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Trump says Jerusalem will be Israel’s ‘undivided capital’ under Middle East peace plan

No no it’s not Turkey’s business palestinians should cry for someone else’s help we know their recent backstabbing in east med and peace spring operation

The Jew plan is to destroy al-Aqsa and build a Satanic Jew temple. Pakistan will not stop them. Neither will the Arabs or the Iranians.
I know there are retarded idiots who would like to do that but that would be casis beli for muslims(ONLY NON-ARAB MUSLIMS THE REAL ONES) as far as i know arabs have accepted this plan so don’t expect something from them they are now in love with their cousins hahahahah
No no it’s not Turkey’s business palestinians should cry for someone else’s help we know their recent backstabbing in east med and peace spring operation

I know there are retarded idiots who would like to do that but that would be casis beli for muslims(ONLY NON-ARAB MUSLIMS THE REAL ONES) as far as i know arabs have accepted this plan so don’t expect something from them they are now in love with their cousins hahahahah

When people ask me what my view is on this issue it is this. Both of the Palestinians and Israelis are the thiefs.
Jordan: pre-1967 borders was "the only path to a comprehensive and lasting peace"

Turkey: The US' so-called peace plan is stillborn

Iran: The shameful peace plan imposed by America

Egypt: Addressees should carefully examine the plan.

Saudi Arabia: We appreciates the efforts of Trump.

UAE: The plan is an important starting point.


Russia : We do not know if the American proposal is mutually acceptable or not.

EU: bloc will "study and assess" Trump's proposals on the basis of its commitment to a "negotiated and viable two-state solution that takes into account the legitimate aspirations of both the Palestinians and the Israelis

UK: This is clearly a serious proposal, reflecting extensive time and effort

France: Wee welcomes President Trump’s efforts and will study closely the peace program he has presented

Germany: Only a negotiated two-state solution, acceptable to both sides, can lead to a lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians.


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When people ask me what my view it is this. Both of the Palestinians and Israelis are the thiefs.
I haven’t seen the palestinian flag but yes you are right imagine if these territory now known as “palestine” or some call it “israel”
If these fake created entities never happened under turkish control there would have been indeed eternal peace between muslims christians and jews but some idiots wanted arab state now they have it let them reap what they sowed
No no it’s not Turkey’s business palestinians should cry for someone else’s help we know their recent backstabbing in east med and peace spring operation

not for Palestinians but for Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque which is the third holiest site in Islam

Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque are belong to 1,7 billion Muslims
not for Palestians but for Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque which is the third holiest site in Islam

Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque are belong to 1,7 billion Muslims
Well don’t know about jerusalem cause arabs say it’s arab city but for al-Aqsa yes it belongs to all muslims
Israel wants to destroy Al-Aqsa Mosque to build the Tomb of Suleiman

Jerusalem , Mecca and Medina are belong to 1,7 billion Muslims

In Islam, Jerusalem is the third holiest city after Mecca and Medina.
In Islamic tradition, in 610 CE it became the first qibla, the focal point for Muslim prayer and Prophet Muhammad made his Night Journey there 10 years later ascending to heaven where he speaks to ALLAH, according to the Quran
Trump says Jerusalem will be Israel’s ‘undivided capital’ under Middle East peace plan

Palestinians leaders have called for a boycott of the plan

US president Donald Trump and Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu are releasing details of their Middle East peace plan, despite a boycott from Palestinian leaders.

Sending the room into a standing ovation with loud applause, Mr Trump praised Mr Netanyahu for his “courage” to “take this bold step forward.”

Under the White House plan, Jerusalem would be under total Israeli control, which denies Palestinians their aspiration to have the whole of east Jerusalem as their capital.

“But that’s no big deal,” Mr Trump joked, “because I already did that for you."

In this new plan, the Palestinians would have their capital within east Jerusalem - though it remains unclear what territory this would include.

“We will never ask Israel to compromise its security,” he continued. “Can’t do that.”

In a nod to his own re-election bid, Mr Trump boasted, “I’ve done a lot for Israel.” He ticked off several things, including withdrawing the US from a nuclear accord with Iran.

The room again erupted in applause.

But it fell silent as Mr Trump declared he wants his plan also to do “great things for the Palestinians.”

Mr Trump predicted the plan would create 1m new Palestinian jobs and wipe out poverty in the group’s areas. He asked the Palestinians to “meet the challenges of peaceful coexistence,” including cracking down on the actions of and financing for groups like Hamas.

“America cannot care about peace more than the stakeholders in the region,” Mr Trump said, adding “all humanities” should find a way to coexist “in the holy land.”

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Trump actually says : f u both Jews and Muslims. Jerusalem belongs to Christians. It belongs to Christianity. We will make you both fight till death. Next comes Christian rule of both Palestine and Syria. That's the reason why Europe took Syrian Muslims at massive scale, where they are being brain washed and are converted to Christianity at industrial level. These will be sent back once, Muslims and Jews will be done with each other.
Well, that been said, I will also mention, that Allah has his own plans. Let's see who really becomes successful in becoming the real Deputy of Allah.
Israel wants to destroy Al-Aqsa Mosque to build the Tomb of Suleiman

Jerusalem , Mecca and Medina are belong to 1,7 billion Muslims

In Islam, Jerusalem is the third holiest city after Mecca and Medina.
In Islamic tradition, in 610 CE it became the first qibla, the focal point for Muslim prayer and Prophet Muhammad made his Night Journey there 10 years later ascending to heaven where he speaks to ALLAH, according to the Quran

Brother it was the focal point but after the changing of the Qibla to Mecca & Medina we have no business with Jerusalem. I'm a firm believer who ever it belongs to is Allah's choice whoever he deems worthy. Arabs & Co., do not own Islam when they were debating useless issues in Baghdad Allah unleashed Genghis Khan and in a generation or two they became Muslims and spread it east.

Had the Muslims played it proper and gotten rid of Jews during the first 1-7 Crusades we wouldn't have been dealing with this shit now, but cousin love only spreads so far apart.

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