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Denmark passes ban on niqabs and burkas

Yeah but Denmark should not claim to be a land of freedom, blah, blah ,blah all that nonsense like Canada does.
Then say Denmark promotes it's local culture.

Where is the freedom for women that are beat up with baseball bats by their own family,
if they refuse to be a slave?
Where is the freedom for women that are beat up with baseball bats by their own family,
if they refuse to be a slave?
In which culture promotes women to be beaten up with baseball bats and treated like slaves, you idiot?

If you are referring to Islam, you really are an idiot.

In Islam, a husband may only tap his wife with the index finger as last resort before divorcing her, if divorce is necessary.

In Islam it is prohibited for the husband to beat the wife or children and leave any marks on the body.

You are ignorant about Islam. I suggest you take a course at an Islamic University about Islam and the concept of family in Islam.

Where is the freedom for women that are beat up with baseball bats by their own family,
if they refuse to be a slave?
Lets talk about the condition of western women. You have the audacity to come to a Pakistani forum and talk garbage here.

In the west women are treated like prostitutes, with the husband cheating on their wives like John Edwards and Bill Clinton.

Where in the west, the husband swaps their wives with mistresses or prostitutes and God knows what.

In the west women are degraded like garbage as if they have no worth posing as underwear models or bikini models.
In which culture promotes women to be beaten up with baseball bats and treated like slaves, you idiot?

If you are referring to Islam, you really are an idiot.

In Islam, a husband may only tap his wife with the index finger as last resort before divorcing her, if divorce is necessary.

In Islam it is prohibited for the husband to beat the wife or children and leave any marks on the body.

You are ignorant about Islam. I suggest you take a course at an Islamic University about Islam and the concept of family in Islam.

Lets talk about the condition of western women. You have the audacity to come to a Pakistani forum and talk garbage here.

In the west women are treated like prostitutes, with the husband cheating on their wives like John Edwards and Bill Clinton.

Where in the west, the husband swaps their wives with mistresses or prostitutes and God knows what.

In the west women are degraded like garbage as if they have no worth posing as underwear models or bikini models.


Misshandlade systern med baseballträ
Blekinge tingsrätt dömer en man för misshandel av hans 14-åriga lillasyster. Enligt henne blev hon slagen med ett baseballträ eftersom hon inte ville bära sjal. Arkivbild. Foto: Johan Nilsson/TT
En man i 20-årsåldern döms till tre månaders fängelse för att misshandlat sin 14-åriga syster med ett baseballträ. Enligt systern blev hon misshandlad för att hon vägrade ta på sig sin sjal, rapporterar SVT Nyheter Blekinge. Brodern medger att han slagit henne, men hävdar att det var för att stoppa ett bråk mellan systern och ett annat syskon. Blekinge tingsrätt anser dock att systern är mest trovärdig. Ett av slagen träffade huvudet, men hon blev inte allvarligt skadad. Brodern ska betala 10 000 kronor i skadestånd till systern, rapporterar P4 Blekinge.

Google Translate:
A 20-year-old man is sentenced to three months in prison to abuse his 14-year-old sister with a baseball bat. According to the sister she was beaten because she refused to wear her shawl, reports SVT News Blekinge. The brother admits he hit her, but claims that it was to stop a breach between the sister and another sibling. Blekinge District Court believes, however, that the sister is most credible. One of the strokes hit her head, but she did not get seriously injured. The brother will pay SEK 10,000 in compensation for his sister, reports P4 Blekinge.

The girl was lucky, several girls have been beaten to death for adopting a Swedish life style,
which is very different from what you describe.
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Misshandlade systern med baseballträ
Blekinge tingsrätt dömer en man för misshandel av hans 14-åriga lillasyster. Enligt henne blev hon slagen med ett baseballträ eftersom hon inte ville bära sjal. Arkivbild. Foto: Johan Nilsson/TT
En man i 20-årsåldern döms till tre månaders fängelse för att misshandlat sin 14-åriga syster med ett baseballträ. Enligt systern blev hon misshandlad för att hon vägrade ta på sig sin sjal, rapporterar SVT Nyheter Blekinge. Brodern medger att han slagit henne, men hävdar att det var för att stoppa ett bråk mellan systern och ett annat syskon. Blekinge tingsrätt anser dock att systern är mest trovärdig. Ett av slagen träffade huvudet, men hon blev inte allvarligt skadad. Brodern ska betala 10 000 kronor i skadestånd till systern, rapporterar P4 Blekinge.

