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THE "MOON"...Ah, the moon!!!


Sep 23, 2016
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United States
so much hoopla over the failed indian attempts to go to the moon. people view it as some sort of a gigantic achievement that solves all of your problems and opens the gates to rivers of milk & honey. can someone PHULEEZ explain to me what EXACTLY does it get a country that landed on the moon in particular & humanity general??? I mean, like...WHAT? america landed on the moon many times as did russia & China. india is trying and failing but say for the sake of argument, suppose they had succeeded, WHAT EXACTLY WILL IT GET YOU??? moon doesn't have any gold, no gas, no oil. if it could've been effectively miltarized, america, russia & China would've militarized it by now so that's also outta the question. What the bleepin' hell would it get anyone? when the u.s. landed on the moon, did cancer automagically get cured? world hunger eradicated? I mean what the hell did it get ANYONE except a very expense yet USELESS sense of achievement??? I mean, if chandyadaayadaa-2 had landed on the moon, what, toilets would've appeared automagically the next day??? the crashing indian economy would've suddenly turned around & the raping, lynching, farmer suicides, poverty and famine would've just faded away???

is landing on the moon in particular along with deep space exploration in general, is it NOT the most expensive yet WORTHLESS activity you could divert financial resources to when there is SO much to be done on THIS planet???

I agree that it is a useless exercise but Pakistan must be wary of Indian adventurism in space in general. Their true aim is a decisive satellite targeting and spying edge over Pakistan. The second they acquire this they will use it against us. Do not fall for their moon landing crying on Modi's shoulder b.s. Space advances are of zero benefit to the common man. The moon landing would have achieved nothing in that regard but the shooting of satellites is a far more concerning matter.

I would rather be mocking a failed satellite shoot down and quietly accepting a successful moon landing.
I agree that it is a useless exercise but Pakistan must be wary of Indian adventurism in space in general. Their true aim is a decisive satellite targeting and spying edge over Pakistan. The second they acquire this they will use it against us. Do not fall for their moon landing crying on Modi's shoulder b.s. Space advances are of zero benefit to the common man. The moon landing would have achieved nothing in that regard but the shooting of satellites is a far more concerning matter.

I would rather be mocking a failed satellite shoot down and quietly accepting a successful moon landing.
:lol: the u.s. and russia couldn't pull off such weaponization of space & satellites. indiots kia baychtay hain...
so much hoopla over the failed indian attempts to go to the moon. people view it as some sort of a gigantic achievement that solves all of your problems and opens the gates to rivers of milk & honey. can someone PHULEEZ explain to me what EXACTLY does it get a country that landed on the moon in particular & humanity general??? I mean, like...WHAT? america landed on the moon many times as did russia & China. india is trying and failing but say for the sake of argument, suppose they had succeeded, WHAT EXACTLY WILL IT GET YOU??? moon doesn't have any gold, no gas, no oil. if it could've been effectively miltarized, america, russia & China would've militarized it by now so that's also outta the question. What the bleepin' hell would it get anyone? when the u.s. landed on the moon, did cancer automagically get cured? world hunger eradicated? I mean what the hell did it get ANYONE except a very expense yet USELESS sense of achievement??? I mean, if chandyadaayadaa-2 had landed on the moon, what, toilets would've appeared automagically the next day??? the crashing indian economy would've suddenly turned around & the raping, lynching, farmer suicides, poverty and famine would've just faded away???

is landing on the moon in particular along with deep space exploration in general, is it NOT the most expensive yet WORTHLESS activity you could divert financial resources to when there is SO much to be done on THIS planet???

Now you know @Retired Troll, why I call him (OP) cartoon.
It is for every nation to decide for itself what resources it may wish to spend on space exploration according to its national interests. Many such large projects throughout human history have set off cascades of downstream development. May be moon shots of today are like the pyramids of yesteryear?
It is for every nation to decide for itself what resources it may wish to spend on space exploration according to its national interests. Many such large projects throughout human history have set off cascades of downstream development. May be moon shots of today are like the pyramids of yesteryear?
ok, so let's discuss the downstream cascading effects of this. america went to the moon over 50 years ago and then some. WHAT EXACTLY WERE THE CASCADING DOWNSTREAM BENEFITS FOR AMERICA??? please list 'em...both you and I live here and we don't see ANY benefits be it visible or not...

