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Denmark passes ban on niqabs and burkas


Sep 20, 2014
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Denmark has passed a ban on full-face veils.

It becomes the latest in a number of EU countries to pass such a ban, which mainly affects Muslim women wearing a niqab or burka.

The law was passed by 75 votes to 30 in parliament on Thursday and will come into force on 1 August.

Those violating the ban will be forced to pay 1,000 kroner (£118; $157), with fines ten times higher for repeat offenders.

The wording of the new legislation does not specifically mention Muslim women but says that "anyone who wears a garment that hides the face in public will be punished with a fine".

Speaking about the law, Denmark's Justice Minister Søren Pape Poulsen said: "In terms of value, I see a discussion of what kind of society we should have with the roots and culture we have, that we don't cover our face and eyes, we must be able to see each other and we must also be able to see each other's facial expressions, it's a value in Denmark."

Amnesty International has described the Danish vote as a "discriminatory violation of women's rights".

But the European Court of Human Rights last year upheld a Belgian ban on full-face veils, saying that communal harmony trumped the individual's right to religious expression.

Where else in Europe has similar laws?
France was the first European country to ban the full-face veil in public places in April 2011, seven years after it introduced a law prohibiting conspicuous religious symbols in state schools.

It was followed a few months later by Belgium, which outlawed any clothing that obscures a person's identity in a public place.

Full or partial bans have since been passed in Austria, Bulgaria and the southern German state of Bavaria, with the Dutch parliament agreeing a ban in late 2016, pending approval from the country's higher chamber.


Aren't they champions of religious freedom?
No, who told you that? Saudia Arabia is champion of freedom and human rights.

Their country
True, very true. Next time you hear Chinese jacking the Tibetans just do a wobble of your head, Indian style and then sing "their country, their rules".
"anyone who wears a garment that hides the face in public will be punished with a fine".
I happen to agree with this. The covering of the female face is all to do with male misogny and precious little to do with Islam. As far as I am concerned a covering the head is cool. Even more imporant then covering the head however is the demeanour of the male/female. If both are looking or acting lecherous then frankly no amount of physical varrier will balm the diseased individual. I often see girls these days wearing full on Arab style headgear - certainly my mother or my grandmother in Pakistan never wore such contaptions but a simple dopatta fulfilled the mead of modesty but the real factor is/was their modesty/conservative natures.

However these days I see these wannabe 'Arabs' effusing so called Islam walling with those silly contraptions on their head but then face is plastered with one inch make up, indeed even a hooker would be embarrased with the makeup they have and then they wear these skin tight leotard legging type of things which are I think Bolly/Indian inspired and you can see their a*ss cheeks wobbling away. I know I should not look but often this sight will be in my direction vision.


Whatever happened to the fantastic baggy Shalwar with the Kameez and dopatta???


Their country, their rules.

But do not claim to be a land of freedom then.

In Canada I see Niqabis all the time.

No, who told you that? Saudia Arabia is champion of freedom and human rights.

True, very true. Next time you hear Chinese jacking the Tibetans just do a wobble of your head, Indian style and then sing "their country, their rules".
I do not think you can bring Saudi Arabia into this.

Saudi Arabia does not claim to be a land of freedom. Saudi Arabia is an Islamic Theocracy.

Secondly hypocrites in the west and in Denmark should not claim to be a land of freedom while banning Niqabs.
Whether Niqab is obligatory in Islam or not is another matter.
I am of the opinion that Niqab is not obligatory to wear in Islam.
Saudi Arabia does not claim to be a land of freedom
They don't claim to be land of 'unfree' either. Fankly in Europe only UK and few others can even begin to claim 'free'. You only need to roll back few decades to 1940s and see the exposition of 'freedom' in most of Europe.
They don't claim to be land of 'unfree' either. Fankly in Europe only UK and few others can even begin to claim 'free'. You only need to roll back few decades to 1940s and see the exposition of 'freedom' in most of Europe.
No such thing as land of free.
As a mark of protest - Muslims should boycott Denmark and possibly all the countries that ban Hijab/niqab/burqa.

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