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An Important Message to PTI Supporters


Stop Attacking Army
Stop Attacking SC
Stop Attacking ECP

Few days back PTI supporters were attacking Army because of Gen Bajwa Speech
Today PTI supporters are attacking SC
Today PTI supporters are attacking ECP

Same SC disqualified Nawaz Sharif/Maryam Nawaz just few years back
Same Armed Forces gave surprise to India in 27 Feb and many other sacrifices.

If you call everyone traitor, No one will take you seriously anymore.

Some overseas Pakistanis on this forum are constantly asking for mob/street justice. Pakistan went through worse terrorist attacks and our Armed Forces fought bravely and eliminated them brilliantly. If bunch of PTI supporters come on streets and start killing people, they will be taken down immediately by our Security and Armed Forces. PTI will become like MQM of Altaf Hussain.
Attacking Bajwa is not attacking the army.
Pakistan needs mullahs,molvis to lead if it wants to survive as a state
I hope you're being sarcastic. I refused to believe anyone with more than two functional braincells would want those illiterate PDF files to lead the country

Now that we're officially an American colony will we get green cards and blue passports? Will the school kids recite Pak sar zameen or Star spangled banner in morning assembly?
The same problem was faced by the Turkish Deep State vis-à-vis Erdo'an. After numerous trials and errors they came to the conclusion Erdo'an is the best choice. And, then they gave their Biat to him. The rest is history...

As for IK, it's just the beginning. A couple of generals don't make an army. Once this alphabet soup coalition utterly fails to deliver - exactly the same happened in Turkey in 1997 when the military-judicial post modern coup got rid of the Muslim PM Erbakan, Erdo'an's master - the Deep State itself will hand over power to IK and sideline the opposition....

IK is a fortunate fellow. I think he's getting back into power as a leader of both Deep Nation and Deep State within 6 months to 1 year, if not earlier....
Yes, indeed conditions in Turkiye were really hopeless. Erbakan was imprisoned and govt collapsed. Army was working with kemalist nationalists ( Though Ataturk is not necessarily a a wrong symbol but his name was used), and govt were fallen repeatedly.
Before PM Adnan Menderis was hanged and president Jalal Bayar imprisoned.
Erdogan parted ways with Milli Salamat party and formed his own party, became Mayor of Istanbul and then president, deposed, came again, rest is history.

If you say IK shall be back then he shall be back like Erdogan.
Sane post! Thank you. The ones who have nothing on the line except occasional visits to Pakistan are the most vociferous in calling for drastic measures and baying for blood.
Sane post, sure. Though I haven't come across any post yet demanding blood bath, may be there are 1 or 2 teenagers/twenties who made such a remark. But such ppl exist in every fanbase.

But, you just insulted a person who I know, who on multiple occasions sent money to his friend in Pak so that the friend could pay rent for his shop. Friend, not even relative.

Who sent money to another friend (not relative) so he could purchase a rickshaw because he was jobless. Now one friend has a rozi & other one did not lose his shop, because of the overseas friend "who have nothing on the line except occasional visits".

You insulted a person who continues to live in small crammed up rental place abroad, so he could build a house for his mother & then for sisters in Pakistan, which he did. Even though he has "nothing on the line except occasional visits".

You insulted a friend of mine who sends school fees for 4 of his nephews/nieces every month, plus more.
Same friend of mine cried on my shoulder on his father passing away in Pakistan, because he could not go to take a last look at his father.
Many of them don't even pay "occasional visits" in decades, because they are engulfed by "گردشِّ ایَّام" keeping their families in Pakistan afloat.

