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BJP won Uttar Pradesh Election 2022

Giving up is not an option. Too much is at stake.

Not everyone can emigrate. We are talking about hundreds of millions.

We can't let a facist Hindu Rashtra happen
The other option is much harder and frankly not for everyone.
In the other option, you’d have to first step into the shoes of an average Indian and see the world from their eyes. You may have to deal in nuances that your mind will not accept. An example could be around their love for Hindu fascism, from our perspective it’s a mad race to getting the entire country to act like it favours one religion over the others, but from their perspective they think they deserve the right to have a nation that adheres to their belief system, that they have the same claim as the Israelis and Pakistanis in having a country of their own. This comes from a deep set fear hypothesis, there are reasons to why it exists, primary reason being that abrahmic religions and dharmic religions are completely non-compliant with each other and integration hasn’t happened at a social level. When you don’t have integration in a society, mass unrest happens, in the minority and the majority.
It’s easy to look at a snapshot and critique.
The other option is much harder and frankly not for everyone.
In the other option, you’d have to first step into the shoes of an average Indian and see the world from their eyes. You may have to deal in nuances that your mind will not accept. An example could be around their love for Hindu fascism, from our perspective it’s a mad race to getting the entire country to act like it favours one religion over the others, but from their perspective they think they deserve the right to have a nation that adheres to their belief system, that they have the same claim as the Israelis and Pakistanis in having a country of their own. This comes from a deep set fear hypothesis, there are reasons to why it exists, primary reason being that abrahmic religions and dharmic religions are completely non-compliant with each other and integration hasn’t happened at a social level. When you don’t have integration in a society, mass unrest happens, in the minority and the majority.
It’s easy to look at a snapshot and critique.
Provide a solution
This comes from a deep set fear hypothesis, there are reasons to why it exists, primary reason being that abrahmic religions and dharmic religions are completely non-compliant with each other and integration hasn’t happened at a social level.

Well, the common people are not informed about the intermingling of the faiths at cultural level ( music, literature etc ), at legal level ( please read post# 259 above ) and other things I don't recall now.
Also, bring back our tenets - unity in diversity. This country is for everyone, a sanctum for the persecuted and a bastion for democratic principles.

Well, the common people are not informed about the intermingling of the faiths at cultural level ( music, literature etc ), at legal level ( please read post# 259 above ) and other things I don't recall now.
My point exactly. The mixing of arts is a good example of how despite the grassroots painting a different picture (people of different religions not living together, being unaware of each other’s religious customs) people were still respectful when they saw actors and poets from a mix of religions backgrounds.
I remember that 15 years back, many middle class Indians didn’t like the word Hindustan because they wanted india to be seen as a country that belongs to everyone. Social media and democratisation of information has fanned toxic trends with modi’s rise and congress’ catastrophic failure.
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Go to Bangalore (non cow belt) in a Tech set up (microsoft / google, set high bench mark), again high filter ppl having masters / Phds / IITs / IIMs
Since you joined a couple of weeks ago, unless you are a retread, you don't know much about me or my background, or, most important, what I have written over the course of the 12 years that I have been here.

You have missed my analysis of the following for the Sangh Parivar, or probably don't want to see it, which is fine. Techno-coolies form a significant segment of the four that make up the numbers. So, thank you for the hint, as someone who has spent two and a half decades at the top of the software services industry, and recruited around 5,000 people, I do have some inkling about the views and values of these sorts.
Secularism in India died a dog's death at the hands of the Saghi BJP-RSS axis...

I went school with Indians, now I wonder, How many of my friends, harboured hate for me based on my religion and simply kept their opinions to themselves because we lived in a muslim majority country...

A real shame.. were the friendships real ? Was anything real ?
A deeply divided nation can achieve nothing great.
Yes, that is Modi's view.

Like other autocrats, he wants to beat people into submission.

Soon, the day will come when he emulates his role-model, and spends more on internal security than on defence.

