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WZ-8; Hypersonic Glider to watch for during the Oct 1 parade; A Game Changer


Dec 17, 2014
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United States
A Good Defense is to have a really Good Offense

It was first reported in September 2015 that an unmanned "hypersonic cruising vehicle" (>Mach 4) featuring a turbojet/ramjet combined cycle engine (TBCC) was tested for the first time after being released from an H-6 carrier. The vehicle was developed by the 611 Institute and might use the wave riding technology. After the hypersonic flight the HCV returned to the base and landed safely. A recent satellite image (June 2018) indicated that the triangular shaped HCV was entering the service with PLAAF as a strategic reconnaissance UAV (WZ-8) similar to American D-21. The latest image (September 2019) suggested that the WZ-8 is expected to be unveiled during the military parade celebrating China's 70th anniversary on October 1, 2019.
Source: https://chinese-military-aviation.blogspot.com/p/uavucav-ii.html#WZ-8


If Pakistan can acquire these; it can neutralize the Indian ABM advantage, and maintain Minimum Credible Deterrence. A system Pakistan should really look into. Hyperonic systems like this currently have no defense among any world power.






https://www.uscc.gov/sites/default/files/Annual_Report/Chapters/Chapter 4, Section 2 - China's Pursuit of Advanced Weapons.pdf


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Even if Pakistan gets it, it wont be a public deal.

If Pakistan procures it, and is able to produce them itself, it should make it public that it has the ability to make them. There is a psychological value to stating Pakistan has the ability to penetrate their ABM system. It allows Pakistan to maintain the credibility of its minimum deterrence policy. otherwise it will have to shift to a MAD doctrine and ramp up production of the current systems in the hopes that enough will get threw.
If Pakistan procures it, and is able to produce them itself, it should make it public that it has the ability to make them. There is a psychological value to stating Pakistan has the ability to penetrate their ABM system. It allows Pakistan to maintain the credibility of its minimum deterrence policy. otherwise it will have to shift to a MAD doctrine and ramp up production of the current systems in the hopes that enough will get threw.
minimal chance to get MARV warhead tech from China, often believe that all military tech from China, that's a wrong concept , this is their strategic/sensitive tech, i don't think we will able to get this MARv tech in near or in far Future @FuturePAF
minimal chance to get MARV warhead tech from China, often believe that all military tech from China, that's a wrong concept , this is their strategic/sensitive tech, i don't think we will able to get this MARv tech in near or in far Future @FuturePAF

If the Russians spread Hypersonic technology to the Indians, the Chinese may no longer feel reluctant to share similar technology to Pakistan, to maintain the balance. We have to watch and see if India gets the Zircon Missile. Their own Joint venture with Russian in the form of the Brahmos II has stalled, and they have expressed a desire for this capability for over 10 years, hence a sale of the Zircon would introduce the technology into the regional balance. China would only be re-balancing with a sale of the WZ-8.


If the Russians spread Hypersonic technology to the Indians, the Chinese may no longer feel reluctant to share similar technology to Pakistan, to maintain the balance. We have to watch and see if India gets the Zircon Missile. Their own Joint venture with Russian in the form of the Brahmos II has stalled, and they have expressed a desire for this capability for over 10 years, hence a sale of the Zircon would introduce the technology into the regional balance. China would only be re-balancing with a sale of the WZ-8.


No MARv technology is different from hypersonic scramjet vehicle tech,scramjet technology are currently testing by many nations but MARv tech tested only tested by only 3 countries (China/Russia/USA) @FuturePAF MARv tech is based on boost glide vehicles with terminal maneuverability @FuturePAF
No MARv technology is different from hypersonic scramjet vehicle tech,scramjet technology are currently testing by many nations but MARv tech tested only tested by only 3 countries (China/Russia/USA) @FuturePAF MARv tech is based on boost glide vehicles with terminal maneuverability @FuturePAF

