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Trump says Jerusalem will be Israel’s ‘undivided capital’ under Middle East peace plan

The following video and song makes more sense than Trumps peace plan.



Israel wants to destroy Al-Aqsa Mosque to build the Temple of Solomon

Jerusalem belongs to its 880 K citizens (540 K Jews and 340 K Arabs).

Jerusalem belongs to 2+ billion of Christians and 1,7 billion of Muslims and 20+ million of Jews

Jerusalem is considered holy to the three major Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam)
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Jerusalem belongs to its 880 K citizens (540 K Jews and 340 K Arabs).

What is the difference between Jews and Arabs?

The city has been destroyed so many times that it cannot be established who owns the city and it should be declared as open city of the world. Israel's right to claim Jerusalem is a legal fallacy
Jewish State was destroyed 2 times in history ( The first and second Solomon's Temple was destroyed )

597 BC by Babylonians under the King Nebuchadnezzar
70 CE by the Roman Empire under TITUS

According to Quran
Jews shall cause corruption ( FASAD ) in this world twice

What is FASAD ?

FASAD is corruption
FASSAD is killing
FASSAD is subjugation of People
FASSAD is lots of chaos where Jews are

so ALLAH is saying when the first of these two times is going to happen ,we shall send against Jews , an Army will come against Jews. They are our creation , our servants . They have great military might . They are a strong People

and They manage to go and probe even into your houses. They are going to go all the way destroy all the way to your houses

and this was a promise that indeed took place

The Quran tells us that the Bani Israel will rise to power and fall twice, the second time being the final opportunity for this tribe to do good and treat humanity well, but if they turn to evil and corruption and harm innocent people then ALLAH will indeed punish them, and remove them from the position of power they were once in.

what a great video ... The final Fall of Bani Israel
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Israel wants to destroy Al-Aqsa Mosque to build the Tomb of Suleiman
Very weird conspiracy theory.

Jerusalem belongs to 2+ billion of Christians and 1,7 billion of Muslims and 20+ million of Jews
Jerusalem belongs to its citizens. Christians, Muslims and Jews can come and pray at their holy sites.
You mean like Constantinople and Hagia Sophia belong to 2 billion Christans?

We have seen Christian CRUSADERS when they attacked on Constantinople and Hagia Sophia

only Orthodox Christians care about Hagia Sophia .... but not 2 billion Christians
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Jewish State was destroyed 2 times in history ( The first and second Solomon's Temple was destroyed )

597 BC by Babylonians under the King Nebuchadnezzar
70 CE by the Roman Empire under TITUS

According to Quran
Jews shall cause corruption ( FASAD ) in this world twice

What is FASAD ?

FASAD is corruption
FASSAD is killing
FASSAD is subjugation of People
FASSAD is lots of chaos where Jews are

so ALLAH is saying when the first of these two times is going to happen ,we shall send against Jews , an Army will come against Jews. They are our creation , our servants . They have great military might . They are a strong People

and They manage to go and probe even into your houses. They are going to go all the way destroy all the way to your houses

and this was a promise that indeed took place

The Quran tells us that the Bani Israel will rise to power and fall twice, the second time being the final opportunity for this tribe to do good and treat humanity well, but if they turn to evil and corruption and harm innocent people then ALLAH will indeed punish them, and remove them from the position of power they were once in.

what a great video ... The final Fall of Bani Israel
I am sorry but this interpretation is utterly wrong.

Link to Surah al-Isra: https://quran.com/17

This Surah warns about the pitfalls of corruption and disregard of Allah's teachings (and messengers) with the history of ancient Kingdom of Israel in focus (analogy). They embraced corruption and showed utter disregard of the Ten Commandments (each is mentioned in this Surah). Therefore, Allah Almighty punished them; ancient superpowers assaulted them TWICE in different times. The Great Temple - a symbol of pride for Bani Israel - was particularly targeted and destroyed in each chapter of violence. The 2nd Temple was literally erased by Romans: https://rlp.hds.harvard.edu/faq/destruction-second-temple-70-ce

That wall which is believed to be a part of the 2nd Temple, is actually not.

The Surah does contain numerous interesting revelations. This one is particularly scary:

"And there is no city but that We will destroy it before the Day of Resurrection or punish it with a severe punishment. That has ever been in the Register inscribed." - verse 58
Jerusalem belongs to its citizens. Christians, Muslims and Jews can come and pray at their holy sites.

Very even keeled.

How do the residents of Jerusalem identify themselves? Israeli or Palestinian?
We have seen Christian CRUSADERS when they attacked on Constantinople and Hagia Sophia

only Orthodox Christians care about Hagia Sophia .... but not 2 billion Christians

Which is avoiding the issue.

It is a matter of principle.
If Muslims want control over Al-Aqsa BECAUSE it is a holy place to them,
then tit-for-tat demands that Muslims relinguish control over the Hagia Sophia to the Orthodix church.

Anything else is pure hypocricy.
Which is avoiding the issue.

It is a matter of principle.
If Muslims want control over Al-Aqsa BECAUSE it is a holy place to them,
then tit-for-tat demands that Muslims relinguish control over the Hagia Sophia to the Orthodix church.

Anything else is pure hypocricy.
Istanbul is turkish city since 1453 that’s almost 600 hundred years it’s not muslim city but strictly turkish city
Hagia sophia was church but it was converted and served as mosque for several centuries now it is museum as it should be
Al-Aqsa is mosque was mosque and always will be so these two cannot be compared
I think the haghia sophia should be compared with cordoba mosque-cathedral
At least ayasofya(haghia sophia) is a museum why can’t be cordoba cathedral converted into museum so that everyone can see/pray
Istanbul is turkish city since 1453 that’s almost 600 hundred years it’s not muslim city but strictly turkish city
Hagia sophia was church but it was converted and served as mosque for several centuries now it is museum as it should be
Al-Aqsa is mosque was mosque and always will be so these two cannot be compared
I think the haghia sophia should be compared with cordoba mosque-cathedral
At least ayasofya(haghia sophia) is a museum why can’t be cordoba cathedral converted into museum so that everyone can see/pray

Which is totally irrelevant, if the reason for the Muslim claim is that it is holy for the Muslims.
Or do you say that if Al-Aqsa is converted to a Museum, the Muslim claim will go away with time?
Which is totally irrelevant, if the reason for the Muslim claim is that it is holy for the Muslims.
Or do you say that if Al-Aqsa is converted to a Museum, the Muslim claim will go away with time?
Well theoretically would go if we can jump several centuries later but i think religious fanatics(of all three sects) would nuke all of us but here’s one important detail you haven’t said first al aqsa should become in theory a jewish temple and then converted into museum that’s the historical path of hagia sophia
Anyway these discussions are worthless cause apparently no one is asking ordinary people like you and me what should they do about future of al aqsa basically they(most powerful people/state/governments) always put fait acompli in front of us(normal people)
It’s important to stress that hagia sophia is only turkish ( once a mosque museum nowadays) it does not belong to other muslims of course every muslim and christian can pray if he/she wants but that’s the facts about it i will remind you that lausanne treaty(international) says that ottoman empire history belongs only to Turkey
Arab kurdish armenian greek and other non-turkish historians/nationalists/even ordinary people consider ottoman state to be turkish then you cannot claim what’s good as yours but at the same time spread hate against ottomans/turks
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Trump can **** off and get himself neutered.
Crazy bitch.

There will come a time and that time is near and promised by God and when that happens, these scums will have no place to hide.
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