Now you know @Retired Troll, why I call him (OP) cartoon.
dude, if you don't have anything worthwhile to say then don't make a total "cartoon" outta yourself by fartin' your mouth off...
so much hoopla over the failed indian attempts to go to the moon. people view it as some sort of a gigantic achievement that solves all of your problems and opens the gates to rivers of milk & honey. can someone PHULEEZ explain to me what EXACTLY does it get a country that landed on the moon in particular & humanity general??? I mean, like...WHAT? america landed on the moon many times as did russia & China. india is trying and failing but say for the sake of argument, suppose they had succeeded, WHAT EXACTLY WILL IT GET YOU??? moon doesn't have any gold, no gas, no oil. if it could've been effectively miltarized, america, russia & China would've militarized it by now so that's also outta the question. What the bleepin' hell would it get anyone? when the u.s. landed on the moon, did cancer automagically get cured? world hunger eradicated? I mean what the hell did it get ANYONE except a very expense yet USELESS sense of achievement??? I mean, if chandyadaayadaa-2 had landed on the moon, what, toilets would've appeared automagically the next day??? the crashing indian economy would've suddenly turned around & the raping, lynching, farmer suicides, poverty and famine would've just faded away???

is landing on the moon in particular along with deep space exploration in general, is it NOT the most expensive yet WORTHLESS activity you could divert financial resources to when there is SO much to be done on THIS planet???

dude, if you don't have anything worthwhile to say then don't make a total "cartoon" outta yourself by fartin' your mouth off...
Farting is what you are doing. Read your own post, the first one of this thread.
ok, so let's discuss the downstream cascading effects of this. america went to the moon over 50 years ago and then some. WHAT EXACTLY WERE THE CASCADING DOWNSTREAM BENEFITS FOR AMERICA??? please list 'em...both you and I live here and we don't see ANY benefits be it visible or not...

I will give just one example: the need to recycle fluids in space gave rise to modern renal dialysis, that helps untold millions today.
Farting is what you are doing. Read your own post, the first one of this thread.
well then dispute it on evidence instead of showing your retardation. TELL ME WHAT IT GETS YOU...SOMETHING TANGIBLE, VERIFIABLE, how does it help the common indian struggling to make ends meet? how does it help ANYTHING? let's hear it.

I will give just one example: the need to recycle fluids in space gave rise to modern renal dialysis, that helps untold millions today.
but that technology did NOT arise from going to the moon...its already BEEN there. NEXT excuse?
Screen Shot 2019-09-09 at 10.55.32 AM.png
but that technology did NOT arise from going to the moon...its already BEEN there. NEXT excuse?

Erm, no. Modern dialysis is a direct result of the space program, and that is just one example. What dialysis used to be before the incorporation of hollow fiber membranes and IC intelligent control (and a myriad of similar improvements) is not even a comparison, except may be that a Chinese bottle rocket is similar to the Saturn V rocket.
Erm, no. Modern dialysis is a direct result of the space program, and that is just one example. What dialysis used to be before the incorporation of hollow fiber membranes and IC intelligent control (and a myriad of similar improvements) is not even a comparison.
negative. space program includes sending satellites & astronauts in earth's orbit to maintain those satellites. what you have pointed out was already achieved prior to going to the moon. I am SPECIFICALLY talking about the advantages of going to the moon and beyond. What exactly does it get humanity that could NOT have otherwise been achieved?
so much hoopla over the failed indian attempts to go to the moon. people view it as some sort of a gigantic achievement that solves all of your problems and opens the gates to rivers of milk & honey. can someone PHULEEZ explain to me what EXACTLY does it get a country that landed on the moon in particular & humanity general??? I mean, like...WHAT? america landed on the moon many times as did russia & China. india is trying and failing but say for the sake of argument, suppose they had succeeded, WHAT EXACTLY WILL IT GET YOU??? moon doesn't have any gold, no gas, no oil. if it could've been effectively miltarized, america, russia & China would've militarized it by now so that's also outta the question. What the bleepin' hell would it get anyone? when the u.s. landed on the moon, did cancer automagically get cured? world hunger eradicated? I mean what the hell did it get ANYONE except a very expense yet USELESS sense of achievement??? I mean, if chandyadaayadaa-2 had landed on the moon, what, toilets would've appeared automagically the next day??? the crashing indian economy would've suddenly turned around & the raping, lynching, farmer suicides, poverty and famine would've just faded away???

is landing on the moon in particular along with deep space exploration in general, is it NOT the most expensive yet WORTHLESS activity you could divert financial resources to when there is SO much to be done on THIS planet???

Myopic vision.....
Space is the next frontier
Any nation which can't even step on moon can't aim longer.fyi moon is supposed to have helium3 which is an energy source
FYI moo

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