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NATO copter downed; Navy SEALs among the 30 U.S. dead

they want to be seen in some kind of position of strength --despite the fact that it's no secret that they are engaged in ''backchannel talks'' with NATO (for quite some time now, actually)

taleban no doubt has also taken huge losses; however they have the ability to recruit to make up for those losses due to financial reasons (they pay better), and also due to the fact that they are trying to ''market'' themselves as more of a nationalist resistance
Lets be honest...few members here would actually like Taliban rule, they only resent American power. Natural enough, I would always support what would make my nation stronger, even if it were idiots that opposed what I considered a threat. (Ps ...we are not natural enemies of Pakistan, only of the policies Pakistan enacted out of a deep-seated fear of India, who I doubt wish you as ill as you imagine)

You would have a right to oppose Taliban rule in USA. But in Afghanistan - let them mind their own business.
Why would the chain of command send in a Chinook, a HUGE, slow, not-very-maneuverable workhorse of a chopper, without some attack helicopters to protect it? ...The damn thing was a sitting duck. .... It was a slow, low altitude approach. The Chinooks can be heard from kilometers away when they are approaching. ...
& then they are claiming that it was a rescue mission,,,

& after initially admitting that they were the one's who took part in OBL-stage-play , they quickly realized implications of such announcement & CHANGED the statement that they were from same unit BUT not same guys ...
colonel said they were murdered!
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Rest In Piiss-Drinking Hell all American soldiers ...

they do as they are ordered.....you can't blame them or villify them. You can blame the foreign policy makers and top-brass who sent them there if you like.

even if you dont like them, have respect for the dead.....they had families too.
& then they are claiming that it was a rescue mission,,,

& after initially admitting that they were the one's who took part in OBL-stage-play , they quickly realized implications of such announcement & CHANGED the statement that they were from same unit BUT not same guys ...

no that's nonsense....they were sent in as they had reports the a ''top taleban leader'' was having presence there, presumably in some well guarded safehouse.

as far as i know, it was not a rescue operation....it was an offensive one.
they do as they are ordered.....you can't blame them or villify them. You can blame the foreign policy makers and top-brass who sent them there if you like.

even if you dont like them, have respect for the dead.....they had families too.
With due respect, Sorry brother, NO respect for murderers & for those who are causing "فساد" around the world .... EVEN if it's under orders of someone else ,,, they have brains & must use them ...
For those who cause "فساد" in the earth ... here's the ruling ...
Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth to cause corruption وَيَسْعَوْنَ فِى ٱلْأَرْضِ فَسَادً is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment, (that explains my above translation of the word "RIP")
With due respect, Sorry brother, NO respect for murderers & for those who are causing "فساد" around the world .... EVEN if it's under orders of someone else ,,, they have brains & must use them ..

soldiers are not involved in politics or making policy decisions....they just do as ordered whether its peacetime or war-time

even some of those soldiers may not know why they are there or whose fight they are fighting. But they do as ordered and dont ask questions.

For those who cause "فساد" in the earth ... here's the ruling ...
Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment, (that explains my above translation of the word "RIP")[/QUOTE]
With due respect, Sorry brother, NO respect for murderers & for those who are causing "فساد" around the world .... EVEN if it's under orders of someone else ,,, they have brains & must use them ...
For those who cause "فساد" in the earth ... here's the ruling ...
Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] فساد is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment, (that explains my above translation of the word "RIP")
1. It all started with 9/11. The culprits involved had roots in Afghanistan and were sheltered by Taliban. So "فساد" began from our side.
2. US has not waged a holy war against Islam.
1. It all started with 9/11. The culprits involved had roots in Afghanistan and were sheltered by Taliban. So "فساد" began from our side.
2. US has not waged a holy war against Islam.

& that all is a proven SCAM,,, US carried 911 herself, so "فساد" u r taking about was ALSO started by US themselves ... It's like causing DOUBLE-"فساد"

- & u missed the speech by Dajjali-Bush where he said it was a crusade...
& u also missed Nostradamus where he foresaw King Of Terror(America) bringing back to life Kings of Mongols(who massacred Muslims)...

The year 1999, seventh month,(Presidential Nomination of Dajjali-Bush)
From the sky will come a great King of Terror.(US air raids)
To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,(US killed Muslims like Mongols***)
Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.

***Mongols started attacks from present day Afghanistan & caused greatest damage in present-day Afghanistan & Iraq ,,, so did US, perfectly fitting the description "To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols" ... Defeat of Mongols started from Syria, & so is predicted in Ahadees that Romans will land around Syria & series of their defeats will start from there
U.S. Helo Crashed in Taliban Trap: Afghan Official

PULI ALAM, Afghanistan - The Taliban lured U.S. forces into an elaborate trap to shoot down their helicopter, killing 30 American troops in the deadliest such incident of the war, an Afghan official said Aug. 8.
The Taliban lured U.S. forces into an elaborate trap to shoot down their helicopter -- similar to this CH-47 Chinook -- an Afghan official said. (Pfc. Donald Watkins / Army)

A total of 38 people - 25 U.S. special forces members, five U.S. crew members, seven Afghan commandos plus an interpreter - were killed when their Chinook came down during an anti-Taliban operation late Aug. 5.

