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British Racist man abusing pakistani hardworking Taxi driver

i am all for large families. just find a planet that can support it

I am well versed in American Presidential history

As long as the big families are indian who burden the planet with 1.4 billion of your kind.......:disagree:
And is @masterchief_mirza right? Are they influential enough now to sway and mould opinion against you?

I know the US there is a big disparity between the two expat communities, but I thought UK was pretty equal in terms if number and impact,

No not at all. For example with the election last year they tried to bloc vote to remove/prevent politicians who made statements on the removal of article 370. They failed miserably and those politicians were voted in with even greater majorities.
You know the real fun part? Guys like him will never go back to their country of origin and drive taxis there although they have already earned enough money to afford some small house back home.
Thats not a funny part.
Driving taxi back home will not earn him peanuts. because all national profit flows to Business class and Overpayed beurocrats.
He cannot start a decent business in his home country. Nobody will return his credit on time once he have sold his merchandize as he will not be aware of the mal practice of market here.
On top of that. Government of his home country will treat him like a road dog. No healthcare, no quality education for his children, No protection from criminal elements, no justice.
He is living a decent and respectfull life by being just a texi river their.
See the problem and only then you will be able to find a solution.
Plus people get shocked by videos like these when a duchebag racist insults someone from south asia only because racism is in trend.
Like we dont know how we are treated in Police stations, Govt hospitals, Revenue offices, Public tranaports, District administration offices, Armed forces personell and Rich politicians . I don't know if i should laugh or cry on this situation. If that hardworking man getting abused by a drunkard Bas**** is more sad or millions of my Pakistani Citizen getting thrashed like animals just for their basic survival in society
Some of these new guys coming over nowadays have such a chudoo attitude. Smack him across the teeth, he'd soon STFU.

My dad was a taxi driver and his generation would regularly beat up drunk goray with too much to say. This was before the time of cctv and mobile phones though.

Being drunk is no excuse - a smack to the teeth and they soon sober up.

you do know taxi drivers cannot carry baseball bats etc, that pi ssed a lot of drivers off they felt they are being left without protection. My take is the ones think we making a big issue out of it should stay shut unless they lived it and experienced it. in the 90s they used to attack a lot of Asian taxi drivers and some have been set alight in their vehicles. authorities would waste time with no leads or capture.
you do know taxi drivers cannot carry baseball bats etc, that pi ssed a lot of drivers off they felt they are being left without protection. My take is the ones think we making a big issue out of it should stay shut unless they lived it and experienced it. in the 90s they used to attack a lot of Asian taxi drivers and some have been set alight in their vehicles. authorities would waste time with no leads or capture.

I remember those days..........:(
you explain to these Pakistani from pak but they think we are moaning about it. I hope they also experience kicking too elsewhere.

Pakistanis subdued and tamed both the Whites and blacks in the UK in the 1990s-2000s. All ethnic minorities in the UK who are neither White or black have benefited from this. Including the new arrivals.
Pakistanis subdued and tamed both the Whites and blacks in the UK in the 1990s-2000s. All ethnic minorities in the UK who are neither White or black have benefited from this. Including the new arrivals.

You hit a bullseye. I think we are under-appreciated by our own Pakistanis in pak, who don't understand the history of UK paks migrating over.
For that reason, people of the South-Asia need to realize that going to England is our due birthright. If you are an educated person and had an iota of sense and read some history then you should know how great Britain invaded our lands, looted our wealth took it back to the mainland and killed our ancestors. Whatever wealth they have today, we have an equal share, if they don't want us on their land they should return back all the wealth which was taken from our lands.

They also killed millions of our ancestors and did an economic genocide. We shouldn't be apologetic instead we should claim our due rights. They F..... need to give us their citizenship as they owe us.

What happened in the past was wrong but let's focus on now because that is what matters in the end. It is the Pakistanis who are raping Pakistan and have not made any progress in the last 4-5 decades. Many other countries that were formerly under British control have done wonders. The main problem is Pakistanis unwillingness to take responsibility and fixing their country. Pakistan reminds me of the many homeless people I see around London, despite whatever may have happened to them in the past there is an abundance of opportunity for them to improve their lives but chose not to do so.

I should also add that the world fundamentally is based on survival of the fittest. If you are not strong enough, you will always be the victim. Losers don’t get rewarded and are at the mercy of those who won. Cry all you want about who did what to you in the past, but if you don’t get stronger it will happen over and over until you go extinct or become stronger.

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