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Some Karzai Klassics


Jun 25, 2007
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This was a humerous reply..

He was found with nine tons of opium and heroin in his basement.
So what? Now there are hundreds of tons of heroin in basements across Helmand ... Drugs were three times less [under Akhunzada] than they are today. The province was in our hands. Schools were running, women's associations were running, clinics were running, hospitals were running, girls and boys were going to school. There was peace. We removed Akhunzada on the allegation of drug-running, and delivered the province to drug runners, the Taliban, to terrorists, to a threefold increase of drugs and poppy cultivation. To the closing of schools, to women being killed in the street. To complete lawlessness, and complete lack of sovereignty in Helmand for Afghanistan. Which condition is better?

The State of Afghanistan - TIME

......He was found with 9 tons of opium in his basement.....So what? :woot:

9 tons of opium in a basement should be proof enough that he's involved in something bad, and therefore he needs to be replaced by someone in the government that isn't such a druggie.

O.K., let's take someone else facing allegations of corruption and drug-manufacturing and smuggling ...
[You mean] my brother [Wali Karzai]. He was accused in 2004, after I refused to allow aerial spraying of poppies [by foreign counternarcotic forces]. My brother can also easily be accused [so as] to put pressure on me. Regardless of that, I took this seriously. I called the Americans, the British and the Europeans, and I repeatedly said, "Anything you have, let me know." And once, twice, three times, four, five, six times — nothing. Allegations have been there, but never have they come to me with proof. Privately they say, "President, we have nothing."

The State of Afghanistan - TIME

He seems to be denying his brother has anything to do with drugs here.

This was another slightly hysterical response of his to the Spiegel newspaper.

SPIEGEL: The south is the hub of drug smuggling. Is it possible that Ahmed Wali Karzai, one of the most influential politicians in Kandahar, who leads the provincial council, doesn't have the slightest idea what is going on or has nothing to do with it?

Karzai: Yes, it is very much possible. Our family has been influential in this part of the country for 300 years. I am the president of Afghanistan today, but I do not have the slightest idea who is involved in the drug business there. Nor is the drug dealing solely a problem for Afghanistan. The lion's share of the money goes to the international mafia and not to Afghans.

SPIEGEL Interview with Afghan President Hamid Karzai: 'I Wish I Had the Taliban as My Soldiers' - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News
Karzai and his brother Wali Karzai are protecing drug dealers and durg trade.

Wali Karzai is running a huge drug mafia that sends huge amount of fine heroin and opium to the Westeran markets and Europ.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai is also part of this drug trade along with ex-minister for anti-narcotics Wasafi .
well, karzai has always been at fore front to accuse Pakistan, he is merely playing the role of "puppet" for USA, "no law and order situation and no peace" gives the idea, how much karzai is sincere towards the development of Afghanistan, the thing is he is being deployed by the US, as he acts as an American agent, to maintain state of confusion in Afghanistan, U.S doesn't like Afghanistan to be strong and of course not by the hands of Talibans.

kerzai=kerz maangne waala.
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