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Why India's choosing US side to contain China is an epic mistake

personal attacks are unwarranted . Please take mental health seriously.

Ok so instead of the word “cartoon” I will replace with word “deluded”?..

Doesn’t change the fact you posted a bunch of bull crap statements. Such false statements are unwarranted in a civilized conversation.

China my not be “democratic” in the western sense but they clearly it cares more about their people than India does. India is a democracy for the sake of being a democracy.

most of them are Muslims

really?... u have been there ?

you need to cut down your bullshit rate.

Aa a consequence of being a loyal American Poodle, India has surrendered Galwan Valley.

More like kicked out with a shoe stuck on its rear end...
Wrong. There is no mistake. Not all human beings are one family. India and China are two completely different species. It is natural for Indians to hate China and vice versa. In the end, one species must completely annihilate the other species.
We are not allowed that kind of extremist thinking as we believe that whole world is a family..but your karma will certainly give it's result..
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More Indian BS....
Sorry no time for useless B's..

More Indian BS....

The Violent Toll of Hindu Nationalism in India

A populist Prime Minister has legitimized India’s more militant groups, and targeted attacks against religious minorities are on the rise.

So shall I post thousands of article praising Pakistan for being heaven for minorities ?
Sorry no time for useless B's..

But you just posted BS...

you falsely claimed that there is no extremist views in India and yet New Yorker published a article basically rubbishing you claims...

Sorry no time for useless B's..

So shall I post thousands of article praising Pakistan for being heaven for minorities ?

You can .., but it won’t have any effect ...

Indian hindu intolerance is state sanctioned in India ... not Pakistan

Are Brahmins and Dalits one family?

Yes ... they take showers together..I have seen it on indian TV....:-)
really?... u have been there ?

you need to cut down your bullshit rate.
Most of the slave labour are Muslims.

Highly intelligent and super well educated Tam-Brams etc in the high paying white collar jobs.
But you just posted BS...

you falsely claimed that there is no extremist views in India and yet New Yorker published a article basically rubbishing you claims...

You can .., but it won’t have any effect ...

Indian hindu intolerance is state sanctioned in India ... not Pakistan

Yes ... they take showers together..I have seen it on indian TV....:-)
But in Pakistan religion doesn't play any part in state affairs ...right ?
American multinationals pump $100 billion in outsourcing revenues into Indian economy
Tell us what China has done for India
I don't think all investments are good for a country. Financial investment for example does more harm than good. What India needs is investment in infrastructures, power, manufacture. China is the best choice for all of these.
I don't think all investments are good for a country. Financial investment for example does more harm than good. What India needs is investment in infrastructures, power, manufacture. China is the best choice for all of these.
No problem if Chinese companies make the most competitive bids for such projects, must hire Indians for the job though, everything from engineer to construction labour must be Indian citizens, with only a handful of Chinese supervisors and managers.

Don't get this thing about China bringing their own workforce for projects all over the world.
No problem if Chinese companies make the most competitive bids for such projects, must hire Indians for the job though, everything from engineer to construction labour must be Indian citizens, with only a handful of Chinese supervisors and managers.

Don't get this thing about China bringing their own workforce for projects all over the world.

you want Chinese managers ordering Indian workers around, instead of Indian investors ordering Chinese workers around?
Most of the slave labour are Muslims.

Highly intelligent and super well educated Tam-Brams etc in the high paying white collar jobs.

One thing you have is an endless supply of stupidity...

But in Pakistan religion doesn't play any part in state affairs ...right ?

Wow ... you really don’t know any thing about Pakistan.

Pakistan is a Islamic republic .... it never said otherwise. PM IK reminds everyone every time of this fact.

India is the pretender bragging democratic and secular credentials when opposite is the truth.
you want Chinese managers ordering Indian workers around, instead of Indian investors ordering Chinese workers around?
I would want the labour force to be Indian, not thousands of Chinese working the cement mixers and cranes etc, managed mostly by Indians, and a few Chinese if required.
That's right, DEMOCRATIC India with its beloved CASTE SYSTEM. Sounds like an oxymoron to me!
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