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PMLN and the Amritsari Vote

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The crooks act like they were from some Royal Family or Kingdom reality is from Amritsar

Petty jobs for family

Karachi province will be a rallying cry for Sindhudeshis and PPP supporters.

They will fight tooth and nail against it.

Yes, and that's why nothing will change. The army will fight for its privileges, the bureaucracy, judiciary and police will fight to protect their corruption. The criminals in parliament will fight to hang on to their electoral districts.

No one in power wants a change, and because they control everything we're not going to get any substantial change.

All Imran Khan and PTI are fighting for is to go back to the time they were in power. PTI is better than PMLN/PPP etc. but it's not in their agenda or in their power to bring about substantial change.

The best case scenario is that there will be typical semi-rigged elections, and life will continue as before.
Karachi province will be a rallying cry for Sindhudeshis and PPP supporters.

They will fight tooth and nail against it.

& rightfully so

Yes, and that's why nothing will change. The army will fight for its privileges, the bureaucracy, judiciary and police will fight to protect their corruption. The criminals in parliament will fight to hang on to their electoral districts.

No one in power wants a change, and because they control everything we're not going to get any substantial change.

All Imran Khan and PTI are fighting for is to go back to the time they were in power. PTI is better than PMLN/PPP etc. but it's not in their agenda or in their power to bring about substantial change.

The best case scenario is that there will be typical semi-rigged elections, and life will continue as before.

Karachi should have a London like status in Sindh.
If we compare, there's more support for PMLN in Punjab than actual Pashtun nationalist parties in KPK 🤔

Why is that exactly?
Why would you assume PML-N is a nationalist party?

It's more akin to PTI than PTM, ANP. So, you might as well be making the argument "If punjab isn't nationalist, why do they support PTI"
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Someone has to say it, so I will.

PMLN's hardcore voter base are mainly East Punjabis (called Amritsari) who immigrated to central Punjab in and around 1947. This is where PMLN gets the majority of its support from. When I say Amritsari, I’m referring to the East Punjab Muslim elites/landlords/British bootlickers who were part of the Punjab Unionist Party at one time.

Today they support and view PMLN no differently than how some Urdu speakers in Karachi viewed MQM in the past- the difference between the two communities couldn’t be any different. Urdu speakers seem to have evolved over the past 75 years and have always been racially profiled as not being “real Pakistanis” despite always defending their identity and referring to themselves as Pakistani only.

PMLN supporters are still impressed by paved roads being called “gifts”. What’s also interesting is how they like to maintain a separate identity from the “other Punjabis”. You’ll notice them intermarrying and trying to keep the wealth and power they’ve amassed within the community.

PMLN today was not around in 1947, and it would be foolish to assume that this Zia ul Haq invented political party is a continuation of the original Muslim League. We all know how Zia’s former predecessor deposed of Fatima Jinnah.

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Rather, PMLN has disturbing similarities with the former Punjab Unionist Party which disappeared in 1947.

They too were heavily dominated by East Punjabi Muslims. Funny enough, they opposed Pakistan's independence and represented to views of the landlords and wealthy elite of Punjab - sound familiar?

I'm not saying all Amritsaris vote for PMLN, and I'm not saying all Urdu speakers vote for MQM, but what I'm noticing is how the hardcore PMLN supporters narrative is slowly beginning to change its tone from a fake nationalist view to a fake "Punjabi" view, which is disingenuous.

1. East Punjabis don't represent the majority of Punjab's population.

2. PMLN's entire leadership actually consist of Kashmiri immigrants to East Punjab. Ethnically Nawaz Sharif's entire family are all Kashmiris, who settled in East Punjab at the turn of the 19th century due to famine in the Kashmir Valley.

Hilariously, most Kashmiris from the valley disown them and the Sharif’s themselves regard Jati Umra as their ancestral home.

