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Trump says Jerusalem will be Israel’s ‘undivided capital’ under Middle East peace plan

Well theoretically would go if we can jump several centuries later but i think religious fanatics(of all three sects) would nuke all of us but here’s one important detail you haven’t said first al aqsa should become in theory a jewish temple and then converted into museum that’s the historical path of hagia sophia
Anyway these discussions are worthless cause apparently no one is asking ordinary people like you and me what should they do about future of al aqsa basically they(most powerful people/state/governments) always put fait acompli in front of us(normal people)
It’s important to stress that hagia sophia is only turkish ( once a mosque museum nowadays) it does not belong to other muslims of course every muslim and christian can pray if he/she wants but that’s the facts about it i will remind you that lausanne treaty(international) says that ottoman empire history belongs only to Turkey
Arab kurdish armenian greek and other non-turkish historians/nationalists/even ordinary people consider ottoman state to be turkish then you cannot claim what’s good as yours but at the same time spread hate against ottomans/turks
And the treaties after WW1 made clear that Ottomans had no claim to Jerusalem, and Muslims outside the British Mandate did not get any specific claim either.
So the talk about 1,7 B Muslims are bogus in regards of Jerusalem.
They might consider it holy, but have no right to it, according to your reasoning.
And the treaties after WW1 made clear that Ottomans had no claim to Jerusalem, and Muslims outside the British Mandate did not get any specific claim either.
So the talk about 1,7 B Muslims are bogus in regards of Jerusalem.
They might consider it holy, but have no right to it, according to your reasoning.
What claim does USA have over red indians on USA lands?
Or Indians on indian subcontinent or Norwegians on norway and arabs on middle east ?
Muslims outside the British Mandate did not get any specific claim either.
some wonder how many Muslim knew can made claims about Quds ?(well if we go by your criteria)
seriously how many Muslims live in countries that once were British mandate


that's British mandate for Palestine , the actual British mandate include Iraq .
so here we are torn between 18 million to 56 million muslim
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So what did Prime Minister of Pakistan say about this?
And the treaties after WW1 made clear that Ottomans had no claim to Jerusalem, and Muslims outside the British Mandate did not get any specific claim either.
So the talk about 1,7 B Muslims are bogus in regards of Jerusalem.
They might consider it holy, but have no right to it, according to your reasoning.
Jerusalem can only be israeli or/and palestinian(can’t belong to any of the three monotheistic religions only to modern states) I think that’s established fact or theoretically can be anyone’s who can conquer it
But regarding al-Aqsa there is Sultan decree that has been still recognized internationally
There’s reason why jews have only one gate for entering that’s precisely because of ottoman sultan’s law
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Why cant Jerusalem become a joint capital of Israel - Palestine? Or divide it like Berlin was but with a joint ownership of the religious place.
Israel can become the security provider for both Israel and Palestine with both having equal say in those matters.
Israel and Palestine both can negotiate for land swaps , both need to make compromises to move ahead.
Why cant Jerusalem become a joint capital of Israel - Palestine? Or divide it like Berlin was but with a joint ownership of the religious place.
Israel can become the security provider for both Israel and Palestine with both having equal say in those matters.
Israel and Palestine both can negotiate for land swaps , both need to make compromises to move ahead.
The idea was to make Jerusalem a separate entity, not part of Israel or an Arab state.
Neither of the two parts were interested.

If christians want hagia sophia back then give back cordoba to the Muslims or turn it into a musuem if not shut up.

Mecka, Rome, Constantinople and Jerusalem are in the same class.
Cordoba hardly fits there.
It was an occupation that lasted for 100s of Year, until the Spaniards threw off the Yoke.
The idea was to make Jerusalem a separate entity, not part of Israel or an Arab state.
Neither of the two parts were interested.

Mecka, Rome, Constantinople and Jerusalem are in the same class.
Cordoba hardly fits there.
It was an occupation that lasted for 100s of Year, until the Spaniards threw off the Yoke.

Let me guess you buy that whole cordoba mosque is a former church bullshit. Cordoba mosque only featured a portion of a church as time went by the nosque became a complex so basically the old church was no more. Cordoba mosque basically became a new building over time.

Give back cordoba if not shut it.

Funny how europeans cry about hagia sophia while when it comes to cordoba mosque they tell us to deal with it.

Honestly I cant wait until hagia sophia becomes a mosque again so europeans and christians can cry and the look on their faces will be priceless.
Let me guess you buy that whole cordoba mosque is a former church bullshit. Cordoba mosque only featured a portion of a church as time went by the nosque became a complex so basically the old church was no more. Cordoba mosque basically became a new building over time.

Give back cordoba if not shut it.

Funny how europeans cry about hagia sophia while when it comes to cordoba mosque they tell us to deal with it.

Honestly I cant wait until hagia sophia becomes a mosque again so europeans and christians can cry and the look on their faces will be priceless.

Hagia Sophia, The temple in Mecka, the Temple of Solomon and the S:t Peter Church was not built by Occupiers, while Al Aqsa and Cordoba was.
Big Difference.
Hagia Sophia, The temple in Mecka, the Temple of Solomon and the S:t Peter Church was not built by Occupiers, while Al Aqsa and Cordoba was.
Big Difference.
Spain existed in 10th century?? The fact that spain is literally a country made of several autonomous regions tells us a lot about whether land from 10th century is spanish or not(this is about modern national states)
Now about religions
You can’t say that some temples were built by invaders some not just because ancient pagans are exterminated and we can't hear complains from doesn’t mean that we should hide the truth
The real story that lots(i would say almost all especially in ME and pagan roman empire) of islamic/jewish/christian were built on previous pagan religions that’s a fact
Hagia Sophia, The temple in Mecka, the Temple of Solomon and the S:t Peter Church was not built by Occupiers, while Al Aqsa and Cordoba was.
Big Difference.

Hagia sophia used materials from destroyed pagan temples the Ummayad mosque which was a former church. The church was actually built on top of pagan temple.

Cordoba was built by Muslims while Hagia sophia was built by Christians. If christians want hagia sophia give back Cordoba you hypocrite.

By the way Istanbul is Turkish and will always be Turkish until the end of time.
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