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Why Pakistan needs an Aircraft Carrier and long Range bombers

Stupid idea. We are a defensive force. Our biggest adversary is only a few hundred km away.
I think we should undergo agreement with gcc arab countries for operating joint aircraft carriers and long range bombers which is operated by our armed forces as they have more expertise in this field,there are 50 Muslim countries and still they are unable to operate single aircraft carrier and space mission which is a matter of shame so we should go for such assets jointly
PN DOES NOT NEED an Aircraft carrier. What it needs is a Naval Deep Strike Fighter, approximately 40 to 50 in numbers. This is what PN and the Pakistan Military needs, but sadly it has greatly neglected and overlooked. It is highly deplorable that a Weapon that greatly reduces India's strategic advantages has not been given any importance.
I think we should undergo agreement with gcc arab countries for operating joint aircraft carriers and long range bombers which is operated by our armed forces as they have more expertise in this field,there are 50 Muslim countries and still they are unable to operate single aircraft carrier and space mission which is a matter of shame so we should go for such assets jointly
The question is about who will sell such advanced weapons? Aircraft carriers will have large number is radars, sensors and other highly complex items which are rarely sold that easily. Only when a country has enough capability to manufacture their own equipment, at least 1 generation older ones, will any country agree to sell the newer generation of the equipments.
china has manufactured their carrier on their own so they can sell,also india has bought aircraft carrier from russia and have no ability to build it when they purchased it,egypt has recently purchased su35 which latest jet of russia so there is equal chance that russia can build aircraft carrier for them if they pay money to them
The question is about who will sell such advanced weapons? Aircraft carriers will have large number is radars, sensors and other highly complex items which are rarely sold that easily. Only when a country has enough capability to manufacture their own equipment, at least 1 generation older ones, will any country agree to sell the newer generation of the equipments.
china has manufactured their carrier on their own so they can sell,also india has bought aircraft carrier from russia and have no ability to build it when they purchased it,egypt has recently purchased su35 which latest jet of russia so there is equal chance that russia can build aircraft carrier for them if they pay money to them
Yes, India purchased a carrier from Russia but that was because the Russian carrier was old and sold with refurbishment rather than state of the art equipment. India had to purchase equipment from Israel and make some of its own fire control ro be installed. Making a carrier in terms of physical ship is easy as it just takes steel and concrete. Even the propulsion can be steam one which is very simple technology and done even in WW2 time by Japan, USA etc.

But the modern carriers need sophisticated missile defence, electronic sensors, excellent communication, excellent ASW support etc. All of these are high end ones. India did many of these by itself and only got the base model from Russia. Even Pakistan can get the base model from China or UK-USA but in modern world with supersonic missiles and stealth submarines, it is mandatory for a carrier to have excellent electronics. If one just gets a base aircraft carrier, then that carrier will sink in the first day of war itself as it will be defenseless. This is the hardest part.
Pakistan develops electronics of jf17 jet on their own and has the ability to develop such systems,only our problem is finance,also turkey is our close friend and have developed high quality radars and electronics so we can get these systems once we get carriers,our defense industry is much better than india and we have developed nukes which was much difficult task
Yes, India purchased a carrier from Russia but that was because the Russian carrier was old and sold with refurbishment rather than state of the art equipment. India had to purchase equipment from Israel and make some of its own fire control ro be installed. Making a carrier in terms of physical ship is easy as it just takes steel and concrete. Even the propulsion can be steam one which is very simple technology and done even in WW2 time by Japan, USA etc.

But the modern carriers need sophisticated missile defence, electronic sensors, excellent communication, excellent ASW support etc. All of these are high end ones. India did many of these by itself and only got the base model from Russia. Even Pakistan can get the base model from China or UK-USA but in modern world with supersonic missiles and stealth submarines, it is mandatory for a carrier to have excellent electronics. If one just gets a base aircraft carrier, then that carrier will sink in the first day of war itself as it will be defenseless. This is the hardest part.
Aircraft carriers are expensive.

Long range bombers that is debatable.

I guess Pakistani armed forces will look for whats better and suitable rather than buying expensive stuff or building expensive things.
I think we should undergo agreement with gcc arab countries for operating joint aircraft carriers and long range bombers which is operated by our armed forces as they have more expertise in this field,there are 50 Muslim countries and still they are unable to operate single aircraft carrier and space mission which is a matter of shame so we should go for such assets jointly
Arab countries cannot be trusted due to their pan-arab agenda and arabian supremacy over other muslim nations, they actually try to influence the foreign policies of other muslim countries and then they themselves are influenced by western countries so any alliance with them will definitly be sanctioned prone. I would not trust iranian block as well as their policy is also heavily influenced by their sect and indian factor cannot be excluded, The only muslim block you can trust are Turkey and allies in case of any war. Plus an aircraft carrier or a larger naval fleet stationed in Turk coasts seems to be much better tactical approach and then can be called in case of troubling times with india. Plus we can do many of such military collaboration deals with Turkey in future.
Let's start at home. Don't need any long-range bombers for that.

Exactly. Lets clear the backlog of 400k plus cases in our courts, clean up and overhaul our police, reform LEAs to stop them from acting as goons for hire for the rich and powerful. Improve public education, public health care, work on our water security and so on. Most importantly, nobody takes you seriously on the diplomatic front if your pockets are empty and you do not have any dollars to offer in trade. We certainly do not need air craft carriers for that. External threat is being well managed by minimum deterrence we currently have.
Fucking improve your economy...
Beggers can't be choosers. You cant develop indigenous products without strong industrial base, research budget, proper economy and self-esteem.
You can't ask IMF to finance your Aircraft carrier....
We Pakistanis and our wet dreams.

I see kids here discussing stuff as if its so easy in real lol.

This our friend that will our friend base here base there..
While our economy and defensive needs do not require an aircraft carrier, but what we can do is build up our engineering prowess and manufacturing capabilities so that we can produce them and other ships such as Tankers, Oil Vessels, Frigates and Destroyers for countries like China (or whoever is willing to buy) at half the cost.

As they say, "its all about the money, honey".

This might sound outlandish, but in 60s and 70s Pakistan actually used to build and design large ships and even supplied the same to China and others. We actually have gone full speed in the reverse direction with nitrous engaged.
To most of you this might come as a surprise that Pakistan policy for upholding justice as envisioned in constitution to help the oppressed anywhere in the world, requires not only diplomatic push to champion for the oppressed but also to use force projection to subjugate that change. The global powers have failed to protect many persecuted minorities and nations, a new order is needed

in order to push this global agenda to help the persecuted, Pakistan need planes like 4 to 5 sq of H6, 2 aircraft fleet along with 5 Type 75 for 1 to 2 brigade size deployment.

Can this new global alliance include Pakistan and new nations like china? What do you folks thiink?
Pakistan does't need any aircraft carriers to project power, our enemy YOU (India) is in our next door, and its burden on PN, logistic/maintenance/$$$ etc etc etc, and as for Strategic or Regional bombers, can i ask from HOW MANY COUNTRIES HAVE STRATEGIC OR REGIONAL BOMBERS IN THEIR ARSENALS???,

long range Bombers YES, aircraft carrier NO....
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