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Pakistan Paramilitary News & Discussions

USD 2.2 million per piece. I doubt it will be cost effective ?

Well it is probably going to be paid for by the U.S. as Fatman claims. And since it is going to help the U.S. effort across the border this is entirely feasible.

If we allow 600 million for purchases then it means 272 vehicles which have proven record in operations in urban/counter insurgency work.

It will mean the heavy tracked vehicles (with higher maintenance costs) will be returned to standard use. (military)

Also in the event of a war they would provide a back up to the tracked vehicles.

So i think they would be cost effective (cause in theory they would be free :lol:)

I'm Pleased with the vehicle, and the multipurpose attribute will serve our army well. Plus It could fill up some of the gaps in our millitary.

But for how much will we buy, when, and where?
FC is 80,000 men strong. obviously not all will be mechanised. for the FC to be effective i would think at least 3-6 brigade (s) strength would be equipped with the strykers. rest of the US aid would be used on upgrading the weapons and communication equipment of the FC.
What effectiveness does striker really have in case of mine attacks or rockets because these are the only weapons used so far against the FC. Besides when the insurgents will know that there weapons are useless against the FC they will either go for a different strategy against the FC which is not a possible solution because modern weaponary is not easily these days available on the black market, rather they may decide to get there *** out of the country because staying here will only increase their causalties. But we cannot neglect the indian equation as they are still there in afghanistan with all there resources to help terrorists in pakistan.
It will be effective as in better than Toyota vehicles which our FCs uses. Rocket & mines are a dangerous thing indeed even for the tanks. But in some situation, and you will find many incidents where these vehicle will make the FC safer, and more effective.
stryker brigade is deployed in iraq - with good safety record
Playing Devils advocate for a moment, if the strykers are really that effective - why is the U.S military still engaged in finding a new vehicle to reduce casualties from IED's etc?

Also found this article about the Stryker. Its from 2005, so some of the issues mentioned may have been resolved, but I couldn't find anything on that.

But the Army's Dec. 21 report, drawn from confidential interviews with operators of the vehicle in Iraq in the last quarter of 2004, lists a catalogue of complaints about the vehicle, including design flaws, inoperable gear and maintenance problems that are "getting worse not better." Although many soldiers in the field say they like the vehicle, the Army document, titled "Initial Impressions Report -- Operations in Mosul, Iraq," makes clear that the vehicle's military performance has fallen short.

The internal criticism of the vehicle appears likely to fuel new controversy over the Pentagon's decision in 2003 to deploy the Stryker brigade in Iraq just a few months after the end of major combat operations, before the vehicle had been rigorously tested for use across a full spectrum of combat.

The report states, for example, that an armoring shield installed on Stryker vehicles to protect against unanticipated attacks by Iraqi insurgents using low-tech weapons works against half the grenades used to assault it. The shield, installed at a base in Kuwait, is so heavy that tire pressure must be checked three times daily. Nine tires a day are changed after failing, the report says; the Army told The Post the current figure is "11 tire and wheel assemblies daily."

"The additional weight significantly impacts the handling and performance during the rainy season," says the report, which was prepared for the Center for Army Lessons Learned in Fort Leavenworth, Kan. "Mud appeared to cause strain on the engine, the drive shaft and the differentials," none of which was designed to carry the added armor.

The vehicle's computers are too slow and overheat in desert temperatures or freeze up at critical moments, such as "when large units are moving at high speeds simultaneously" and overwhelm its sensors.

...The main weapon system, a $157,000 grenade launcher, fails to hit targets when the vehicle is moving, contrary to its design, the report states. Its laser designator, zoom, sensors, stabilizer and rotating speed all need redesign; it does not work at night;
Study Faults Army Vehicle (washingtonpost.com)

What about the new MRAP's? They appear to be a lot more mobile - which seems to be the main issue wrt to the terrain in FATA.
Navy Set to Test new MRAP Armored Vehicles from Nine Contractors

Canada has Bison APCs similar to Stryker to complement its M113 APCs so they should integrate quite well into PAK army.
This (these visits to see how NG units are operating) is all being done in prep to beef up the FC capability in the NWFP. It would be interesting to see Stryker type vehicles in the FC inventory...fairly capable of operating in the rough terrain there which is too difficult for APCs and too dangerous for Toyota HIACE/FORERUNNER flatbeds.
we are actually using Hiace for military operations?
On other note, i dont think Pakistan FC will get these vehicles. We probably reviewed, how these vehicles are being used as a system (brigade) rather than the capability of the vehicle itself.
Or is it this thing:

If it is, no wonder the casualty rate has been so high.

Its a toyota Hilux and man stainding up is prone to a direct attack from a terrorist whos hiding out in the rocky mountains and fire a rocket or even through a gun at him. This is the reason why we have so many casualties.
On other note, i dont think Pakistan FC will get these vehicles. We probably reviewed, how these vehicles are being used as a system (brigade) rather than the capability of the vehicle itself.

Perhaps its a whole brigade system because different vechile comprises of different capability, but at the cost of lives of FC i personally believe they should be incoperated, Hilux is no option its just a pickup with no protection at all.
There are a lot of Chinese options as well. Including 6 to 8 wheeled armoured vehicles.

They are much cheaper, and hoping that they will come with TOT so our HIT can build them.

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