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11 dead, 89 injured in E China train derailment


Friends are talking about the accident. these old trains are made by Kawasaki-CSR JV in 2004, not CSR own product CHR380 serials. and these trains are not high speed trains as spoken.

Are you suggesting that the Chinese are not aware that they are not bullet trains and yet calls them bullet trains. And the same classification is told to the foreign media and they publish it?

It is getting more confusing!

It is nice to know you know more about China than the Chinese authorities.
sometimes the behaviors of couple of Indian friends are really crazy....I am not sure that when they are suggesting or commenting on any of the incidents, are they sure that same thing applied to our own nation too?? I believe the purpose of this thread is more kind of informative rather than seeking any reason why this has happened ..When we guys are not able to solve a problem of rail accident that is happening in our country in each month and that to for a regular speed train...then i think we should be sensible enough to understand where do we stand in this matter..
Looks like Indians and Chinese are in a trolling mood.

A death is a death and it seems like both idiots from either side are hitting below the belt. Posts reported.
Minister of railroad would for sure to be replaced again.

There should be some serious investigation going on!!!

Does that mean a 'Re-Education Camp' or AK-47 bullet to the back of head.
Further off topic posts get a double point..
stick to the topic.
China fires 3 officials after deadly train crash

By Royston Chan and Maxim Duncan
updated 7/24/2011 10:21:48 AM ET 2011-07-24T14:21:48

WENZHOU, China — China sacked three senior railway officials on Sunday after a collision between two high-speed trains killed at least 43 people and raised new questions about the safety of the fast-growing rail network.

A bullet train on Saturday night hit another express which lost power following a lightning strike, state media said, in the country's deadliest rail disaster since 2008.

The power failure knocked out an electronic safety system designed to alert trains about stalled locomotives on the line.

As rescue teams and firefighters with excavators searched for survivors, state television said a 4-year-old boy and a male toddler had been pulled alive from the wreckage.

It was not known how many people were on the trains, which collided on a bridge near the city of Wenzhou in Zhejiang province, some 860 miles south of Beijing.

"The task for us now is to clear the debris and also to check for survivors in those areas that we have not gone to," said 35-year-old rescue worker Wang Jun. "Also, we are trying to get the railway line to be operational again."

More bodies found

Authorities moved quickly to assuage public anger by sacking the head of the Shanghai railway bureau, his deputy and the bureau's Communist Party chief, the Railways Ministry said in a statement on its website (??????????).

The three will "also be subject to investigation," the statement added.

Rescuers found more bodies on Sunday afternoon, bringing the death toll to 43. Almost 200 people remain in hospital, 12 of them in critical condition, the official Xinhua news agency said.

Two foreigners died in the accident, according to the semi-official China News Service, including a woman in her 20s.

Rail is the most popular method of long-distance transport in China and trains are usually crowded with as many as 1,000 passengers.

The reliability of China's rail network was called into question recently when the flagship Beijing-Shanghai high-speed line suffered a series of power outages soon after opening to great fanfare a month ago.

China's rail network has also been hit by a series of scandals. Three railway officials have been investigated for corruption this year, according to local media reports.

In February, Liu Zhijun was sacked as railways minister for "serious disciplinary violations." He led the rail sector's investment drive over the past decade.

Chinese internet users took to popular Twitter-like microblogging site Weibo to vent their anger about the accident, with some calling for Railways Minister Sheng Guangzu to resign, posting his picture online with a large red cross through it.

"The Railways Ministry should realize that passengers are not just little white mice," wrote Yang Chunxiao.

"Do you think officials are really trying to help? It's all for show," added A Cige.

Flying into the air

One train was heading from Beijing to the coastal city of Fuzhou, and the other was running from Hangzhou to Fuzhou.

Both trains were made by China South Locomotive and Rolling Stock Corp Ltd (CSR).

The force of the collision sent "the head of the train flying into the air," said Cai Qi, a 30-year-old villager who saw the accident and rescued five children, four women and one man. "Some of them had their hands or legs broken. Some were crushed inside debris and we pushed and carried them out."

"Suddenly, there was a loud bang," said 32-year-old survivor Yin Caohui. "After that, the train broke. It was all dark and we could not see anything."

A 31-year-old survivor, who gave his last name as Yu, said the train stopped suddenly and the lights immediately went off but the passengers "didn't think it was so serious."