A 20-year-old man is sentenced to three months in prison to abuse his 14-year-old sister with a baseball tree. According to the sister she was beaten because she refused to take her shawl, reports SVT News Blekinge. The brother admits he hit her, but claims that it was to stop a breach between the sister and another sibling. Blekinge District Court believes, however, that the sister is most credible. One of the strokes hit her head, but she did not get seriously injured. The brother will pay SEK 10,000 in compensation for his sister, reports P4 Blekinge.
LOL? What is a baseball tree?

Give me the link please! Otherwise you are just posting crappy stereotypes here.

What about Extramarital affairs which are common in the west and your society like Arnold Schwarzenegger, John Edwards, and Bill Clinton cheating on their wives and going to other mistresses who behave like prostitutes?
LOL? What is a baseball tree?

Give me the link please! Otherwise you are just posting crappy stereotypes here.

What about Extramarital affairs which are common in the west and your society like Arnold Schwarzenegger, John Edwards, and Bill Clinton cheating on their wives and going to other mistresses who behave like prostitutes?

Google translate. Post edited with link added.
Why do You use American examples? This is Sweden.

BTW, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism is classic trolling.

Misshandlade systern med baseballträ
Blekinge tingsrätt dömer en man för misshandel av hans 14-åriga lillasyster. Enligt henne blev hon slagen med ett baseballträ eftersom hon inte ville bära sjal. Arkivbild. Foto: Johan Nilsson/TT
En man i 20-årsåldern döms till tre månaders fängelse för att misshandlat sin 14-åriga syster med ett baseballträ. Enligt systern blev hon misshandlad för att hon vägrade ta på sig sin sjal, rapporterar SVT Nyheter Blekinge. Brodern medger att han slagit henne, men hävdar att det var för att stoppa ett bråk mellan systern och ett annat syskon. Blekinge tingsrätt anser dock att systern är mest trovärdig. Ett av slagen träffade huvudet, men hon blev inte allvarligt skadad. Brodern ska betala 10 000 kronor i skadestånd till systern, rapporterar P4 Blekinge.

Google Translate:
A 20-year-old man is sentenced to three months in prison to abuse his 14-year-old sister with a baseball bat. According to the sister she was beaten because she refused to wear her shawl, reports SVT News Blekinge. The brother admits he hit her, but claims that it was to stop a breach between the sister and another sibling. Blekinge District Court believes, however, that the sister is most credible. One of the strokes hit her head, but she did not get seriously injured. The brother will pay SEK 10,000 in compensation for his sister, reports P4 Blekinge.

The girl was lucky, several girls have been beaten to death for adopting a Swedish life style,
which is very different from what you describe.
I looked at the original article but I cannot translate it.
There is no translate button on it.

What was the cultural background of the father and the daughter?

The article doesn't say.
I looked at the original article but I cannot translate it.
There is no translate button on it.

What was the cultural background of the father and the daughter?

The article doesn't say.

That is why I ran google translate and corrected a few translation errors...
She was beaten for not wearing a Niqab, and refused to do so even when the brother hit her.
Nationality of this specific case is not known, but quite obvious a Muslim.
It is not the first case, it happens regularily that families beat up their daughters or kill them
for adopting normal Swedish behaviour.

Again: what freedom exists for a girl who knows that if she does not wear certain clothes,
she will be killed by her own family?
That is why I ran google translate and corrected a few translation errors...
She was beaten for not wearing a Niqab, and refused to do so even when the brother hit her.
Nationality of this specific case is not known, but quite obvious a Muslim.
It is not the first case, it happens regularily that families beat up their daughters or kill them
for adopting normal Swedish behaviour.

