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How 20 million Pakistanis defeated 500 million indians in 2 wars (1948, 1965) captured from them a territory larger then Austria or Czech Republic

He didn't say anything wrong, it's just the harsh reality

Yeah the harsh reality the poorest country in the world has more poverty than Africa. It's people live in worse conditions than Africans. It doesn't take a Pakistani to see this obvious common sense reality: https://beyondhighbrow.com/2010/06/29/india-is-a-shithole/

India should catch up to Africa before being compared to Pakistan despite Pakistan itself suffering from poverty and backwardness.
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Yeah the harsh reality the poorest country in the world has more poverty than Africa. It's people live in worse conditions than Africans. It doesn't take a Pakistani to see this obvious common sense reality: https://beyondhighbrow.com/2010/06/29/india-is-a-shithole/

India should catch up to Africa before being compared to Pakistan despite Pakistan itself suffering from poverty and backwardness.

Completely agree.. India has higher poverty rate then Africa that itself is not a fluke..

They have 1.4b population so they see the GDP and assume that is money? Lmao it is basically food and what everyone of these 1.4b eat.. That GDP is way way to low for 1.4B I would say criminally low
Are you the typical leftist Muhajir on your usual 20 + year old "India's developing" rant? You've been ranting it for over 20 years, isn't it getting old now?

Pakistan has missiles that can hit anywhere in India not just the North.

In a nuclear war, all of India would be destroyed and vice versa. There is no imaginary force field protecting the rest of India from Pakistan counter missile attacks.

So you think having the world's largest poor population is an example of development? What about the fact that it's one of the world's dirtiest and filthiest? More poverty than all of Africa https://www.etindia.org/more-poor-in-india-than-africa/

So much for economic growth. I'll bet countries with smaller economies like Qatar or Denmark are dying of jealousy :mad:

Isn't it time the muhajir left and their wishful Sindhi elite sidekicks get a reality check? No disrespect to all Muhajirs.
No sir

I was born and raised in Lahore, and eventually I immigrated to Canada. Actually today I got my Canadian passport, Alhumdulillah.

I really have no idea why you have mentioned Muhajir/Sindhi in your reply to my post.

My post is simply a reflection of what I have read, observed and watched online. I have seen how Indians have truly dominated the STEM outsourcing; have earned the trust of big multinationals; and wage their soft power unlike Pakistan. In fact, today I was interviewed by Apple California, and the interviewer was an Indian.

Having nuclear weapons and the ability for MAD is not an indicator of success. Today's world is run on economics. I recently discussed the economic disparity of India vis a vis Pakistan with an Rt. Major General of Pakistan Army, and he acknowledged that India has done well on economic front than Pakistan.

'India is doing better than Pakistan' should be taken as an eye opener to improve ourselves instead of any perceived provocation.
No sir

I was born and raised in Lahore, and eventually I immigrated to Canada. Actually today I got my Canadian passport, Alhumdulillah.

I really have no idea why you have mentioned Muhajir/Sindhi in your reply to my post.

My post is simply a reflection of what I have read, observed and watched online. I have seen how Indians have truly dominated the STEM outsourcing; have earned the trust of big multinationals; and wage their soft power unlike Pakistan. In fact, today I was interviewed by Apple California, and the interviewer was an Indian.

Having nuclear weapons and the ability for MAD is not an indicator of success. Today's world is run on economics. I recently discussed the economic disparity of India vis a vis Pakistan with an Rt. Major General of Pakistan Army, and he acknowledged that India has done well on economic front than Pakistan.

'India is doing better than Pakistan' should be taken as an eye opener to improve ourselves instead of any perceived provocation.

The Bangladeshi Taka is 103 per USD to 82 INR. The Pakistani Rupee is 225.

@Imran Khan
Completely agree.. India has higher poverty rate then Africa that itself is not a fluke..

They have 1.4b population so they see the GDP and assume that is money? Lmao it is basically food and what everyone of these 1.4b eat.. That GDP is way way to low for 1.4B I would say criminally low

Never trust India's GDP figures, it never has tangible progress on the ground to back those numbers up.
I just watched the first few minutes but got the gist and stopped because I must save my 1.5 GB data limit. They are software skins of programmes also floating on PDF by names of @Sayfullah, @Areesh and @Mujahid Memon. These programmes are ritualists and literalists and never-thinkers so If they had been living in Hazrat Muhammad's times they would even declare that Hazrat Muhammad was a "Ghustak-e-rasool" because he ghustak'ed some previous rasool. These ritualist programmes are seeded by a superboss called NATO whose recent imams have included Obomba, B'liar and Sarkozy.