You insulted those who have mothers, fathers, brothers sisters in Pakistan and they help them with monthly budgets not just because they love Pakistan, not just because they have affinity for a political party, but because they have VERY strong roots in Pakistan. They spend their days and nights thinking and discussing Pakistan, because that's where their heart is. They are not "کُھوء دا ڈڈ" [toad in a well] like many residents, in that they have experienced how well established systems work in developed countries, hence they desire the same for Pakistan. Which two main parties + dictators failed to provide despite having extreme powers and lots of time at hand. They can enjoy developed systems abroad for themselves, and not worry about Pakistan all the time, but they just cannot help but desire same quality for institutions in Pakistan. Why so? if they "have nothing on the line except occasional visits".

They are truly loyal to Pakistan, more than many of those who reside there. One of my friend was in OGDC with good salary & all, but he was forced to approve Petrol Pumps of those who bribed his higher ups. He was forced by his bosses to approve pump of a phony applicant and reject a genuine applicant because latter didn't bribe higher ups. He told me that he could not rid of the image of latter applicant's mother weeping before him begging to approve his pump. His conscience could not take it and he left.
If I may bring in a religious angle here. Rasool Allah migrated too, not because he had "nothing on the line" in Makkah, rather he faced towards Makkah and said:
"اے مکَّہ تو مجھے بہت پیارا ھے ـ مگر تیرے شہر کے باسی مجھے یہاں رھنے نہیں دیتے ـ".
Quran too, uses very stern language in favor of immigrating if necessary. Al-Nisa 4:97:
"اور جو لوگ اپنی جانوں پر ظلم کرتے ہیں جب فرشتے ان کی جان قبض کرنے لگتے ہیں تو ان سے پوچھتے ہیں کہ تم کس حال میں تھے وہ کہتے ہیں کہ ہم ملک میں عاجز وناتواں تھے فرشتے کہتے ہیں کیا اللہ کی زمین کشادہ نہیں تھی کہ تم اس میں ہجرت کر جاتے ایسے لوگوں کا ٹھکانہ دوزخ ہے اور وہ بری جگہ ہے"

These are stories from my extremely small circle of acquaintances. There will be many more I'm sure.

You insulted those who are keeping "your" country afloat.
While "your ppl" contributed a [comparatively] meagerly Rs. 5842 billion [extrapolated from Rs. 4382 in 8 mo] to "their" country [& that's record high], contrary to the "ones who have nothing on the line except occasional visits" contributed a massive [$23,000 million] last year & at latest monthly rate of $2.7 Bn/mo it extrapolates $32 Billion.

Correct my math if wrong - contribution to "your" country by the "ones who have nothing on the line":
Rs. 4356 Billion / ~9,000,000 overseas Pakistanis ~4% of Pakistan's population. [Rs. 6060 Billion / yr if we consider the amount of latest monthly remittances]
Rs. 5842 Billion / ~220,000,000 in Pakistan ~96% of Pakistanis.

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Sane post! Thank you. The ones who have nothing on the line except occasional visits to Pakistan are the most vociferous in calling for drastic measures and baying for blood.
I belong to a military family and have a crowd of such people ... They were all upset when Bajwa touch on the subject of Pak foreign policy during the security dialogue conference and reply some questions in relation to Pak foreign policy. That was not his subject and more lean toward West and failed to establish balance in his statement.
Here is the harsh reality….the “establishment” that is the top leaders of our armed forces are totally compromised self interested traitors. There is no two ways around this. Where is Bajwa’s son? Where are Kayani’s kids? Where are Musahrraf’s kids? All in the west or Middle East.

I wish Bajwa was neutral. Imran Khan would have wrapped up this group of clowns two years ago. But as always the elite in the military are looking for their retirement packages and future of their kids. Nation can go to hell. Doesn’t matter to them.

One thing all the patwari’ s and anti PTI people should understand is this….we will not surrender. We will not stop. Imran Khan is not just a person…he’s an ideology. An ideology of self respect, honesty and Islamic nationalism. And we are with that ideology as are the vast majority of Pakistan. We will outlast you and these corrupt devils will be cursed in this life and on the day of judgement.
Sane post, probably. Though I haven't come across any post yet demanding blood bath, may be there are 1 or 2 teenagers/twenties who made such a remark. But such ppl exist in every fanbase.