Again: what freedom exists for a girl who knows that if she does not wear certain clothes,
she will be killed by her own family?
You are stupid. In Islam murder is a major sin.

I would not kill my children if they dress liberally in a bikini and miniskirt. I would politely teach them that it is forbidden in Islam to wear such dresses.

From what I heard and was taught, Niqab is not obligatory to wear in Islam.

Yeah but to beat with a baseball bat is an extremist behaviour.

Don't blame the religion Islam for some stupid people who has the wrong behaviour.

Same way how I hear that western men treat their wives like crap and cheat on them and commit adultery.

Google translate. Post edited with link added.
Why do You use American examples? This is Sweden.

BTW, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism is classic trolling.
Yeah, but Sweden is part of the west isn't it.

How about this example:


Ex-boyfriend faces trial over murder of Tova Moberg, 19
The Local
27 November 2017
08:07 CET+01:00
tova mobergcourtmurder trialhudiksvallnjutånger
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The accused and his legal counsel at a remand hearing earlier this year. Photo: Mats Andersson/TT
The trial of a 22-year-old man accused for murdering his ex-girlfriend starts today.
Tova Moberg, 19, left her home in the small town of Njutånger in Hudiksvall municipality, eastern Sweden, on a Saturday evening in May to go to a party. She was reported missing by her family when she did not return home the following day. A few days later her body was found hidden in a lake.

Her ex-boyfriend was shortly thereafter arrested on suspicion of killing her. He had previously been reported to the police for assaulting her, and she had recorded several violent incidents in her diary.

An investigation of the body showed that she had been strangled and hit 20 times with a hammer.

Forensic evidence to be used in the trial consists of a roll of tape which the prosecutor claims was used when the body was being lowered into the lake, as well as clothes said to belong to the suspect.

Moberg's diary is also to be used as evidence in the trial. In it, she described an abusive relationship where she was not allowed to see her friends, and feared that he would eventually kill her.

One entry describes an argument after he found out she had a secret account on Snapchat.

"I have never taken such a beating before. But there's nothing I can do. He says that if I break up with him he'll kill me, I dare not take that chance. I'm actually feeling really bad but I can't think about it. But I'm trying to make the best of the situation," she wrote according to the investigation.

No weapons or tools that could potentially be tied to the murder have been found, and no DNA traces of the man on her body, reported the TT news agency ahead of the start of the trial on Monday.

The 22-year-old ex-boyfriend is also accused of 'gross violation of a woman's integrity' ('grov kvinnofridskränkning'). He denies both that and the murder charge.

The trial will be held at Hudiksvall District Court, scheduled to end on December 21st.

I hear it is common in the west (Including Sweden), that boyfriends kill their girlfriends, when the girlfriend finds a new boyfriend or dumps the old boyfriend.

Isn't that a fault in your society.
Instead of looking and trying to find faults in other societies, look at your own first! ;)
Aren't they champions of religious freedom?
Since when muslims tolerate religious freedom?!

Don't brag about things you don't have in your countries

Their country, their rules.

But do not claim to be a land of freedom then.

In Canada I see Niqabis all the time.

I do not think you can bring Saudi Arabia into this.

Saudi Arabia does not claim to be a land of freedom. Saudi Arabia is an Islamic Theocracy.

Secondly hypocrites in the west and in Denmark should not claim to be a land of freedom while banning Niqabs.
Whether Niqab is obligatory in Islam or not is another matter.
I am of the opinion that Niqab is not obligatory to wear in Islam.
Most of the muslims don't believe in the freedom when they are in their own country but they want freedom in the west?!

The hypocrisy is from the Muslims who say democracy and freedom is against Islam yet they go to live in these countries where every haram happening
Since when muslims tolerate religious freedom?!

Don't brag about things you don't have in your countries

Most of the muslims don't believe in the freedom when they are in their own country but they want freedom in the west?!

The hypocrisy is from the Muslims who say democracy and freedom is against Islam yet they go to live in these countries where every haram happening
Yeah but when Muslims go to the west, they don't see any double standards, because west claims to be land of freedom. LOL.