"Only when we got down, we saw so many train carriages falling down," Yu said.

In 2008, an express train traveling from Beijing to the eastern coastal city of Qingdao derailed and collided with another train, killing 72 and injuring 416 people.
News network like Reuters and AP are more centered in China bashing by putting most likely negative views on China to western and probably world public perceptions, not trustworthy at all. I will prefer the local news better. That just me.
They had it coming.

They knew the risk of rushed development but ignored it anyways. Now with the quality problems showing, it's time they learned their lesson.
I do not think so. What the heck are you trying to say here???

Well I heard stories of underperforming , corrupt ministers being send to 'Re-education Camp'(Labour Camp) or executed in China just like what your govt did to that guy responsible for the baby food poisoning.
Oh,was that mind caused by some most awful images about execution had occured on the web?Half head blow away,too terrible.
sometimes the behaviors of couple of Indian friends are really crazy....I am not sure that when they are suggesting or commenting on any of the incidents, are they sure that same thing applied to our own nation too?? I believe the purpose of this thread is more kind of informative rather than seeking any reason why this has happened ..When we guys are not able to solve a problem of rail accident that is happening in our country in each month and that to for a regular speed train...then i think we should be sensible enough to understand where do we stand in this matter..

Before taking the high road, could you indicate where it was decided that this thread was informative and not discussion?

In India, there has been many railway accidents, major and minor and all are reported and there is always hue and cry and rightly so. Lives after all is not cheap.

We have rakes on licensed German design. The tracks are of British design and the signalling equipment is modern. But what of it? The maintenance and operation is Indian. Therefore, we are at fault and so it is the ministry and its faulty planning.

Now, has this ever been denied?

Has our railway been touted as a 'first' or a 'world beater'?

We are as good or bad as any.

Yet, if you notice the Chinese, they were passing off the blame to Swedish and Japanese rakes. Then they claimed it was not a Bullet Train when the newspapers the world over was stating it was Bullet Train.

Therefore, my friend, the difference, that you may have failed to notice, is that India does not live in denial.

The Chinese seem to be living in denial because of the loss of face and face is a big deal with the Chinese.

So, get the facts correct before being platitudinous.

There was just one Mahatma Gandhi produced by India!

Sino Soldier alone seems to be clear about the reality and what was the cause. I have said it many times over here too.

Accidents happen. Nobody can stop it.

However, the reality check is that what was the cause and how that can be ensured that it does not happen again with a loss of lives. Think about their relatives and family. For all one knows, many a breadwinner has perished. Anyone's heart would bleed for them!
Are you suggesting that the Chinese are not aware that they are not bullet trains and yet calls them bullet trains. And the same classification is told to the foreign media and they publish it?

It is getting more confusing!

It is nice to know you know more about China than the Chinese authorities.

I might tell you that he said is true, do you feel?
Before taking the high road, could you indicate where it was decided that this thread was informative and not discussion?

In India, there has been many railway accidents, major and minor and all are reported and there is always hue and cry and rightly so. Lives after all is not cheap.

We have rakes on licensed German design. The tracks are of British design and the signalling equipment is modern. But what of it? The maintenance and operation is Indian. Therefore, we are at fault and so it is the ministry and its faulty planning.

Now, has this ever been denied?

Has our railway been touted as a 'first' or a 'world beater'?

We are as good or bad as any.

Yet, if you notice the Chinese, they were passing off the blame to Swedish and Japanese rakes. Then they claimed it was not a Bullet Train when the newspapers the world over was stating it was Bullet Train.

Therefore, my friend, the difference, that you may have failed to notice, is that India does not live in denial.

The Chinese seem to be living in denial because of the loss of face and face is a big deal with the Chinese.

So, get the facts correct before being platitudinous.

There was just one Mahatma Gandhi produced by India!

Sino Soldier alone seems to be clear about the reality and what was the cause. I have said it many times over here too.

Accidents happen. Nobody can stop it.

However, the reality check is that what was the cause and how that can be ensured that it does not happen again with a loss of lives. Think about their relatives and family. For all one knows, many a breadwinner has perished. Anyone's heart would bleed for them!

Before you continue your tirade, whether to pay attention to the facts? Of course, I know you like a crab, like to spit out the foam. But I think it is worthless, you can also save the use of it
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