But, you just insulted a person who I know, who on multiple occasions sent money to his friend in Pak so that the friend could pay rent for his shop. Friend, not even relative.

Who sent money to another friend (not relative) so he could purchase a rickshaw because he was jobless. Now one friend have a rozi & other one did not lose his shop, because of the overseas friend "who have nothing on the line except occasional visits".

You insulted a person who continues to live in small crammed up rental place abroad, so he could build a house for his mother & then for sisters in Pakistan, which he did.

You insulted a friend of mine who sends school fees for 4 of his nephews/nieces every month, plus more.
Same friend of mine cried on my shoulder on his father passing away in Pakistan, because he could not go to take a last look at his father.
Many of them don't even pay "occasional visits" in decades, because they are engulfed by "گردشِّ ایَّام" keeping their families in Pakistan afloat.

You insulted those who have mothers, fathers, brothers sisters in Pakistan and they help them with monthly budgets not just because they love Pakistan, not just because they have affinity for a political party, but because they have VERY strong roots in Pakistan. They spend their days and nights thinking and discussing Pakistan, because that's where their heart is. They are not "کُھوء دا ڈڈ" [toad in a well] like many residents, in that they have experienced how well established systems work in developed countries, hence they desire the same for Pakistan. Which two main parties + dictators failed to provide despite having extreme powers and lots of time at hand. They can enjoy developed systems abroad for themselves, and not worry about Pakistan all the time, but they just cannot help but desire same quality for institutions in Pakistan. Why so? if they "have nothing on the line except occasional visits".

They are truly loyal to Pakistan, more than many of those who reside there. One of my friend was in OGDC with good salary & all, but he was forced to take bribery by higher ups to approve Petrol Pumps. He was forced by his bosses to approve pump of a phony applicant and reject a genuine applicant because he didn't bribe. His conscience could not take it and he left.
If I may bring in a religious angle here. Rasool Allah migrated too, not because he had "nothing on the line" in Makkah, rather he faced towards Makkah and said:
"اے مکَّہ تو مجھے بہت پیارا ھے ـ مگر تیرے شہر کے باسی مجھے یہاں رھنے نہیں دیتے ـ".
Quran too uses very strict language in favor of immigrating if necessary. Al-Nisa 4:97:
"اور جو لوگ اپنی جانوں پر ظلم کرتے ہیں جب فرشتے ان کی جان قبض کرنے لگتے ہیں تو ان سے پوچھتے ہیں کہ تم کس حال میں تھے وہ کہتے ہیں کہ ہم ملک میں عاجز وناتواں تھے فرشتے کہتے ہیں کیا اللہ کی زمین کشادہ نہیں تھی کہ تم اس میں ہجرت کر جاتے ایسے لوگوں کا ٹھکانہ دوزخ ہے اور وہ بری جگہ ہے"

These are stories from my extremely small circle of acquaintances. There will be many more I'm sure.

You insulted those who are keeping "your" country afloat.
While "your ppl" contributed a [comparatively] meagerly Rs. 5842 billion [extrapolated from Rs. 4382 in 8 mo] to "your" country [& that's record high], contrary to the "ones who have nothing on the line except occasional visits" contributed a massive [$23,000 million] last year & at latest monthly rate of $2.7 Bn/mo it extrapolates $32 Billion.

Correct my math if wrong - contribution to "your" country by the "ones who have nothing on the line":
Rs. 4356 Billion / ~9,000,000 overseas Pakistanis ~4% of Pakistan's population. [Rs. 6060 Billion / yr if we consider the amount of latest monthly remittances]
Rs. 5842 Billion / ~220,000,000 in Pakistan ~96% of Pakistanis.

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Beautifully put.