Secularism in India died a dog's death at the hands of the Saghi BJP-RSS axis...

I went school with Indians, now I wonder, How many of my friends, harboured hate for me based on my religion and simply kept their opinions to themselves because we lived in a muslim majority country...

A real shame.. were the friendships real ? Was anything real ?
Some of them were real, some not. We learn which is which the hard way. There is no short-cut, and there is no easy passage to instilling a human spirit inside humans. Some get it, some don't.

Do not let this discourage you. Have faith, no matter how many times people let down your openness and humanity of outlook.
Secularism in India died a dog's death at the hands of the Saghi BJP-RSS axis...

I went school with Indians, now I wonder, How many of my friends, harboured hate for me based on my religion and simply kept their opinions to themselves because we lived in a muslim majority country...

A real shame.. were the friendships real ? Was anything real ?

I have several close Christian friends, the friendship is real, but inside their mind they could basically hate our religion.

I have had several deep conversation I have with one female Christian friend and maybe people can call it as a date, but honestly it is just a meeting with two friend. From there we discuss our religion and there you would know their thinking. They are likely like us but they may hate our religion.

I also have deep conversation with my male Christian friends about religion, but they avoid talking too deep about it, unlike the female one.

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BJP won because OBC SC ST don't have a media. Such a media can highlight the issue of caste in all matters, that is deliberately covered up. All media currently in India are just narrative of upper castes, whether NDTV or Zee News. It will have to withstand lot of pressure, bureaucratic and financial, because it will be cynosure in the eyes of all upper castes. Social media and Internet can't reach every home like TV.
Some heartburn

A lot of Muslims vote for Yogi, its the uneducated JNU, AMU chhaaps who remain paranoid and vent out their frustrations online :chilli:

Clear proof that the elections have been rigged. No Muslim will vote for the sanghis.

@jamahir @xeuss you should ask for international observers from OIC countries to help prevent this.
Some of them were real, some not. We learn which is which the hard way. There is no short-cut, and there is no easy passage to instilling a human spirit inside humans. Some get it, some don't.

Do not let this discourage you. Have faith, no matter how many times people let down your openness and humanity of outlook.

I'm sure some were real, hell probably most, at least in the moment, were real.. but that only makes things worse.

I often think what happened to my friends, now that India has been overrun by an Ideology of hate and vitriol.

If my friends have changed the way they think of and picture muslims, of course, one could say I'm assuming too much, pretending to know what's going on in their minds, but am I really ?

If the vast majority of Indians didn't support the RSS-BJP axis, we wouldn't be here and its this very rationale that leads me to believe that my friends indeed have changed now..

That our shared experiences taught them nothing about the joys of plurality and multi-culturalism, that they too have become vessels of hate.

And then I worry about those who have not fallen to it, those who maybe are even fighting back against the deluge of hate speech or the Muslims or the Christians.

I sincerely hope all well meaning Indians, irrespective of their faith can resist the temptation of giving into the vile "us vs them" mindset.

I have several close Christian friends, the friendship is real, but inside their mind they could basically hate our religion.

I have had several deep conversation I have with one female Christian friend and maybe people can call it as a date, but honestly it is just a meeting with two friend. From there we discuss our religion and there you would know their thinking. They are likely like us but they may hate our religion.

I also have deep conversation with my male Christian friends about religion, but they avoid talking too deep about it, unlike the female one.

Personally, I still think we can get along with Christians just fine..

The hate coming from extremist sanghis in India is on another never-before-seen level.

They hate anything that is even perceived as Islamic or Arabic. I mean we are talking about people so petty, they change the historical names of cities and towns because they sounds "Islamic".
If the vast majority of Indians didn't support the RSS-BJP axis, we wouldn't be here and its this very rationale that leads me to believe that my friends indeed have changed now..
The vast majority of Indians DON'T support the RSS-BJP agenda; just check the numbers. 36% voted for the Sangh Parivar; people ignore the 64% who didn't.
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