / tail Gunners.

Weapons facing rearwards have issues of guidance ( modern aircraft have one man crew or both facing forwards) also not enough arc of fire.
Some stupid question arises in my mind often and i cant get an answer..... I dont know if same is the case with you guys. I am making this thread if you have any stupid question to ask about warfare....

Let me start with No.1

In a dog fight the plane being chased try to evade because he can hit until he is chasing.... Right? So why dont they make a gun or missile facing on the back of the aircraft so that the A/C being chased can shoot the AC behind him..... I know stupid but thats what this thread is all about. :)

why not have ipod too within airplane.... of course pilots need some entertainment too.
Guns in modern air combat are fiendishly hard to employ well. It's hard enough when they are completely in line and facing forward. It can take an eternity (in air combat time) to align and solve the gun tracking equation. Since we now have intelligent missiles, no one is going to fly though a missile envelope to get to that gun solution. IIRC the last jet gun kills took place in the Bekaa valley campaign in early 1980's. No fighter since has shot down another with a gun, ignoring A-10 to helicopter kills in GW1.

Guns not aligned forward have terrible difficulties to get any sort of accuracy. Think about the forces that act on the bullet when it leaves the gun barrel. If you are driving down the highway and roll your window down and throw out some trash, it's path over the ground is a weird arc, since it's still traveling forward as well as sideways. Then gravity kicks in. The bullet path is a bizarre orthoganol motion. They found in WW2 that even when bristling with guns, bombers like B-17's had almost no ability to hit attacking fighters. They definitely shot some down, but when you have that many players for so long, it's bound to happen, but it's mostly luck.

And it's all moot anyhow, because if I have missiles, and my target is bristling with defensive guns, I'll simply stay out of his gun envelope and fire my missiles.

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