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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

IMO tomorrows nasrallahs speech is going to be monumental as mentioned before by me he is not diplomatic rather he is a firebrand and whatever he says will not be for the sake of talking. High hopes.

Keep in mind a the end of the day he is a headstrong arab and even if he works with Iran he will have his own on.
Iraqi militias lie or exaggerate the majority of the time. I didn't see anything happen from Syria, only Lebanon.

Meanwhile, the US/Israel and others are trying to setup a humanitarian ceasefire' from 6AM to 6PM Gaza time. This is in my opinion to claim things have calmed down and not put Hezbollah and the other Iran led factions in a embarrassing position. That why Nasrallah can go on TV and say he and his party don't need to do anything.
You were doing so well today, what happened?

US admitted hundreds of attacks against its occupation bases in Syria and Iraq over the past months

Iraqi Resistance showed their Quds/Paveh LACM today

Anyway, Palestinians in the West Bank are starting to wake up, neutralised multiple IDF terrorists today

Do not accept this in any way Hamas. It is to cover for the hypocrites. And it does not help Gaza in any way. It covers for the hypocrites and attempts to displace all Palestinians from northern Gaza. You did not sacrifice this much only to cover for hypocrites at a crucial point.
Who are the hypocrites?
Genocidal US and Israeli pyschopaths are trying to use a temporary 'humatarian' ceasefire as means for ethnic cleansing. Saudi Arabia and Saudis your disgusting media and government is complicit in this too. You people should have some shame. Everyone is in on this, including those who backstabbed Hamas. This is a historic opportunity to force our hand and the losses are too severe to have it thrown away.
Palestinian source: Truce discussions include allowing movement from northern to southern Gaza

You were doing so well today, what happened?

US admitted hundreds of attacks against its occupation bases in Syria and Iraq over the past months

Iraqi Resistance showed their Quds/Paveh LACM today

Anyway, Palestinians in the West Bank are starting to wake up, neutralised multiple IDF terrorists today

Who are the hypocrites?

The hypocrites are as follows “ring ring oic monarch calls the others and says we are very concerned with what is happening okay bye.”

When he (NSA/CIA/MI6/DGSE/BND/Mossad/CSIS/AVID) asks if you proliferated theater range cruise missiles to non-state actors.


Genocidal US and Israeli pyschopaths are trying to use a temporary 'humatarian' ceasefire as means for ethnic cleansing. Saudi Arabia and Saudis your disgusting media and government is complicit in this too. You people should have some shame. Everyone is in on this, including those who backstabbed Hamas. This is a historic opportunity to force our hand and the losses are too severe to have it thrown away.
Palestinian source: Truce discussions include allowing movement from northern to southern Gaza

Don't know what to tell you man.

Saudi Government was never an ally to the cause, they are working on their own future. The Palestinian issue is just a nuisance to them. They are trying to tempt Egypt with money. If you are looking for Arab allies, you will find it among people, not governments, most if not all of them have deep vested interests in the western banking system. Qatar perhaps being the only exception. The rest are moving on. Sorry to say but this was apparent for quite a while.
When he (NSA/CIA/MI6/DGSE/BND/Mossad/CSIS/AVID) asks if you proliferated theater range cruise missiles to non-state actors.

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Would certainly be a shame if Iran exported cruise and ballistic missiles to Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen to rain hell on Israel from all directions without Iran even getting involved... ;)

Still waiting to see Houthi Toufan/Ghadr-F in action, Resistance Axis has many more levels of escalation to pursue, this is just a small taster as a warning to the Nazi-Zionist regime 🚀
So true coming from an Israeli yourself, as an outsider viewing it, senselessly killing humans every 3-5 years for over 75 years now, these 3 religions: Jews, Muslims, & Christians just can't live without killing on a piece of land involving the rest of world in it and propagating different narratives. So much human blood lost, so much suffering, so much extreme claims of wiping out each other and yet it never completely ends. This could have been much better handled, resolved with a lasting peace.

As you see it, Gaza destroyed, Israel badly hit, economy noose dived, US already suffering badly sponsoring billions in dollars, Iran and other regional powers supporting Hamas and Hezbollah and then the rest of world countries choose sides to support. What it all comes down more suffering, more heavy casualties and mentally badly wounded for years and years to come.

Request all the Defence.pk forum members who are Israelis, Palestinians, Egyptians, Arabs, Iranians, Turkish, Americans, British, Europeans, Russians, Ukrainians, Chinese, Asian Pacifies, Bangladeshis, Indians etc etc and many many other big countries' nationals contributing here with a large world viewership of this forum, a big question :

Is there ever an end to this madness? Is there a solution? Is there going to a winner?

Follow the money and you will end up in the Beltway politics of Washington DC. Fix it there and many/most problems of the world will be fixed. Watch what Prof. Jefferey Sachs says about the Military Industrial Complex: He says there is absolutely no need for these conflicts and the conflict with China is totally unnecessary. The global pie of resources is big enough for all.
Extreme opinion but mine: I think going forward Muslim heads of states should not make it a policy for their imams to pray for Palestinians going forward. We know why. Ridiculous.
Brother, I hope we are not “expoting “ them but exporting them. Jk but if we are expoting them then maybe that’s why they are not going to their destination. Not poking fun at you brother but at our useless nations who’s re watching a massacre but are silent.
Fixed it. Thanks

I'm a bit more optimistic on the outlook on the conflict. Until Israel starts receiving the blows that they inflict on Gaza, they will likely not stop. Hence, I think full scale conflict with all the non-state parties vs Israel is unavoidable eventually.
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