These ritualist programmes seeded by NATO go about Indian roads carrying banners of "Pehle hijab, phir kitaab" while in Iran the people chant "Zan, Zindagi, Azaadi". These ritualists programmes in India no more Muslim than Savarkar, Vallabhbhai Patel and Pramod Muthalik.

Including this lovely ? :enjoy:
Shut up pervert
I just watched the first few minutes but got the gist and stopped because I must save my 1.5 GB data limit. They are software skins of programmes also floating on PDF by names of @Sayfullah, @Areesh and @Mujahid Memon. These programmes are ritualists and literalists and never-thinkers so If they had been living in Hazrat Muhammad's times they would even declare that Hazrat Muhammad was a "Ghustak-e-rasool" because he ghustak'ed some previous rasool. These ritualist programmes are seeded by a superboss called NATO whose recent imams have included Obomba, B'liar and Sarkozy.

These ritualist programmes seeded by NATO go about Indian roads carrying banners of "Pehle hijab, phir kitaab" while in Iran the people chant "Zan, Zindagi, Azaadi". These ritualists programmes in India no more Muslim than Savarkar, Vallabhbhai Patel and Pramod Muthalik.

Including this lovely ? :enjoy:
Shut up bhangi
During the battle of Badr, proph.Mohamed rallied troops saying "one Muslim equals 10 kafirs".

Yahya Khan told his troops "one Pak equals 10 Indians".

Now this genius thinks he knows better than the prophet and Yahya khan and has come up with a 1:25 ratio.

CCP should deal with this very carefully. Otherwise somebody will claim 1 pkr equants 1m usd while paying cpec interest.
Shut up bhangi

there is nothing to respond

Titanium, there is much to respond to. You and Mujahid claim to be Muslims and to prove that, Mujahid has the image of a hijabi in his profile picture, but by using "Bhangi" as a slur against me you two haven't rid yourself of the Hindu caste system your ancestors believed in or had to live within. You two make a mockery out of the oppression that the Dalits and Shudras have had to live for the 3000 years that Hinduism has been within India. What gives you the right to discriminate against humans on the basis of artificial privilege or the lack of - political privilege, social and socio-economic ? I am sure you keep in your Pakistani houses those "famous" Pakistani Bully Kutta dogs. So you respect filthy, chaos-bringing and evil dogs more than fellow humans.

You claim to be Muslim but don't acknowledge the oppressions against Hazrat Bilal before he became a comrade of Hazrat Muhammad and even after he started believing in Islam. You two I am very sure are very strict about your prayers, not missing even one in the day, but don't remember Hazrat Bilal who was the first caller to the Islamic prayer - the Muazzin. He was a Black man and had been a slave, a oppressed slave, and endured torture upon accepting the beliefs in Islam because it was a leftist system speaking against oppression by a human of another human, something that brought rights to every human, especially the female. Something that overthrew the priesthood and idolatry and irrationality.

Below is from what is said to be the last sermon of Hazrat Muhammad :
"Allah has forbidden you to take usury, therefore all interest obligation shall henceforth be waived. Your capital is yours to keep .You will neither inflict nor suffer any inequality. Allah has judged that there shall be no interest and that all interest due to Abbas Ibn 'Aal-Muttalib be waived."
"All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a White has no superiority over a Black nor a Black has any superiority over a White except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly."
You two are following none of this. You participate in Capitalism, you inflict inequality amongst humans ( by using "Bhangi" as slur against me ), you think you with your Nordic white skin are somehow superior to the dark-skinned Bhangi me, you do not consider me as a Muslim brother... So how exactly are you two Muslims other than going to the mosque 30 times a day and going on hajj three times every five years, in the manner of a committed Brahman ?

Both of you are despised by the more powerful Western society but you in turn despise me instead of using the hate against you to develop empathy, gentleness and thoughtfulness in the manner of a cat and being in solidarity with the oppressed of the world. :lol: You call me "Bhangi", well fine, but I call you mullahs as murtad because you bring in ritualisms to hide the various oppressions you inflict upon humans against which Hazrat Muhammad had appealed.