So there is no double standards here.
Denmark has passed a ban on full-face veils.

It becomes the latest in a number of EU countries to pass such a ban, which mainly affects Muslim women wearing a niqab or burka.

The law was passed by 75 votes to 30 in parliament on Thursday and will come into force on 1 August.

Those violating the ban will be forced to pay 1,000 kroner (£118; $157), with fines ten times higher for repeat offenders.

The wording of the new legislation does not specifically mention Muslim women but says that "anyone who wears a garment that hides the face in public will be punished with a fine".

Speaking about the law, Denmark's Justice Minister Søren Pape Poulsen said: "In terms of value, I see a discussion of what kind of society we should have with the roots and culture we have, that we don't cover our face and eyes, we must be able to see each other and we must also be able to see each other's facial expressions, it's a value in Denmark."

Amnesty International has described the Danish vote as a "discriminatory violation of women's rights".

But the European Court of Human Rights last year upheld a Belgian ban on full-face veils, saying that communal harmony trumped the individual's right to religious expression.

Where else in Europe has similar laws?
France was the first European country to ban the full-face veil in public places in April 2011, seven years after it introduced a law prohibiting conspicuous religious symbols in state schools.

It was followed a few months later by Belgium, which outlawed any clothing that obscures a person's identity in a public place.

Full or partial bans have since been passed in Austria, Bulgaria and the southern German state of Bavaria, with the Dutch parliament agreeing a ban in late 2016, pending approval from the country's higher chamber.


There country their rules..... Who cares...
There has always been an under current of racism and xenophobia in the smaller European countries. As it is they feel they are getting too Americanized with music, shows, fast food chains etc. And they genuinely seem to single out Muslims. Remember the cartoons?
From what I observe Europe is trying to remove all the "obstacles" in order to become a 100% misandrist, vagina worshipping cuckoldry heaven. They are hell bent on exterminating even any hint of Abrahamic law which still exists.
In which culture promotes women to be beaten up with baseball bats and treated like slaves, you idiot?

If you are referring to Islam, you really are an idiot.

In Islam, a husband may only tap his wife with the index finger as last resort before divorcing her, if divorce is necessary.

In Islam it is prohibited for the husband to beat the wife or children and leave any marks on the body.

You are ignorant about Islam. I suggest you take a course at an Islamic University about Islam and the concept of family in Islam.

Lets talk about the condition of western women. You have the audacity to come to a Pakistani forum and talk garbage here.

In the west women are treated like prostitutes, with the husband cheating on their wives like John Edwards and Bill Clinton.

Where in the west, the husband swaps their wives with mistresses or prostitutes and God knows what.

In the west women are degraded like garbage as if they have no worth posing as underwear models or bikini models.
Even though I think what you have said makes sense, I don't think this issue is just is about whether or not these nations want to move towards a certain cultural environment. This is about the perception of civilizations and self identity.

Denmark is a small homogeneous nation with a certain idea of identity. Islam from their view is another civilization and of another racial group (yes, I know religions are not a race).

Ultimately the perception is that Denmark is the home of the genetic Danish and Christians, not the national Danish. They set the standards of the nation. Social change pushed by the genetic Danish will be perceived as more acceptable while the non genetic Danish will always be guests. Economic freedom yes, but there will never be political or cultural equality.

In the real world there is no such thing as absolute "religious freedom" or "political freedom". In the extreme, they are aspirations, not rights. From my view, no "rights" exist but exist a set of aspirations, which are different according to different societies but generally similar. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't mean I don't think they are important, they are absolutely important and society should put efforts into protecting these aspirations, even putting one's life at stake. Just don't forget what protects these rights and what takes them away. Without a strong backing, they don't exist as "rights" but just aspirations. Just look at the countries in destitute, who takes away these "rights" and who restores these "rights".

Even though many understand this intuitively, they remain hopeful due to a hypocritical narrative of human rights and freedoms.
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Yeah but when Muslims go to the west, they don't see any double standards, because west claims to be land of freedom. LOL.

So there is no double standards here.
The double standard when you hate the western values in your own country but you go to Denmark for the sake of the same values
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