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Modi's Clean India Drive & reality...

The cleanest part in "Indian Union" is the North East,where mongoloid stock people reside and mainland immigrants are generally banned from forming communities there to protect the culture & demography of the indigenous people.But now, many parts of NE is suffering from massive mainland immigration and the chaos that entails from it.
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Well he has built a couple of millions of toilets throughout India and he should get some credit for that.
I have seen filthiest wc's on several trips around the world and I can't understand how people can live day in day out without a clean, dry and fresh smelling toilet with running water.
Well done Modi and I mean it.
Well he has built a couple of millions of toilets throughout India and he should get some credit for that.
most of which aren't even connected to any cesspits or sewage systems, while some are half-built, yet some have no water. No water in 60% toilets puts question mark over Modi govt's Swachh program. the emphasis on number but none on the functionality

even if there is one single solitary toilet in a village usable or not, the whole village is considered as having access to a toilet.

In Prime Minister Modi's constituency people have toilets, but no shelter
The Times of India

Claim: India's prime minister, Narendra Modi, says that under his Clean India program 90% of Indians now have access to a toilet, up from 40% before he came into office in 2014.

Verdict: It's true there's been a large increase in the number of household toilets built under the current government. But there's also evidence that for a variety of reasons, not all toilets are being used or are functioning properly. BBC
No water in 60% toilets

LOL, where did you get that number from?


The NARSS 2018-19 is the largest independent sanitation survey in the country to date, making it the most representative sanitation survey in the country. The survey has found toilet usage in rural India to be 96.5 per cent. Two more independent surveys conducted in the past by the Quality Council of India in 2017, and National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) in 2016, also found the usage of these toilets to be 91 per cent and 95 per cent, respectively.

You can of course pay an NGO to go find/bias sample the 5%, 9 % examples and insinuate extrapolation to the whole effort.

You can also follow the UNICEF data when it is released over the coming years. I wonder what it will say?:


And the progress we see in the co-operative efforts among governments to learn from one another. As Nigeria has been working closely with India to learn from that country’s Swachh Bharat Mission for total sanitation. An important reminder that we all have much to learn from each other’s progress.


LOL, where did you get that number from?
hindustan times on 12 May 2017

someone called James Wilson Civil Engineer repeated it again on 18 Mar 2019 on Twitter and one of you got his account deleted for it: No water in 60% toilets puts question mark on modi jumlabaazi

"The Research Institute for Compassionate Economics surveyed 3,235 households in four states in north India in 2014 and 2018. It found open defecation had reduced by 26 percentage points in the four years since Swachh Bharat was launched, with access to household toilets shooting up from 37% in 2014 to 71% in 2018.

But access to toilets does not mean open defecation has ended, as the government claims. The RICE survey found 23% of people who own a toilet continue to defecate in the open, including people in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, which have been declared open defecation-free states."

".....apparently open defecation-free villages in Rajasthan, many lower-caste and low-income households had been simply struck off government records if they could not afford to build latrines."

February 14, 2019
hindustan times on 12 May 2017

someone called James Wilson Civil Engineer repeated it again on 18 Mar 2019 on Twitter and one of you got his account deleted for it: No water in 60% toilets puts question mark on modi jumlabaazi

Link? 12 may 2017???? lol. Did you check the date right now? Or even read the NARSS survey results?

UNICEF is not trustable and is in on the jumla conspiracy too? :cheesy:

The RICE survey found

And the RICE survey (selective biased sample) got squashed by a much more comprehensive one:


9k biased sample (in 4 states) versus 90k household sample with multiple independent agency supervision (of entire country).
Tbh I haven't read any detailed articles or stats on the progress so I am following the debate with intetrst.
Delhi does indeed look rather filthy. India has a $2.5 trillion+ GDP but has such disgusting transport???

Compare with trains in Tehran, a country under the harshest economic sanctions ever since 1979:

Plenty of space, modern, clean, and no limbless beggars or strange transgenders trying to get money from people...

India should forget wasting money on trying to send people to space, send that money to help bring its poor up into the middle class.

India, dirty capital of world! heaven for rapists and open shitters.
Link? 12 may 2017???? lol. Did you check the date right now? Or even read the NARSS survey results?

UNICEF is not trustable and is in on the jumla conspiracy too? :cheesy:

And the RICE survey (selective biased sample) got squashed by a much more comprehensive one:


9k biased sample (in 4 states) versus 90k household sample with multiple independent agency supervision (of entire country).
For all the Indian posters here defending our cleanliness, we are filthy, no getting around it. That being said we do recognise this as a major issue and I personally have seen major initiatives and change due to said initiatives, we are getting there.

This is an India bashing page, the poster history makes it clear enough, if the last 25 pages of this post weren't obvious I'll spell it out for those still trying to convince others 'we be clean' , why bother?

Just help out, do your part, be the change you want to see.

All the cities except in India are cleanest in the universe, no need to introspect or learn any sort of lessons or impact any sort of change, no that way lies hard work. Much better to open multiple threads, post hundreds of videos and watch as the circus unfolds.

For the life of me I cannot understand why the Indian posters participate in India bashing threads here, it's flame bait at its best. Without their input it's a lot less entertaining.

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