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Chinese social median overwhelmingly in support of Palestine, anti semitism raises head

But I think blaming Jew for the Opium War and Sino-Japanese wars are far fetched, people don't have to sensationalize them.
Weren't there at one point books being sold in China about how the Jews took over America?
Very glad that our brotherly ally China is saying it how it is. Russia is no different.
is it the same public that was locked at home for three years? LMAO
Everybody in the most of the West was locked in their homes.

Here in Canada there were 6pm and 8pm curfews in one province at one time. In most of thr country you couldn't have more than five people go into a grocery store to buy food stuffs.
As I said before..so that magically makes his attitude towards China worse than some Bible thumping Protestant?

As if having all US media owned by people like the Falwell family is going to suddenly improve things?
Protestants tend to function more individually while jews work collectively as if they have a hive mind, I think that may be why hostilities are more apparent and easily felt by some.
LOL..uh..any other people this reminds you of...take a wild guess.

Well thanks for the self-diagnosis of your own country. I can't agree more.
Chinese posters on pdf (I assume that is what you mean) are highly polarized and unrepresentative, but at least we go out of our way to learn English, come here and educate you. show some appreciation at least!

ever come to a Chinese forum?
I do appreciate how sad and pathetic one must be to threaten strangers on the internet with physical violence. Get help from a qualified mental health professional.
You were being a prick but I shouldn’t have lost my cool. Shit happens.
I’d be really worried when wumao’s such as yourself leave the west and return to China for good. But it’s the opposite the Chinese are trying to sneak into our borders in record numbers.
haha sounds like you lost your bearings old man. Happens when your country has turned black/brown muslim and LGBT at the same time. Why would I leave Australia? Its not a white country lol whites are not indigenous here but don't worry France will be new liberian republic while china keeps chugging along hitting new heights each year. Better be nice to the black and browns they going to spit in ur food in the nursing home where ur heading soon so better learn to kowtow to them lol
haha sounds like you lost your bearings old man. Happens when your country has turned black/brown muslim and LGBT at the same time. Why would I leave Australia? Its not a white country lol whites are not indigenous here but don't worry France will be new liberian republic while china keeps chugging along hitting new heights each year. Better be nice to the black and browns they going to spit in ur food in the nursing home where ur heading soon so better learn to kowtow to them lol
You are ‘free’ to live where you want as a citizen of a ‘free’ and democratic nation. Although, you repeatedly and boisterously extol the virtues of motherland China you know you will never go back not by the hair on your chinny chin chin.. :lol:
You are ‘free’ to live where you want as a citizen of a ‘free’ and democratic nation. Although, you repeatedly and boisterously extol the virtues of motherland China you know you will never go back not by the hair on your chinny chin chin.. :lol:
You make a lot of assumptions for being an old man with dementia lol. The fact that you think there is 'freedom' anywhere shows how low intellect you are. There is no freedom anywhere in the world because as long as human beings live together there will always be rules and social customs to adhere too. Even in South Australia we are known as the nanny state because the government cracks down on everything we do and say/act. You are just a pebble with a pitiful IQ and an even lower paycheck trying to understand things that are too complicated for your peanut sized brain lol. Do the one thing that isn't too complicated and KOWTOW to your new brown/black/muslim overlords and worry less about Chyyynnnaaaa
haha sounds like you lost your bearings old man. Happens when your country has turned black/brown muslim and LGBT at the same time. Why would I leave Australia? Its not a white country lol whites are not indigenous here but don't worry France will be new liberian republic while china keeps chugging along hitting new heights each year. Better be nice to the black and browns they going to spit in ur food in the nursing home where ur heading soon so better learn to kowtow to them lol
LOL you want to simp, maybe simp for a country with more toilets per population.
LOL you want to simp, maybe simp for a country with more toilets per population.
When i read the word 'simp' it showed me literally that you are a 45year old fat guy living in mums attic masturbating to teenage japanese **** so I won't disgust myself in wasting time with lowly degenerates. Even to reply to you is like giving a meth addict money which makes you feel disgusted lol anyways welcome to the 'block' part so i don't have to gross myself out with 45 year olds who use the word 'simp' constantly and second favorite word is 'alpha' no doubt.

