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World's first atomic bomb built by Chinese-American

So China waited 20 years, after vast help from the Soviet Union to test an atom bomb just to salve white feelings...sweet of them!

Do you consider that China is now even with Japan, as a Chinese origin person invented the bomb which caused the horror of Nagasaki and Hiroshima?
I think it's a step in the right direction that a Chinese woman invented the atomic bomb.

But because USA backstabbed China (as a fellow victor of WW2) in 1945-1949 and shifted its alliance closer to post-war Japan, China was not able to totally get even. We are still in this situation today where USA supports Japan. So Japan does not think it was defeated by China and they think they are superior.

Therefore, as the US weakens and it is no longer able to protect Japan, China has to exact our revenge to truly get even with Japan. Finish the work that Mme Wu started.
The only way she could possibly stick around the Manhattan Project is if she was totally indispensable. For everybody else it could be a mix of merit, background or luck. But for some woman from China of all places to be in the Manhattan Project, that is 100% merit. She is at least twice as talented as anybody else on the team.

Usually I make a point of not replying to or even reading any of your post as they are filled with racism and are completely devoid of any logic, common sense or rational thought. But this is too retarded to pass.

You think she was more talented than Richard Feynman, Enrico Fermi, James Chadwick, Harold Urey, Arthur Compton, Hans Bethe, Ernest Lawrence all of whom are NOBEL LAUREATE?

Do you even know who worked on the Manhattan project or did you even bother to do some research before spouting nonsense?
I think it's a step in the right direction that a Chinese woman invented the atomic bomb.

But because USA backstabbed China (as a fellow victor of WW2) in 1945-1949 and shifted its alliance closer to post-war Japan, China was not able to totally get even. We are still in this situation today where USA supports Japan. So Japan does not think it was defeated by China and they think they are superior.

Therefore, as the US weakens and it is no longer able to protect Japan, China has to exact our revenge to truly get even with Japan. Finish the work that Mme Wu started.


Usually I make a point of not replying to or even reading any of your post as they are filled with racism and are completely devoid of any logic, common sense or rational thought. But this is too retarded to pass.

You think she was more talented than Richard Feynman, Enrico Fermi, James Chadwick, Harold Urey, Arthur Compton, Hans Bethe, Ernest Lawrence all of whom are NOBEL LAUREATE?

Do you even know who worked on the Manhattan project or did you even bother to do some research before spouting nonsense?

she was the greatest female physicist in US history and her contribution to physics is not less than other nobel laureates. speculation on why she didn't get nobel prizes still went on decades after she passed away.

the development of a-bomb in US was not a discovery in science by individual scientists but a engineering project made possible by tremendous investment
she was the greatest female physicist in US history and her contribution to physics is not less than other nobel laureates. speculation on why she didn't get nobel prizes still went on decades after she passed away.

And who gave her the title of greatest? I don't think the world really cares if some internet fanboy decides to call her the greatest of all time.

These titles are subjective at best and thankfully most sane minded people like scientists do not indulge in such useless expressions.

Anyways in my opinions, contributions by Maria Goeppert-Mayer, Marie Curie, Lise Meitner, etc were greater than Wu's to the physics field as a whole.

the development of a-bomb in US was not a discovery in science by individual scientists but a engineering project made possible by tremendous investment

The development may have been an engineering project, but the technology, concepts, research behind it was purely scientific. Why do you think so many scientists were involved in the Manhattan project?

Without the discoveries in the nuclear physics field by many physicists, the world wouldn't have seen the A-bomb.
she is famous because of her other work, not in the manhattan project.

Wu worked on the Manhattan Project (she helped to develop the process for separating uranium metal into the U-235 and U-238 isotopes by gaseous diffusion). She later performed experiments that contradicted the "Law of Conservation of Parity" and which confirmed the theories of colleagues. Her honorary nicknames include the "First Lady of Physics", the "Chinese Marie Curie", and "Madame Wu".

"C.S. Wu was one of the giants of physics. In the field of beta decay, she had no equal," said Tsung-Dao Lee, University Professor at Columbia.

"She was the world's distinguished woman physicist of her time," said William Havens, professor emeritus of applied physics and nuclear engineering at Columbia.

Polykarp Kusch, one of Columbia's physics Nobelists, once said: "Her experiments have been designed with great elegance and have, by virtue of their elegance, a high esthetic quality."

She is best known, however, for her 1956 experiment that disproved the conservation of parity and won the Nobel Prize the following year for the two theoretical physicists who had first doubted it, Lee of Columbia and Chen Ning Yang, who is now at S.U.N.Y-Stony Brook.

Within days, Leon Lederman and Richard Garwin, then young physicists at Columbia, conducted experiments at the University's Nevis Cyclotron and confirmed the result. Physicists came to realize that parity nonconservation was the basic property of a single force, now called the weak interaction, one of the four basic forces of the universe.

Cardsharp knows history, knows physics and chemistry. I'd suggest you let him lead a thread that is devolving rapidly into delusion.
And who gave her the title of greatest? I don't think the world really cares if some internet fanboy decides to call her the greatest of all time.

These titles are subjective at best and thankfully most sane minded people like scientists do not indulge in such useless expressions.

Anyways in my opinions, contributions by Maria Goeppert-Mayer, Marie Curie, Lise Meitner, etc were greater than Wu's to the physics field as a whole.

The development may have been an engineering project, but the technology, concepts, research behind it was purely scientific. Why do you think so many scientists were involved in the Manhattan project?

Without the discoveries in the nuclear physics field by many physicists, the world wouldn't have seen the A-bomb.

First, read my post twice, Marie Curie and Lise Meitner were great names but they are not Americans. Wu's contribution was not less than TsungDao Lee and Zhenglin Yang who won Nobel prize for the same research work, which was one of the fundamental advances in physics, if not the most important, in late 20th century. As for Maria Goeppert-Mayer, her work was only a high-level cumulative contributiion to physics.

second, you need to realize the difference between scientific discovery and engineering projects. there are scientific concepts behind my iPhone, but iPhone is not scientific discovery. the nuclear fission and chain reaction, on which a-bomb is based, were scientific discoveries, and they were found in 1930s by German scientists not Americans.

Manhattan project was only among multiple nuclear weapons development plans worldwide at that time but it first succeeded. they are all engineering projects not scientific discoveries.
The fools who proclaimed that Chien-Shiung Wu 'invented' the atomic bomb clearly does not understand the differences between 'invention' and 'innovation'. I suggest the readers perform the keyword search 'invention innovation difference' and see for themselves how these fools came to be.
Actually Little boy was an uranium 235 one.

The article is not correct.

The first nuclear weapon ever built was a Plutonium device. This woman (obviously talented) had exactly zero to do with that. She focused on the Uranium isotope separation, not the synthesis of Plutonium. In 1945, after years of effort, there was enough uranium for only 1 bomb. There was enough plutonium in the pipeline for 2, with more to come in Spetember and October.
The fools who proclaimed that Chien-Shiung Wu 'invented' the atomic bomb clearly does not understand the differences between 'invention' and 'innovation'. I suggest the readers perform the keyword search 'invention innovation difference' and see for themselves how these fools came to be.

fail to see any need to search these words. Dr.Wu did neither invent nor innovate the A-bomb.

and also i didn't see any chinese member here proclaimed Dr.wu invented A-bomb. what i saw is herds of people in high time bashing chinese after they read the misleading title

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