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I definitely remember Dizasta and that he was a proud pukhtoon and very aggressively Pakistani lol. For some reason I thought Platinum786 became Oscar but I'm pretty sure that's wrong. I also thought there was someone like TheDeterrent on the other forum but forgot their name. I'm not that old but my memory feels old lol.
I was named after the car I owned - as it is now.
Not just H Khan, but the likes of Munir, they were very arrogant egos. Munir in particular, he would pretend to be a serving PAF personnel, he evenly gate crashed a PAF event in Turkey before he was rumbled. He also behaved quite inappropriately on other forums which I won't get into.
Just for clarity, there were two Munirs, and both had passed away. The first Munir (who was really friendly) died in a car accident. The other Munir (who was on PakDef) passed away due to cancer.

Sadly, Abu Zolfiqar also passed away from an accident.

We actually lost a few people.
Just for clarity, there were two Munirs, and both had passed away. The first Munir (who was really friendly) died in a car accident. The other Munir (who was on PakDef) passed away due to cancer.

Sadly, Abu Zolfiqar also passed away from an accident.

We actually lost a few people.

Wasn't ware of the other, friendlier, Munir, but I knew the PakDef Munir had passed away due to cancer. Sad to hear about the losses. The trouble with forums like these is that they are so impersonal, we don't really know the person behind the name, and communicating by text can be misconstrued in the wrong way very easily.
Wasn't ware of the other, friendlier, Munir, but I knew the PakDef Munir had passed away due to cancer. Sad to hear about the losses. The trouble with forums like these is that they are so impersonal, we don't really know the person behind the name, and communicating by text can be misconstrued in the wrong way very easily.

This why we need the private DM capability so we can reach out to various members and develop relationships with personal, business, etc.
Dizasta might be @Nasr

But we're definitely missing usmanali, vikasrehman, platinum786, hellraiser006 and psychosaint. The beauty here is that all those 'kids' from those days know a lot more now, so the discussions would be amazing (or we'll all devolve into fun banter, dad jokes, etc).

I think @Nasr is dizasta. He has a similar writing style although toned down. I really liked his dressing down of the indians.

I joined older PDF in 2003 (with a different pseudonym of ali23). I joined Pakdef in 2006 but my contirbution there was a few hundred posts.

I remember usmanali,vikas,shehz, skully, platinum786, psycosaint,sinopak and others. I was even an acquaintance with skully on FB as well apart from panzer (although I have now deleted my profile now).

From old crew we have @Signalian , @aziqbal , @blueazure , you and a few others.

I was a teen back then. Good nostalgic times.

Bharat Rakshak used to be the counter indian forum. I might still have the database that got leaked by BR admin and that was posted by the admins of Pakdef. With the that blunder BR went down and pakdef had grown.

It was not BR but another forum called IDF or something whose DB was leaked (possibly as a counter punch to PDF hacking).

It was such a fun event with indians crying all around.
Well I had wondered what had happened to all the members of Pakistani defence forum.com and wasn't sure whether those aliases were still the same people. The only person I have actually positively identified was aziqbal on sinodefenceforum.com. We exchanged messages once, that's when I found out. It is most certainly great to see a thread which is organic, real. I remember most of not all of you guys and I can say with dead certainty that I am heartened to see you all here.

Yes I am Dizasta, from back in the day. Still alive and still proud to be Pakistani. Missed all of you at PDF & PakDef. Bilal, am proud of all your work (Quwa News). Platinum, I remember you, Blueazure, Saber I remember I video chatted with you once. And oh I remember that sinopak character, was a real mind twister that one. My apologies to any member I haven't mentioned here, but you should know I respect and have admiration for all of you guys.
Just for clarity, there were two Munirs, and both had passed away. The first Munir (who was really friendly) died in a car accident. The other Munir (who was on PakDef) passed away due to cancer.

Sadly, Abu Zolfiqar also passed away from an accident.

We actually lost a few people.

Oh man that is so sad. I remember a prominent member called Munir, a decent guy, but had no contact with him outside the forum. Incredibly sad to hear how times flies and how these young men fighting for Pakistan in cyberspace have now departed us.

I definitely remember Dizasta and that he was a proud pukhtoon and very aggressively Pakistani lol. For some reason I thought Platinum786 became Oscar but I'm pretty sure that's wrong. I also thought there was someone like TheDeterrent on the other forum but forgot their name. I'm not that old but my memory feels old lol.

Platimum is definately not Oscar. Their English is totally different. Plat was a British pakistani, very confident and a little hot headed speaking clear English while Oscar is pakistan based and has a different style of English altogether.

oh yes, i remember pakistanidefenceforum.com

1. the quality of discussion was much better vs def.pk

2. moderation was very good

3. members had knowledge and engaged in dissecting each other's opinion, not clothes

4. kids these days dont read .
which is evident from the low quality content we see here

5. def.pk has become politicized . Partisan politics trolling ( PTI , PMLN) was very rare on pdf

6. on the indian side, i remember KRAD, LANC, SIDDHARTH . very good and knowledgeable , there was MIROSLAV ( an IAF M2k pilot) who ejected and hurt his back. very respectable member

good ol days ;)
Difficult to believe nearly 20 years has passed.

I never posted on pakistanidefence but would lurk every day.

Some of these names mentioned bring back fond memories of that time.

There really should be a way to DM each other so that personal relationships can take hold as there are probably a lot of really cool people on these forums through the years.
Remember the time you met Musharraf and he exclaimed how tall you were ? When i met Musharraf, i got a pretty hard iron hand shake from him with the usual pleasantries :laugh:

Yeah I remember, him and General Usmani have hands of iron. Have to admit though, his confidence levels are through the roof. I was literally towering over him (I never crouch or hunch), but his posture was formidable and commanding. God certainly has blessed Pakistan with some strong and powerful willed people.
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