What are you in intellect compared to me ? You cannot approach my intellect and work in a light year. You two are mullahs who are seeded by NATO and paradropped upon progressive Muslim-majority societies to destroy them on behalf of NATO. It was you who helped destroy the Libyan Jamahiriya from where I derive my member name. Watch and listen to this Libyan girl speaking defiant in a message to Obomba, Sarkozy and Cameron and the Gulfie kings as their planes and ships bombarded Libya and as their tens of thousands of murtad mullah dogs in form of Al Qaeda and so-called Muslim Brotherhood savaged the land and slaughtered the people including hanging Blacks from cranes because the Blacks were the despised Blacks like I am the despised Bhangi for Mujahid and Titanium. However, this pretty and brave Libyan girl rejects you :

By doing all this you two - Mujahid Memon and Titanium100 - go out the folds of Islam and why Islam, out of the folds of civilized humanity. You commit blasphemy. For the last few days I have been tagging mod @PakSword who had banned me for a week on charge of blasphemy on a complaint by another murtad mullah @Areesh. Now that PakSword has clearly seen who has committed blasphemy ( Mujahid and Titanium ), has clearly gone against the real tenets of Islam, I will ask him to ban these two mullahs. If he doesn't do that he stand himself a mullah and must vacate his modship.

@Rusty2 @Imran Khan @SQ8 @Foinikas, am I right ?

@Olympus81, you did a Ha Ha for Mujahid's slurring me. You want to be slotted into the same category as them ?
Titanium, there is much to respond to. You and Mujahid claim to be Muslims and to prove that, Mujahid has the image of a hijabi in his profile picture, but by using "Bhangi" as a slur against me you two haven't rid yourself of the Hindu caste system your ancestors believed in or had to live within. You two make a mockery out of the oppression that the Dalits and Shudras have had to live for the 3000 years that Hinduism has been within India. What gives you the right to discriminate against humans on the basis of artificial privilege or the lack of - political privilege, social and socio-economic ? I am sure you keep in your Pakistani houses those "famous" Pakistani Bully Kutta dogs. So you respect filthy, chaos-bringing and evil dogs more than fellow humans.

You claim to be Muslim but don't acknowledge the oppressions against Hazrat Bilal before he became a comrade of Hazrat Muhammad and even after he started believing in Islam. You two I am very sure are very strict about your prayers, not missing even one in the day, but don't remember Hazrat Bilal who was the first caller to the Islamic prayer - the Muazzin. He was a Black man and had been a slave, a oppressed slave, and endured torture upon accepting the beliefs in Islam because it was a leftist system speaking against oppression by a human of another human, something that brought rights to every human, especially the female. Something that overthrew the priesthood and idolatry and irrationality.

Below is from what is said to be the last sermon of Hazrat Muhammad :

You two are following none of this. You participate in Capitalism, you inflict inequality amongst humans ( by using "Bhangi" as slur against me ), you think you with your Nordic white skin are somehow superior to the dark-skinned Bhangi me, you do not consider me as a Muslim brother... So how exactly are you two Muslims other than going to the mosque 30 times a day and going on hajj three times every five years, in the manner of a committed Brahman ?

Both of you are despised by the more powerful Western society but you in turn despise me instead of using the hate against you to develop empathy, gentleness and thoughtfulness in the manner of a cat and being in solidarity with the oppressed of the world. :lol: You call me "Bhangi", well fine, but I call you mullahs as murtad because you bring in ritualisms to hide the various oppressions you inflict upon humans against which Hazrat Muhammad had appealed.

What are you in intellect compared to me ? You cannot approach my intellect and work in a light year. You two are mullahs who are seeded by NATO and paradropped upon progressive Muslim-majority societies to destroy them on behalf of NATO. It was you who helped destroy the Libyan Jamahiriya from where I derive my member name. Watch and listen to this Libyan girl speaking defiant in a message to Obomba, Sarkozy and Cameron and the Gulfie kings as their planes and ships bombarded Libya and as their tens of thousands of murtad mullah dogs in form of Al Qaeda and so-called Muslim Brotherhood savaged the land and slaughtered the people including hanging Blacks from cranes because the Blacks were the despised Blacks like I am the despised Bhangi for Mujahid and Titanium. However, this pretty and brave Libyan girl rejects you :

By doing all this you two - Mujahid Memon and Titanium100 - go out the folds of Islam and why Islam, out of the folds of civilized humanity. You commit blasphemy. For the last few days I have been tagging mod @PakSword who had banned me for a week on charge of blasphemy on a complaint by another murtad mullah @Areesh. Now that PakSword has clearly seen who has committed blasphemy ( Mujahid and Titanium ), has clearly gone against the real tenets of Islam, I will ask him to ban these two mullahs. If he doesn't do that he stand himself a mullah and must vacate his modship.

