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PLA official casualty numbers of the Gallwan valley clash released today on PLA Daily.

Well, they have no answer.
Why does china take so long to release soldier deaths ?
Clearly, they were waiting for de-escalation, otherwise, there would have been huge pressure from netz in China to deliver pain on India from all fronts and there would have been a backlash on everything related to India,from business to investment.Unlike Indian retribution,the Chinese one could've rendered India in tatters. Also the Indian side would have been utterly humiliated due the disparity in casualty,making things more difficult for the Indian gov .

That's the kind of mature political maneuver that's unique to china's capabilities .
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A COMPLETE FAKE!!! IF ONLY 4 died why did they hide it for months on end? they never lose an opportunity to brag.

If the Chinese give a number, everyone should safely assume 10X of that number is the reality!
Indian soldiers are cowards. We have seen in videos how they run away and abandon their own. Can’t respect cowards.
Yep, like this.
Guess Xi had to make a quick face save drama after Tass confirmed 45 Chinese killed
You have proved why most of the Indian are delusional. Show me one death Chinese soldiers? You going to tell me you don't even have one proved death Chinese soldiers if Indian kill 45 Chinese? Are your butt sitting on your brain?
The Indians could B.S. about casualty numbers all they want, but there is one thing they can't B.S. about:

the Indian soldiers never went back for their own.

When the Chinese were heavily outnumbered, they didn't think about their own safety but that of their commanders and comrades. Two of the soldiers who perished died shielding others from sticks and rocks. One of the soldier who broke out of the ambush actually went back after calling for reinforcement.

Compare that with the Indians, who basically left at least twenty of their own on a frigid night in Galwan valley just so that they can live.

I think that nothing illustrates the differing mentalities of the two armies better than this. For all their bravadoes, the Indians:

1) Didn't send a rescue party after Abinandan when he was captured.
2) Didn't send a rescue party until the next day after the Galwan conflict.

But I'm sure everything is fine since they build a fancy monument for them and all that after they are DEAD.
Couple of month ago in Jun, I knew it was tricks played by BJP Leaders/Modi. Modi knew very well that PLA is serious, but still sent incompetent soldiers to death.

The death will save Modi's face, win sympathies at home and used as political leverage to shut up all those oppositions.

It worked. Modi shut down 200 Chinese apps, no objections. Modi shut down China-India trade, no objection. Those measures are out of Modi's privilege, but no one dare to challenge Modi's authority.

Modi is a populist, very good at inciting the crowd, mass manipulation, campaign. Dozens of India soldiers death is nothing to Modi, actually won a lot of political capitals for him.

Under economy contraction, nationalism fever is the only way Modi can survive.

But but, China is a mature player, our Chinese knew very well those tricks. 历史上借人头来做文章的多了去了,杨修之死,汉景帝为了安抚藩王杀晁错。

Chinese is patient as well. The stand off exhausted India Army, cost billions of dollars. The longer Modi bet on Chinese concession, the more he lose.

We will witness Modi reopen China-India trade, unban Chinese Apps. Modi will kneel under the table.
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Yep, like this.

You have proved why most of the Indian are delusional. Show me one death Chinese soldiers? You going to tell me you don't even have one proved death Chinese soldiers if Indian kill 45 Chinese? Are your butt sitting on your brain?

Look how Indian soldiers just abandon their own and run away. Indian soldiers are a bunch of cowards.
To be fair china never said 0,they always claimed they suffered casualty,they only denied indian media's claim as exagguration. Only Indian media has been claiming 45 ,50,20,100 and so,death toll on behalf the chinese by themselves .
It proves "freedom of speech" is not helpful factor. Imagine how crazy Indians would be if Chinese government immediately released PLA casualty number right after the clash. The number was not even 4 because seriously wounded soldiers were still in hospital treatment back then.

Chinese government is very smart to release the number after things get cooled down. And the way that Chinese government handled casualty number also indirectly proves China was not the one who started provocation.
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So you trust Chinese official figures (a communist country with 100% government controlled media) But not US/Indian government figures...not even Russian government official figures of causalities?...actually we want to believe only what we want to hear...Truth or Lie....

Hail Iron Brother.....
So you mean Indian government who lied about PAF F-16 shot down with a AIM-120 missile debris is more credible?

Only Indian government will do that. :enjoy:
A COMPLETE FAKE!!! IF ONLY 4 died why did they hide it for months on end? they never lose an opportunity to brag.

If the Chinese give a number, everyone should safely assume 10X of that number is the reality!
Modi ask Chinese to keep the number secret first becos the congress will grill him if they know the ratio of death for India side is 5:1 against Chinese..

He cried and beg and we out of compassion decide to his request. :lol:


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