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British Racist man abusing pakistani hardworking Taxi driver

People always mention Pakistanis grooming white English girls but never criticize English men grooming young girls in Thailand, Fillippines etc. Also what about the millions of non-White girls groomed and raped by White english men in the colonies during the British Empire?

F.ck Multiculturalism and cheap labor immigration when will Pakistanis fix their own country instead of complaining
It is old deep seated hate. Don't underestimate this rant. These words have a meaning. He very specifically targets Pakistan like most of his white angry extremist compatriots do. These white angry Anglo-Saxons have developed a special hate for Pakistan. They hate Islam and Muslims. They associate Pakistan with ultimate Islam. Hence their extreme hate for Pakistan.

You know the day Pakistan became a nuclear power these white Anglo-Saxons gave our nukes a nickname. Why didn't the Indian nukes get a nickname? What about US, French or Israeli nukes? You guessed it right. These white angry motherfvckers are our enemies.

because pakistan is the only islamic country to be atomic
With this kind of mentality from Pakistanis from pak is it any wonder, why people from Azad Kashmir want to separate from Pakistan. You are not any better. Take a look at the state of Pakistan your fat women shake their hips for roti, your men bum lil boys, terror, drugs etc. Name one traitor Mirpuri but I can mention many sells out Pakistanis who sold Pakistan.
Our personal history is better, our language is cleaner. We have proved your superiority is artificial. Come to the UK and say insults to mirpuris face, I dare you but we can say it to your face in your neighbourhood and that too loudly. This has been done before. you don't run us over here, we run you here.

Even blacks don't mess with Mirpirus. Mirpirus ARE Pakistanis. We are all the same. However, Mirpirus resemble Iranians and Turks more than the average Pakistani does.
Of course. Proving to be even more of an embarrassment. Constant obsession with violence and beating up. That is when you're not spouting misogyny. Your chav actions have an effect on our standing internationally. When we apply for a visa or immigration.

The Rotherham scandal has become an embarrassment for us (which includes you and all Mirpuris as you too are Pakistanis). If you want to be considered separate than Pakistan that's up to you. We don't make any distinction between you and other Pakistanis. I'd have said the same if a gang of Sialkotis was grooming underage girls.

So ditch your Southall chavvy trash talk and introspect. Assimilate a little better.

You got a beating from a Sindhi, so you are taking it out on UK Pakistanis mirpuris. I told you I was born in the UK not on visa, so stop this crap about visa immigration, was your visa revoked:). You dumb Urdu big ego heads don't assimilate in Pakistan yet have the nerve to tell others.

Unke karam unke saath?

Man do you actually talk like this in Pakistan. No one comments?

You must be 3rd or 4th gen. The Hindi still continues in your household?
Quite sad. Good the driver kept his wits about him and was stern but polite.
Even blacks don't mess with Mirpirus. Mirpirus ARE Pakistanis. We are all the same. However, Mirpirus resemble Iranians and Turks more than the average Pakistani does.

More reason to prove Multiculturalism and Cheap labor immigration have been disastrous for the Anglosphere

because pakistan is the only islamic country to be atomic

Maybe but Pakistan is just poor hard to respect poor people tbh
If you ask me about White Nationalists I actually don't mind them unlike white pseudo liberals they are open about their hatred towards non whites and are more in favor of less intervention by their own governments in third world countries
More reason to prove Multiculturalism and Cheap labor immigration have been disastrous for the Anglosphere

TBH the decline of the anglosphere has nothing to do with Multiculturalism. For some reason, since 2005, most White English people don't want to work hard, study or be productive. They just want to get drunk, take drugs and be lazy. Have no idea why that is. That is the reason for their decline. Nothing else.
You got a beating from a Sindhi, so you are taking it out on UK Pakistanis mirpuris. I told you I was born in the UK not on visa, so stop this crap about visa immigration, was your visa revoked:). You dumb Urdu big ego heads don't assimilate in Pakistan yet have the nerve to tell others.

I'm not falling into your ethnicity shit flinging attempt.

Child, just assimilate a little better and stop being such a fricking chav. The way you talk, you're an embarrassment regardless of which ethnicity or nationality you're from.
TBH the decline of the anglosphere has nothing to do with Multiculturalism. For some reason, since 2005, most White English people don't want to work hard, study or be productive. They just want to get drunk, take drugs and be lazy. Have no idea why that is. That is the reason for their decline. Nothing else.

It's a factor it's been decades of Jewish subversion in their academics and politics which is why I am wary of Jews in general
It's a factor it's been decades of Jewish subversion in their academics and politics which is why I am wary of Jews in general
Yaar you talk so much sense and then in a second, you sweep it all clean by playing the "Jew control the world" card.

Have you not seen how regressive some of our Muslims can be? Jews don't get into your mind and force you to kill each other and beat up your women. Aapne aap ko behtar karo, Jews pe blame karna choro.
I'm not falling into your ethnicity shit flinging attempt.

Child, just assimilate a little better and stop being such a fricking chav. The way you talk, you're an embarrassment regardless of which ethnicity or nationality you're from.

It is not your dads forum and stop yapping about grammar. Puddu got a beating from a Sindhi and is taking out, his gussa on others. I hope you have scars. If I am such an embarrassment then why are you talking to me since you are so sophisticated Karachi Urdu speaking tatto.

Visa got revoked.:)
Idiomatic usage Doc. Most don't. I do.

Its not urdu. Its Hindi. So it cannot be Pakistan post 1947.

So its come from your great (or great great) grandparents.

And it continues to be spoken within the family.

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