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NATO copter downed; Navy SEALs among the 30 U.S. dead

you got that right. this is a discussion forum and we will only share differing thoughts to form an opinion. as far as Pakistan government is concerned, we are not the spokesmen for the government maybe you check with the Pakistani foreign office. The likely comment will be” no comment“. if not content with that then check what Indian government is going to do what it/

Indeed, it applies to your respected self as well. don’t get too overworked over different opinions, its an open discussion forum and if you find something against your view point then give your self a chance to think why and how something can be different from a general perception. Its called free thinking and that’s how societies evolve and visionaries and philosophers are born who think outside the box and refuse to accept the “sane” and well known “fact” like “Earth” is flat and is the centre for the universe.

Such conformity requirement is a trait of repressive regime that demands its subjects to accept the official line because it is the only “sane” explanation. But even the “free world” is not immune to it hence the sound explanation and case for war against Iraq goes from alleged weapons of Mass destruction to weapons of mass destruction programs. To date since the mysterious death and unexplained death of David Kelly, neither the WMDs not their programs have been uncovered by the forces of the free world.

I doubt I ever sounded like I was going to choke someone's thinking process. Free thinking flows freely in here, and of all the people I would support it the most. However, when in the name of free thinking, a completely biased (that's kind of opposite of free thinking), baseless, and unreasonable statement is made, then it is bound to be acknowledged for what it is.

Thinking that the Seals that got killed in the Chinook were those who had killed Osama is completely unreasonable and senseless on many grounds. What went wrong when I pointed it out?
Of the 22 NSW members killed, 17 were SEALs and five were direct support personnel, according to the source in the NSW community. Two of the SEALs were from a West Coast SEAL unit, but the others were from Gold Squadron of Naval Special Warfare Development Group, or DevGru, sometimes known as SEAL Team 6, said the NSW source.

DevGru, based in Dam Neck, Va., is the Navy’s “Tier One” special mission unit that operates as part of task forces formed under the Joint Special Operations Command, Fort Bragg, N.C. It is the Navy’s equivalent to the Army’s 1st Special Forces Operational Command — Delta, or Delta Force. DevGru has four line squadrons — Blue, Gold, Red and Silver — plus a strategic reconnaissance element known as Black Squadron.

Each squadron is divided into three troops. The crash wiped out an entire troop in Gold Squadron, said the NSW source.

My prayers to all..
I doubt I ever sounded like I was going to choke someone's thinking process. Free thinking flows freely in here, and of all the people I would support it the most. However, when in the name of free thinking, a completely biased (that's kind of opposite of free thinking), baseless, and unreasonable statement is made, then it is bound to be acknowledged for what it is.

Thinking that the Seals that got killed in the Chinook were those who had killed Osama is completely unreasonable and senseless on many grounds. What went wrong when I pointed it out?

I agree in essence but you are making a subjective statement by heavy usage of senseless, baseless etc.. their meaning is relative .
the point is.. someone says that he is 100% sure that the dead SEALs were the participants of the OBL attack then yes thats silly without providing proof but then again we cant be 100% sure that they were not the one because the white house or state department etc say so :) if anyone of us is privy to sensitive information then I don’t think he will discuss it on a public forum. Given his or her authority and job he would rather keep it a secret.

honestly.. to me it doesn’t make any difference if they weer OBL killers or not. These guys died in the line of duty and may their souls rest in peace and if they were the ones that fired a warning shot in OBL’s head then I pray for them and thank them for ridding us of a terrorist that our own agencies couldn’t.
yes sir..everyone rests in peace...jack the ripper will also rest in peace and so will nehru...trueman who vaporized millions of japanese civilians by using nuclear bombs is also resting in peace and so is indra gandhi as she also died in the line of duty according to your very logic:cheers:

Yes, the poor poor Japanese, minding their own business when we attacked without warning. We should of let them have their way with China in my opinion.
I agree in essence but you are making a subjective statement by heavy usage of senseless, baseless etc.. their meaning is relative .
the point is.. someone says that he is 100% sure that the dead SEALs were the participants of the OBL attack then yes thats silly without providing proof but then again we cant be 100% sure that they were not the one because the white house or state department etc say so :) if anyone of us is privy to sensitive information then I don’t think he will discuss it on a public forum. Given his or her authority and job he would rather keep it a secret.

honestly.. to me it doesn’t make any difference if they weer OBL killers or not. These guys died in the line of duty and may their souls rest in peace and if they were the ones that fired a warning shot in OBL’s head then I pray for them and thank them for ridding us of a terrorist that our own agencies couldn’t.

