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Troll Fest:Bharatis are Sad that Netanyahu Didn't Include Indian Flag in his Tweet

That is what I never understood about those GCC countries. Their is more than enough talent in Pakistan alone to satisfy their needs and don't forget Indonesia and Malaysia have put a lot of investment into this field.

Honestly, I never understood the critical thinking aspect of these GCC leaders. Some say it's because they go to India and get free pussy and company back. It's cheaper than going all the way to Vietnam.
in UAE they have a lot of Iranians working over there even tho Iran occupies 3 islands from UAE.
it's complicated, the Pakistani government should impose more pressure on gulf countries to hire more Pakistanis , you want our support then hire our people , you want nuclear umbrella covering your countries , then hire our people.

that's how the world goes now .. just pressure.
in UAE they have a lot of Iranians working over there even tho Iran occupies 3 islands from UAE.
it's complicated, the Pakistani government should impose more pressure on gulf countries to hire more Pakistanis , you want our support then hire our people , you want nuclear umbrella covering your countries , then hire our people.

that's how the world goes now .. just pressure.

you make them offer they cant refuse, hire Pakistanis or we turn heat on you.
They are famous in China. Not even the great fire wall could block their legendary feats.

Further bafflement from Chinese internet at Indian obsequiousness.

In many ways as I stated before RSS Hindus of india deep down are very ugly people from inside.. ( and outside while we are at it)

they support Israel only because of their irrational hate of Muslims and nothing else. Never mind they are murdering children,wrong side of history etc
PATHETIC! :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

FAKE tweet shared as Israeli PM, Benjamin Netanyahu thanking PM Modi and RSS
Abhishek MandadiMay 17, 2021
A social media post is being widely shared online claiming that Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister thanked PM Narendra Modi, RSS, and all Indians for standing up in support of Israel amidst the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict. Let us fact-check the claim made in the post.

The archived version of the post can be seen here.
Claim: Benjamin Netanyahu thanks PM Modi, RSS and all Indians in a social media post.
Fact: When we searched through the Twitter timeline of Benjamin Netanyahu, there was no post thanking PM Modi, RSS, or Indians amidst the ongoing conflict with Palestine. The only post that thanked 25 nations for supporting Israel and their right to self defence against terrorist attacks was found on his Twitter timeline. It has the same time and date as mentioned in the post but does not mention India. Hence, the claim made in the post is FALSE.
We went through the Twitter timeline of the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu looking for the claim made in the post that he thanked all Indians, PM Modi, and the RSS, but we could not find any post regarding the same. However, there was a post thanking 25 countries across the world ‘for resolutely standing with Israel and supporting our right to self-defense against terrorist attacks’ with the same exact time (3:47 am) and date (May 16, 2021) as mentioned in the post.

On further google search to find out whether Benjamin Netanyahu had actually thanked Indians, PM Modi, and RSS, we came across a couple of news articles which can be seen here and here. The articles report that Netanyahu thanked 25 nations for supporting Israel in the current conflict, but India wasn’t one of them. India has opposed Israeli settlements in Palestine, supports maintaining the status quo, says the report.


When it comes to India’s official position in the ongoing conflict, it has been more neutral. India’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador, T.S. Tirumurti had tweeted saying he told the UNSC meeting on Tuesday that India was “Deeply concerned at clashes and violence in Haram Al Sharif/Temple Mount” and “equally concerned about evictions in Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan neighbourhoods”. He called on both sides to avoid changing the status quo on the ground and noted that Jerusalem also houses an Indian Hospice, Al Zawiyya Al Hindiyya. He went on to condemn rocket fire from Gaza and urged restraint of all parties calling on them to adhere to UNSC Resolution 2334 (which, voted for 14-0 in 2016, noting that Israel’s settlement activities in Palestinian territories were a “flagrant violation” of international law). India remains committed to the two-state solution, Ambassador Tirumurti said.

To sum it up, edited tweet is shared as Israeli PM, Benjamin Netanyahu thanking PM Modi and RSS amidst the Israel-Palestine conflict.
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PATHETIC! :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

FAKE tweet shared as Israeli PM, Benjamin Netanyahu thanking PM Modi and RSS
Abhishek MandadiMay 17, 2021
A social media post is being widely shared online claiming that Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister thanked PM Narendra Modi, RSS, and all Indians for standing up in support of Israel amidst the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict. Let us fact-check the claim made in the post.

The archived version of the post can be seen here.

We went through the Twitter timeline of the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu looking for the claim made in the post that he thanked all Indians, PM Modi, and the RSS, but we could not find any post regarding the same. However, there was a post thanking 25 countries across the world ‘for resolutely standing with Israel and supporting our right to self-defense against terrorist attacks’ with the same exact time (3:47 am) and date (May 16, 2021) as mentioned in the post.

On further google search to find out whether Benjamin Netanyahu had actually thanked Indians, PM Modi, and RSS, we came across a couple of news articles which can be seen here and here. The articles report that Netanyahu thanked 25 nations for supporting Israel in the current conflict, but India wasn’t one of them. India has opposed Israeli settlements in Palestine, supports maintaining the status quo, says the report.


When it comes to India’s official position in the ongoing conflict, it has been more neutral. India’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador, T.S. Tirumurti had tweeted saying he told the UNSC meeting on Tuesday that India was “Deeply concerned at clashes and violence in Haram Al Sharif/Temple Mount” and “equally concerned about evictions in Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan neighbourhoods”. He called on both sides to avoid changing the status quo on the ground and noted that Jerusalem also houses an Indian Hospice, Al Zawiyya Al Hindiyya. He went on to condemn rocket fire from Gaza and urged restraint of all parties calling on them to adhere to UNSC Resolution 2334 (which, voted for 14-0 in 2016, noting that Israel’s settlement activities in Palestinian territories were a “flagrant violation” of international law). India remains committed to the two-state solution, Ambassador Tirumurti said.

To sum it up, edited tweet is shared as Israeli PM, Benjamin Netanyahu thanking PM Modi and RSS amidst the Israel-Palestine conflict.
indians can only deceive and lie they cant do anything else whole world know this now after Feb 2019. Even Israelis and world will hate indians more now :lol: :omghaha: :omghaha:
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