If I’m trying further trying to dig a hole for the Pakistan Dalla Movement on social media, I would push this narrative hard. These people have never had Pakistan’s interests at heart…ever.

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It is fact there is a huge cultural difference between these Amritsari clans vs Central and South Punjab. South Punjab is more culturally blended, but extremely high octane to take over the leadership of the rest of Punjab.
It is fact there is a huge cultural difference between these Amritsari clans vs Central and South Punjab. South Punjab is more culturally blended, but extremely high octane to take over the leadership of the rest of Punjab.

@M. Sarmad
It is fact there is a huge cultural difference between these Amritsari clans vs Central and South Punjab. South Punjab is more culturally blended, but extremely high octane to take over the leadership of the rest of Punjab.

Amritsar is (and always has been) central Punjab ... What are you even trying to say?

As for South Punjab, yes, it has a slightly different culture and language/dialect than Central Punjab
Amritsar is (and always has been) central Punjab ... What are you even trying to say?

As for South Punjab, yes, it has a slightly different culture and language/dialect than Central Punjab
well, massive migration after 1947. Demographic change after the creation of Pakistan.
Thanks. You said amritsri and I thought your ancestors must have migrated to Pakistani punjab.

In my mind.
East Punjabi muslims migrated to west punjab.
Urdu speakers migrated to urban sindh.
As Urdu speakers (Indians) came, they started this whole religious division thing starting with Maududi of Jamaat e Islami at the helm inspiring a whole generation including even Zia ul Haq. Moreover, as they migrated to Sindh they took control over bureaucracy forcing Ayub Khan to shift the capital to Islamabad. who probably made the best decision. As MQM (muhajir quomi movement) came into limelight as a terrorist organization backed by India's RAW, Karachi became even more shittier. I will not generalize to say all Urdu speakers are bad but if people are going to diss East Punjabis, who btw are part of the Indus civilization, sons of the soil, why can't we bring up Urdu speakers who continue not to blend in within our society, disrespecting Sindhi culture. If you view Sindhi nationalism from the perspective of an average man, it is rightfully justified.
cap, time out- calling you out on this baloney, this title is offensive toward a good chunk of patriotic Pakistanis
edit it out please
I have already made it clear above that not all are bad. But if some people are going to diss East Punjabis who are our sons of the soil, then why don't I have the right to raise the behaviour of a certain group which as immigrants chose to stay immigrants, disowning an ethnic group's culture who gave them a shelter and like Afghans who live in our country ungratefully resort to racism and terrorism and even attempting to break a city away to form an independent state.
@Neelo @HAIDER

We get that you don't like PMLN (we don't either) but you don't have to concoct stupid theories to demonize PMLN supporters and 'otherize' them

As per 1951 census, settlers from East Punjab constituted 25.6 % of total population of Pakistani Punjab. i.e. every fourth person in Punjab was a "settler from East Punjab". Punjabi immigrants got easily assimilated in the host society as there were no cultural or lingual differences and many of them already shared beraderi linkages with the local population and it was not difficult for them to find bonds with them. As a result of frequent inter-marriages the settlers from East Punjab got fully absorbed into the local population and lost their separate identity just after one generation and today it's virtually impossible to distinguish them apart.
Why would you assume PML-N is a nationalist party?

It's more akin to PTI than PTM, ANP. So, you might as well be making the argument "If punjab isn't nationalist, why do they support PTI"

PMLN was race baiting during the zaman park thing, that's why its an ethnic nationalist party.
MQM is an Indian party. RAW backed and armed them in attempt to make Karachi an independent state. There is no party in Pakistan like that. You need to get your head checked.
What are you saying? All parties are Indian parties. PTI, PML (N), PPP, MQM, etc. Your laadla (Imran Khan) also is our asset.

Actually army is the best bet currently for Pakistan. They are the ones most and fiercely patriotic.

I don't know why all PDF members are pretending otherwise. Probably because all of you are members of political parties.

@Mangus Ortus Novem
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