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Will USA/Europe loose Pakistan after Saudia Arabia & Iran part ways with America/Europe

The region is not a buyer, it's an exporter. The market is europe and US. Otherwise you are dealing in peanuts.

China and India got rich from trade with the west. Even Mexico does $350 billion a year in exports just by bordering the US.

Truer words have never been spoken so concisely on this topic!
Here people want a rupture with America. You know, the 'Haqiqi Azadi' types! Either they are ignorant of Pakistan's reliance on the trade with the Americans and their rich allies, or they don't mean Pakistanis well! A mere flick of Biden's pen, without even involving the UN, would cause an economic catastrophe in Pakistan!
There are many ways Americans can really punish Saudi Arabia, starting with freezing assets, sanctions, hostile America backed global press, opening cases based on fake 9/11 ties with terrorists, leaking CIA documents about the personal lives of royal family of Saudi Arabia.
It is obvious that Saudi Arabia is slightly drifting away from America but I haven't yet seen the American press in aggressive hostile mode against Saudi Arabia. Watch what the Washington Post and NY Times say. But right now there are still strong ties--very strong ties. Perhaps the Saudis are hoping for a Trump 2024? But another Biden term and continued MBS-led drifting away may very well mean a deep rupture after the 2024 elections. MBS's physical safety itself will be in grave danger.
WP and NYT are the mouthpieces of the Neo-cons. They are the indicators of what the Deep state will do.

A change in US leadership will change nothing. The economic fundamentals will push Saudi Arabia from the US, and America's reaction will be from the Deep state regardless of the actor in the chair.

The press has been remarkably quiet on what is a shifting of the tectonic plates.
Under the command of the Generals, Europe and US will never lose Pakistan. Generals are slaves to the Anglo race.
WP and NYT are the mouthpieces of the Neo-cons. They are the indicators of what the Deep state will do.
A change in US leadership will change nothing. The economic fundamentals will push Saudi Arabia from the US, and America's reaction will be from the Deep state regardless of the actor in the chair.
The press has been remarkably quiet on what is a shifting of the tectonic plates.

The Deep State is all powerful but the personal inclinations of American Presidents still carry some weight and also which lobbies are more successful in installing their President does play a role in a President's policies. The most glaring example of that is the hard-work by Obama's team for many years to make the JCPOA was undone by Trump in a very short time. There are probably many such instances for not only domestic politics but also for geopolitics. It is not entirely true that the American political class is some kind of Borg with long term geopolitical goals, acting in unison.

Saudi Arabia is seeking economic opportunities in its east and north--slightly defying America right now-- but their ruling class must be very conscious the potentially huge economic and 'image' backlash AND for their personal survival. Nobody walks away willingly from such influence built over decades and tens of billions of dollars every year. It's just geopolitics.

But, yes, the press is fairly quite except for the likes of Tucker Carson but he has been kicked out.
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