I am really glad you brought my words into question. It not only gives me a chance to justify their usage, but may also help keep a check on their relevance.

Now let us see whether my words stand scrutiny:

Unreasonable - How reasonable is it to think that the US government would change the entire team (by killing the original ones) and create another Pandora's box? The identity of those Seals, and the photographs of the operation (OBL) are not top secret. They can be accessed by any Congressman on request, and have been too. How many Congressmen would have to be kept quiet on this, if the original team were to be wiped off? It becomes a nightmare, even more so when all the news sources have been told that they (Seals) were not the same ones.

Baseless - Because it fails to take into account the months of training the Seals (OBL op) had gone under for that aggressive operation, whereas, this operation was a difficult rescue mission (Hence team 6 involvement), and different specialists (with different training) of that elite team would have to be employed. Killing them (Seals of OBL) can be done in many better ways, rather than putting up a show of utter failure and exposed weakness.

Senseless - Would it not make more sense to train those same Seals to lie about the operation than to replace them with new ones to lie about it?

I am not saying the US government is not lying. It must be, every government does! Even more to its own people than to others.

But when we are to assess a situation, we shall take every option and every aspect available into consideration. Then came S.M.R.'s post stating that he is not to believe a thing without a proof, and will believe it is a lie - but that too is without a proof!

So, when someone displays nothing but a belief, then I suppose I am justified in calling into question the basis, reasoning, and sense behind it.

See Irfan, perhaps it is my thought process that is different. I deduce the facts after critically reading the articles (with the writer's bio in question), getting only that information that can be verified, and judging the moves and motives behind the actions by their consequences. So it is bound to get me pretty worked up when people display no respect for facts and let their biases run amok.

My words may be relative, and indeed nothing is confirmed as a fact, but I am only looking for the most plausible explanation behind any action.

Well, thanks again for reading my post critically. It helps.
So it was the same men who were responsible for the OBL raid and consensus says that it was a conspiracy to silence them.

What else is new?
US helicopter shot down in Taliban trap: Afghan official

KABUL: A helicopter which crashed killing 30 US troops in Afghanistan was shot down after the Taliban laid a trap to lure US forces into the area, an Afghan government official said Monday.

“Now it’s confirmed that the helicopter was shot down and it was a trap that was set by a Taliban commander,” said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The official said the commander lured US forces to the scene by telling them there was a Taliban meeting taking place there.

The official said that President Hamid Karzai’s US-backed government “thinks this was a retaliation attack for the killing of Osama Bin Laden.” The Taliban did not make such an assertion when they claimed responsibility for the attack.

Citing intelligence “gathered from the area,” the official blamed Qari Tahir, a Taliban commander, for masterminding the attack. He alleged that four Pakistani nationals helped Tahir carry out the strike.

He said the intelligence also showed that the Chinook helicopter was brought down by multiple shots including “modern weapons” without giving further details.

The helicopter was attacked from either side of a valley, the only route to the Taliban-dominated Sayd Abad district in Wardak province where the attack happened late Friday, the official said.

“The Taliban knew which route the helicopter would take,” he added.

“That’s the only route, so they took position on the either side of the valley on mountains and as the helicopter approached, they attacked it with rockets and other modern weapons. It was brought down by multiple shots,” he said.

US helicopter shot down in Taliban trap: Afghan official | World | DAWN.COM
You mean like those who wish for Taliban rule in Afghanistan?

Lets be honest...few members here would actually like Taliban rule, they only resent American power. Natural enough, I would always support what would make my nation stronger, even if it were idiots that opposed what I considered a threat. (Ps ...we are not natural enemies of Pakistan, only of the policies Pakistan enacted out of a deep-seated fear of India, who I doubt wish you as ill as you imagine)

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