I understand Glider technology is different then hypersonic cruise missile technology, but the principle of re-balancing still holds if China thinks it is in their interest to transfer the technology.
Guess it wasn't called the WZ-8 but the DF-17 I was referring too. Even a Hundred of these will give Pakistan the edge in the Strategic sphere for at least a decade. Also procurement of the DF-100 hypersonic cruise missile would change the operational (non-strategic) balance as well. No longer would the Pakistan air force need long range deep strike planes; just ISR assets to guided hypersonic cruise missile strikes from standoff ranges.
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Guess it wasn't walled the WZ-8 but the DF-17 I was referring too. Even a Hundred of these will give Pakistan the edge in the Strategic sphere for at least a decade. Also procurement of the DF-100 hypersonic cruise missile would change the operational (non-strategic) balance as well. No longer would the Pakistan air force need long range deep strike planes; just ISR assets to guided hypersonic cruise missile strikes from standoff ranges.
Not every military tech of China is available for Pakistan, especially their strategic military tech @FuturePAF :disagree:
Not every military tech of China is available for Pakistan, especially their strategic military tech @FuturePAF :disagree:

Currently strategic, but if it becomes the norm, China may provide it. China may want to help Pakistan gain and maintain a military edge, so it is feels confident it can handle any eventuality, and dedicate all available resources to economic development. Also a more modest version of the DF-17; not all the bells and whistles, could be developed. Coupled to an existing Pakistani system like the Shaheen 1A, a "DF-17A" could be made that is focused on just defeating an S-400 and the Underdevelopment Indian ABM system, nothing more than that. It all depends on what's in China's interest. :china::pakistan::-)
Currently strategic, but if it becomes the norm, China may provide it. China may want to help Pakistan gain and maintain a military edge, so it is feels confident it can handle any eventuality, and dedicate all available resources to economic development. Also a more modest version of the DF-17; not all the bells and whistles, could be developed. Coupled to an existing Pakistani system like the Shaheen 1A, a "DF-17A" could be made that is focused on just defeating an S-400 and the Underdevelopment Indian ABM system, nothing more than that. It all depends on what's in China's interest. :china::pakistan::-)
No just no not near or in Far future may be it will help to developing tech MARV tech of China is developing to counter US CVN (aircraft carrier) in pacific, their is no way that China will give us MARV tech to Pakistan, and there other ways to disable Indian S-400, like Suicide drone (like Harpy that's clone by China/CM saturation attack/ developing ECM against S-400 to blind/Jam S-400 radars etc etc ) @FuturePAF :disagree::disagree::disagree:
No just no not near or in Far future may be it will help to developing tech MARV tech of China is developing to counter US CVN (aircraft carrier) in pacific, their is no way that China will give us MARV tech to Pakistan, and there other ways to disable Indian S-400, like Suicide drone (like Harpy that's clone by China/CM saturation attack/ developing ECM against S-400 to blind/Jam S-400 radars etc etc ) @FuturePAF :disagree::disagree::disagree:

You maybe right. Although if MARV warhead technology turns out to be a disruptive technology, the Pakistani military may try to develop something similar, if it can't procure it from China. In the mean time, suicide drones and cheap cruise missiles seem to be an effective (kinetically and financially) weapon, at least for conventional attacks. We need only look at what happened to the Saudi oil facilities last month. The engine on the cruise missile that hit those facilities are the Czech TJ-100 Turbojet engine, which only costs 50,000 Euros. Not bad considering the amount of damage they did.

Only time will tell, but it is my personal opinion that it is highly likely that Pakistan may have access to "Hypersonic" cruise missiles or even hypersonic vehicles.
No just no not near or in Far future may be it will help to developing tech MARV tech of China is developing to counter US CVN (aircraft carrier) in pacific, their is no way that China will give us MARV tech to Pakistan, and there other ways to disable Indian S-400, like Suicide drone (like Harpy that's clone by China/CM saturation attack/ developing ECM against S-400 to blind/Jam S-400 radars etc etc ) @FuturePAF :disagree::disagree::disagree:
It seems my intuition was right and they may have decided to share the technology with Pakistan to counter balance India.
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