The crash marked the biggest single loss of life for American and NATO forces since the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan toppled the Taliban in late 2001, shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

The senior Afghan government official told AFP on condition of anonymity that Taliban commander Qari Tahir lured U.S. forces to the scene by tipping them off that a Taliban meeting was taking place.

He also said four Pakistanis helped Tahir carry out the strike.

"Now it's confirmed that the helicopter was shot down and it was a trap that was set by a Taliban commander," said the official, citing intelligence gathered from the area.

"The Taliban knew which route the helicopter would take," he added.

"That's the only route, so they took position on the either side of the valley on mountains and as the helicopter approached, they attacked it with rockets and other modern weapons. It was brought down by multiple shots."

The official, who spoke anonymously as he was not authorized to discuss the issue, also said President Hamid Karzai's U.S.-backed government "thinks" the attack was retaliation for the killing of Osama bin Laden.

The Taliban themselves did not make such an assertion on claiming responsibility for the attack, which took place in the Taliban-infested Sayd Abad district of Wardak province, just southwest of Kabul.

In Washington, the U.S. military said it was too early to say whether the helicopter had been lured into a trap.

"I would say any conclusion like that is premature until we conduct an investigation in terms of the facts. That's just speculation," Pentagon spokesman Col. Dave Lapan told reporters.

U.S. media reported the dead included members of the Navy's SEAL Team 6, the secretive unit behind the daring raid that killed bin Laden in Pakistan in May.

U.S. administration sources interviewed by AFP said the casualties did not include anyone who took part in the bin Laden raid on May 2.

When questioned about whether the attack was linked to a trap laid by a Taliban commander, the militia's spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said: "We have used various tactics over the past 10 years. This could also be a tactic. The informant could have been one of our comrades."

The NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) said the cause of the crash was still being investigated but issued a statement giving details of the moments before the fatal crash.

"The operation began as a security search for a Taliban leader responsible for insurgent operations in the nearby Tangi Valley," it said.

The first wave of ISAF ground troops exchanged fire with several insurgents with rocket-propelled grenades and AK-47s, killing several, the statement added.

"As the insurgents continued to fire, the combined force on the ground requested additional forces to assist the operation.

"Those additional personnel were inbound to the scene when the CH-47 (Chinook) carrying them crashed, killing all on board," it said.

Afghan officials said an insurgent rocket downed the helicopter, which was said to have broken into several parts after being hit.

The Pentagon said a Taliban rocket-propelled grenade was "believed" to have knocked out the chopper, which was carrying 22 Navy SEAL commandos, three Air Force special forces members and five Army personnel.

In eastern Afghanistan on Aug. 8, another helicopter made a "hard landing" in Paktya province, although no one was injured and there were no reports of insurgent fire, ISAF said.

U.S. President Barack Obama and his Afghan counterpart Karzai reaffirmed their commitment to the war "which is critical to the security of both our countries" on Aug. 7 in a telephone call following Friday's crash, the White House said.

There are currently around 140,000 foreign soldiers in Afghanistan, including about 100,000 U.S. troops.

All international combat troops are due to leave by the end of 2014, but intense violence in recent months, including a series of assassinations in the south, has raised questions about the capability of Afghan forces.
In my opinion he is just trying to catch the limelight.Usually Afghan Officials can't recognize their head from their A$$.
A second helicopter belonging to the US-led NATO coalition has crashed in Paktia Province in eastern Afghanistan, killing 33 US forces on board. per Press Tv ..( how reliable is this outlet?)

Taliban Spokesman Zabihullah Mojahid claimed responsibility for the crash, which occured in Zarmat city on Monday, saying 33 American troops were killed in the downing, a Press TV correspondent reported on Monday.

Separately, another NATO chopper made a hard landing in the same area in eastern Paktia province late Sunday, Afghan witnesses and officials told Press TV.

The US-led NATO forces have cordoned off the scene of the incident, witnesses said.

The incident has reportedly left some casualties, but there are no words yet on the exact number of the killed or injured.

The main cause of the incident is not clear yet.

Meanwhile, the US-led alliance issued a statement and confirmed that the helicopter made an emergency landing. The statement said no one was injured and that it has launched an investigation into the incident.

The incident came in the wake of a similar incident on Saturday, which claimed lives of 31 US forces.

Taliban claimed responsibility for Saturday helicopter crash, but NATO said it has started an investigation into the incident.

EDIT; seems it was already referenced in post 326.
there is another catch-

some one told the taliabns- hey would you like to kill those involved in OBL raid?-
talibans: yes
some one: ok here you go you got your revenge- Good Riddance- and plz stop making ur lives miserable as hell- let us leave afghanistan peacefully-

May the amrikan Rest in Pieces-
they do as they are ordered.....you can't blame them or villify them. You can blame the foreign policy makers and top-brass who sent them there if you like.

even if you dont like them, have respect for the dead.....they had families too.

yes, but who orders them to listen to songs like, 'die mot****fuc***'
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