@Rusty2 @Imran Khan @SQ8 @Foinikas, am I right ?

@Olympus81, you did a Ha Ha for Mujahid's slurring me. You want to be slotted into the same category as them ?

Shut up pervert
Titanium, there is much to respond to. You and Mujahid claim to be Muslims and to prove that, Mujahid has the image of a hijabi in his profile picture, but by using "Bhangi" as a slur against me you two haven't rid yourself of the Hindu caste system your ancestors believed in or had to live within. You two make a mockery out of the oppression that the Dalits and Shudras have had to live for the 3000 years that Hinduism has been within India. What gives you the right to discriminate against humans on the basis of artificial privilege or the lack of - political privilege, social and socio-economic ? I am sure you keep in your Pakistani houses those "famous" Pakistani Bully Kutta dogs. So you respect filthy, chaos-bringing and evil dogs more than fellow humans.

You claim to be Muslim but don't acknowledge the oppressions against Hazrat Bilal before he became a comrade of Hazrat Muhammad and even after he started believing in Islam. You two I am very sure are very strict about your prayers, not missing even one in the day, but don't remember Hazrat Bilal who was the first caller to the Islamic prayer - the Muazzin. He was a Black man and had been a slave, a oppressed slave, and endured torture upon accepting the beliefs in Islam because it was a leftist system speaking against oppression by a human of another human, something that brought rights to every human, especially the female. Something that overthrew the priesthood and idolatry and irrationality.

Below is from what is said to be the last sermon of Hazrat Muhammad :

You two are following none of this. You participate in Capitalism, you inflict inequality amongst humans ( by using "Bhangi" as slur against me ), you think you with your Nordic white skin are somehow superior to the dark-skinned Bhangi me, you do not consider me as a Muslim brother... So how exactly are you two Muslims other than going to the mosque 30 times a day and going on hajj three times every five years, in the manner of a committed Brahman ?

Both of you are despised by the more powerful Western society but you in turn despise me instead of using the hate against you to develop empathy, gentleness and thoughtfulness in the manner of a cat and being in solidarity with the oppressed of the world. :lol: You call me "Bhangi", well fine, but I call you mullahs as murtad because you bring in ritualisms to hide the various oppressions you inflict upon humans against which Hazrat Muhammad had appealed.

What are you in intellect compared to me ? You cannot approach my intellect and work in a light year. You two are mullahs who are seeded by NATO and paradropped upon progressive Muslim-majority societies to destroy them on behalf of NATO. It was you who helped destroy the Libyan Jamahiriya from where I derive my member name. Watch and listen to this Libyan girl speaking defiant in a message to Obomba, Sarkozy and Cameron and the Gulfie kings as their planes and ships bombarded Libya and as their tens of thousands of murtad mullah dogs in form of Al Qaeda and so-called Muslim Brotherhood savaged the land and slaughtered the people including hanging Blacks from cranes because the Blacks were the despised Blacks like I am the despised Bhangi for Mujahid and Titanium. However, this pretty and brave Libyan girl rejects you :

By doing all this you two - Mujahid Memon and Titanium100 - go out the folds of Islam and why Islam, out of the folds of civilized humanity. You commit blasphemy. For the last few days I have been tagging mod @PakSword who had banned me for a week on charge of blasphemy on a complaint by another murtad mullah @Areesh. Now that PakSword has clearly seen who has committed blasphemy ( Mujahid and Titanium ), has clearly gone against the real tenets of Islam, I will ask him to ban these two mullahs. If he doesn't do that he stand himself a mullah and must vacate his modship.

@Rusty2 @Imran Khan @SQ8 @Foinikas, am I right ?

@Olympus81, you did a Ha Ha for Mujahid's slurring me. You want to be slotted into the same category as them ?
Stfu you dirty malnourished uneducated slum dwelling virgin beggar rat.

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