China-born Israeli woman Noa Argamani among those 'kidnapped by Hamas terrorists', embassy in Beijing says​

South China Morning Post
Mon, October 9, 2023 at 4:30 PM GMT+7·3 min read

A Beijing-born Chinese-Israeli woman named Noa Argamani was among people abducted by Hamas as the militant group raided a music festival near the border with Gaza, the Israeli embassy in China has confirmed.
"Noa is a Chinese-Israeli ... born in Beijing. At the time, Noa was attending a peace music festival in southern Israel when she was kidnapped by Hamas terrorists and taken from Israel to Gaza," the embassy said on its official Weibo account, the Chinese version of X, formerly Twitter.
A video clip posted on the account showed the 25-year-old screaming "Don't kill me. No, no, no" while being taken away on a motorcycle from an outdoor music festival near Israel's border with Gaza, as she stretched out her arms towards her boyfriend being marched alongs by militants.
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Argamani, whose mother is Chinese, is among dozens of hostages believed to be in Hamas captivity following the militant group's surprise multi-front attack on Israel in the early hours of Saturday.
Tel Aviv has responded with air strikes on Gaza, after declaring war and vowing to destroy the "military and governing capabilities" of Hamas, which controls the blockaded Gaza Strip.
The engineering student from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in southern Israel is less than a week shy of her 26th birthday, according to her Instagram and Facebook accounts.
"She was so petrified, so scared, I was always so protective, but at this moment I couldn't protect her," her father Yaakov Argamani said in a video clip shared on an Instagram account put together by her family to help find her.
He had been hoping it was all untrue when initially notified of a circulating video clip purportedly showing his daughter being kidnapped from the Nova music festival.
"I was hoping this is a mistake and this is not true," he says in the Instagram clip posted on Monday, showing footage from his interview with local Israeli media.
But when he saw the video for himself, "Then I knew for sure it was Noa," he said.
The Organisation for Assistance to Chinese Businesses in Israel (ACBI) confirmed to the Post on Monday that her mother is Chinese.

Israeli soldiers take cover during a missile attack next to the border with Gaza, near Siderot in southern Israel on Monday. Photo: EPA-EFE alt=Israeli soldiers take cover during a missile attack next to the border with Gaza, near Siderot in southern Israel on Monday. Photo: EPA-EFE>
The Chinese foreign ministry said it was "verifying the situation".
"I have noticed the relevant reports. We have always been opposed to violence and attacks against civilians. My colleagues are verifying the situation, so I don't have any information to provide at the moment," ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said in response to media queries on the woman's apparent abduction and whether she is a Chinese citizen.
Four Chinese nationals have been reported missing amid the continuing violence and chaos, while three others have been injured, latest ACBI reports said. The number has yet to be confirmed by Chinese authorities.
More than 700 Israelis have been killed and over 2,000 injured, the Israeli embassy in China said on Monday.
Health authorities in the Gaza Strip said nearly 500 people had been killed and more than 2,750 wounded in the Israeli counter-attack as of Monday morning.
China has called for "calm and restraint" and an immediate ceasefire, with a foreign ministry statement on Sunday saying Beijing was "deeply concerned about the current escalation of tension and violence" in the decades-old conflict between Israel and Palestinian fighters.
The Post has also reached out to Ben-Gurion University of the Negev for comment.
This article originally appeared in the South China Morning Post (SCMP), the most authoritative voice reporting on China and Asia for more than a century. For more SCMP stories, please explore the SCMP app or visit the SCMP's Facebook and Twitter pages. Copyright © 2023 South China Morning Post Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2023. South China Morning Post Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved.

When i read the word 'simp' it showed me literally that you are a 45year old fat guy living in mums attic masturbating to teenage japanese **** so I won't disgust myself in wasting time with lowly degenerates.
Could be worse, I could be Chinese,
The Chinese people are generally apathetic to international conflicts and they also have negative opinions of Muslims, especially practising ones. So definitely going into this they will be pro-Israeli leaning.

Only after finding out more about the facts about how brutal and inhumane the occupation truly is where even the water, medical and food supplies are controlled by the Israelis and they can essentially kill people and children at will, do the Chinese begin to have some sympathy leaning towards the Palestinian side.

Israel is also a strong ally of the USA and west and seen part of that block which helps. But overall Chinese are very weary of Muslims, and Muslim resistance always takes religion at its core so they instantly feel weary of the morale stance to take.
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