I wish they could all live a week in our lives.
PDM Stands of Patwari Daku Maulana, entire Pakistan knows that Nawaz is corrupt and friend of India, everyone knows Zardari has bring Pakistan on the brink of collapse, because of his 5 years even Army suffers a lot, and Maulana well that dude use Islam to push his politics while smuggle Diesel from Iran, Lanat hai yaar and if still Pakistani's wants them, SC supports them, and Army stand with them then yes Pakistan deserves to be in the state its currently in.
Regardless of the result the military and judiciary have filthy hands.

If Imran Khan is lying about the letter than the military and judiciary is guilty of standing by and watching him damage Pakistani relations with the US for the sake of his political career. It is a matter of national security.

If Imran Khan is telling the truth then the military and judiciary are guilty of sitting by the side and facilitating a foreign orchestrated coup against our country.

One of these two statements is true.

Unfortunately, such clear thinking escape most Pakistanis.
What had happened yesterday is wholesole murder of Parliament's privilages and independence.
Those who want to understand read point 9 to 12 of yesterdays judgement by SCP.

They have completely destroyed Article of Pakistani constitution which separate the powers of Judiciary and Parliament.
Yesterday judgement is in violation of the Constitution. The deputy speaker didn't act against the Constitution of Pakistan, they Judges did. This judgement would be regretted long after, let the dust settle.

This has open up the Pandora box of Court's indulgence in Parliamentary matters, whenever they wish, depending who is asking, like this Suo Moto on Sunday, a day after similar petition was refused to be entertained, that it is not the domain of SCP to interfere in Parliamentary matters. But surprisingly the next day SCP did exactly the opposite.

Something is seriously wrong somewhere that Judiciary decided not to touch the matter of the letter/correspondence at all. They were worried about something, why!!
The ruling by the deputy speaker was based on that letter/correspondence, why the vital piece of evidence is ignorned in reaching the judgement/decision!!

Pakistanis should think about it with open eyes and minds.
Are you guys ready to see Gen Bajwa salute President Maulana Fazio and PM Shahbaz bhoot Shairf who's indictment due on the 11th of this month. ?

Fazlo on 23 march parade ... lolz
IK is a fortunate fellow. I think he's getting back into power as a leader of both Deep Nation and Deep State within 6 months to 1 year, if not earlier....

Your comments are always positive and imply that somehow the "deep state" is on the side of good and will fix everything. In my opinion the reality of the Pakistani deep state is negative and there is no reason to have too much confidence in their future plans.

It takes some knowledge of the Pakistani military to understand why they behave the way they do. I don't want to write a long article on the history of the Pak Army, but I'll just mention a few points.

The Turkish military has a historical continuity with Ottoman times. It's not like that in Pakistan.

1. In British India, the British totally disbanded the old Mughal era military after an uprising in 1857. Then they recruited people from areas that they thought were the most loyal to the British. After the Indian soldiers served the British they were given lands as rewards. Therefore, almost all the military and land owning political elite in Pakistan are descendants of people who collaborated with the British.

2. The British Indian Army was so loyal to the British that 50,000 British were able to rule over 350 million Indians. The officer class was all British and the soldiers were Indians who suppressed the population.

3. In 1947 the British Indian Army was split between India and Pakistan. Both armies have the exact same historical background and are copies of each other. Only in the 1980s did the Pakistan Army, under Zia-ul-Haq, introduce some Islamic symbols into the forces.

4. To this day most of the culture of the Pakistan military is British based. Once the British left they switched their loyalty to the Americans.

5. Most of the Pakistani elite have a fierce loyalty to the West. They have family and economic links to the West, especially USA.

6. Leaving aside 75 years of Pakistani history, only in 2008 the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Musharraf, was overthrown by Kayani, who was the head of the ISI (deep state). The Americans wanted to get rid of Musharraf and the deep state obliged. They brought in the looters who reduced Pakistan to an economic failed state. All these looters have been looting Pakistan for over 40 years.

So, in short, the history of the Pakistani deep state leaves no cause to imagine that somehow they will change in the future.
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