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Willing to work with India for peace in S Asia: China

One man's holy man another man's terrorist.

Rational people don't worship holymen or gurus who claim to be God on earth.

Would believing in "the Son of god" or the "messenger of God" be more rational? After all having a direct line to god can't be that much more of a stretch than actually claiming to be God?

Faith and rational thought never went together not in any religion.
Would believing in "the Son of god" or the "messenger of God" be more rational? After all having a direct line to god can't be that much more of a stretch than actually claiming to be God?

Faith and rational thought never went together not in any religion.

I've been an atheist all my life.
It may be Vague as either it may not suited you or may be you dint find any content. Regarding confusion here I list down where China backtracked from their stance as the sole purpose was to snub India:-

1) China said Indian Kashmir as India controlled Kashmir and P0K as part of North Pakistan.

Back Tracked:- After discussion with Indian ambassador, It removed P0K as North Pakistan from Xinhua.

2) China earlier said there were no Army present in P0K

Back Tracked: Now they say that Chinese army was in P0K to help flood victims.
Reference:- India's pressure works; China says *** not in Pak - World News - IBNLive

You may also check Xinhua as well.

3) China said earlier that it is not building any dam on Brahmaputra River(Yarlung-Tsangpo) in Nov 2009.
China denies building dams on Brahmaputra: Foreign secretary - The Times of India

Back Tracked: In Apr 2009, It said it is building very small dam on the same river almost 1000 Km away from India.

China says dam on Brahmaputra small project: Govt: Rediff.com India News

The point, I reiterate, While India-China will grow economically. China will always do things to snub India as this will gain them psychological advantage.

You know this whole mindset is something that I've gotten to know pretty well from some of the Indian members here. The idea of Chinese infidelity and fickleness. The idea that we are untrustworthy. All of it, I think goes back to the national trauma that was 1962. It colours all discourse with China on international matters and at the heart of it is a complete fabrication on India's side. I'll let the Asia times speak for me.

Two generations of Indians have grown on these Nehruvian myths of Indian naivete and Chinese betrayal, which have merely served to deepen Indian distrust of the "perfidious" Chinese. They have also exacerbated their national trauma and sense of defeat. That some mainstream newspapers are now prepared to allow their analysts to come out with more balanced write-ups and the story of the Indian leadership's follies that led to the war in the first place and their mishandling of the war that primarily led to their defeat is good news.


Indian public opinion has been almost entirely molded for decades by apologists for Nehru and his many failings. The most pervasive myth of all, which will have to be debunked if India and China are to move towards long term good-neighborly relations, is that of Chinese perfidy. For no reason at all, out of sheer greed of Indian territory, the Chinese betrayed a peace-loving brotherly country that had even antagonized the mighty United States by pleading Beijing's cause for a place on the United Nations Security Council.

Your mindset is a perfect echo of these false sentiments. It is through this distorted lens that you see China on the international stage and it is this insecurity that makes you think that a statement like this is constitutes some kind of deception and backsliding.

New Delhi: Two days after Indian government lodged a formal protest with its Chinese counterpart for referring to P0K as part of northern Pakistan, China has now removed the reference from its foreign affairs website, according to the state news agency Xinhua

After all what has happened here? Someone in the Chinese media referred to that part of Kashmir as northern Pakistan, India said this wasn't right considering the area's disputed status and China said fair enough. What would you rather have happened? China ignore India on the matter?

Hell I can guess that you would have found offence either way.

I am not likely to convince you otherwise seeing as this way of thinking is etched deep in Indian minds but I hope others here at least can find some insight to Indian thinking using you as a clinical example.

source for the Asia times quote
Asia Times

card-sharp ???

say something !!:lazy:

It's 7 am here, a fellow needs to sleep doesn't he? Surely you know that there are different timezones in the world.
I dont know why China is having trouble, if you say you want peace, pls maintain it. else declare that you are an enemy. we are fine with both.
I dont know why China is having trouble, if you say you want peace, pls maintain it. else declare that you are an enemy. we are fine with both.

No neither country will be fine with war. It is useless bravado to say we don't care.
I dont know why China is having trouble, if you say you want peace, pls maintain it. else declare that you are an enemy. we are fine with both.

Give me one Chinese article officially stating that China wants to "provoke" India and I'll back your statement.
Give me one Chinese article officially stating that China wants to "provoke" India and I'll back your statement.

obviously there will be no article saying that. But some actions speak louder than words. When you refuse visa to our military staff, and issue Kashmiris stapled visas, obviously its irksome. And it serves no purpose for China to do so. So we find it provocative.

If real cooperation is needed, then such pointless acts have to be stopped. When taking such actions, the sentiments of others have to be considered.

Peace and cooperation are not achieved with words alone: If that was so, there would have been total peace in this world. It requires sincere action to back it up.
You know this whole mindset is something that I've gotten to know pretty well from some of the Indian members here. The idea of Chinese infidelity and fickleness. The idea that we are untrustworthy. All of it, I think goes back to the national trauma that was 1962. It colours all discourse with China on international matters and at the heart of it is a complete fabrication on India's side. I'll let the Asia times speak for me.

Are we discussing here 1962? :no: IF you go back to my previous post I said and considered only 2 year's Indo-China relationship (even though not fully).

One way you are criticizing and stereotyping me with other Indians quoting some article which is stereotyping 1.2 Billion people. Hence nothing logical to discuss here

Your mindset is a perfect echo of these false sentiments. It is through this distorted lens that you see China on the international stage and it is this insecurity that makes you think that a statement like this is constitutes some kind of deception and backsliding.
Thanks for going deep inside my mind and intersecting my thoughts but none of them what you quoted about me here is 101% wrong. While I admire China's development and growth and its people, I still see problems in China's strategic and Foreign relations.. Can't I have the same stance?

After all what has happened here? Someone in the Chinese media referred to that part of Kashmir as northern Pakistan, India said this wasn't right considering the area's disputed status and China said fair enough. What would you rather have happened? China ignore India on the matter?
China is not open democracy and Xinhua is not a news paper where anyone can publish their contents. This is world renowned fact that Xinhua is CCP's mouthpiece hence impact is none other than same.

Hell I can guess that you would have found offence either way.
Let me tell you frankly, If it would be US or Pakistan I may consider this news by some flamboyant news agency as they have democracy but as everything is controlled in China by CCP then do not agree on the same. Stapled Visa row is still not resolved by China and heck I should not see any offence on the same.

I am not likely to convince you otherwise seeing as this way of thinking is etched deep in Indian minds but I hope others here at least can find some insight to Indian thinking using you as a clinical example.
Unnecessary stereotyping again.. Should I also stereotype you and say that you may belong to 2 cents army? Nopes.. I said my point of view as an individual and expect your opinion as an individual.. you may have different opinion in comparison to other Chinese fellow here.
source for the Asia times quote
Asia Times

It's 7 am here, a fellow needs to sleep doesn't he? Surely you know that there are different timezones in the world.

Not my call.. hence left intentionally...
I'm not here to debate with you. I knew when I started writing that I wasn't going to change your mind and nothing you could put together would likely change mine(and I was right). I wrote for the benefit of other members here and just to write.
I am not likely to convince you otherwise seeing as this way of thinking is etched deep in Indian minds but I hope others here at least can find some insight to Indian thinking using you as a clinical example.
I'm not here to debate with you. I knew when I started writing that I wasn't going to change your mind and nothing you could put together would likely change mine(and I was right). I wrote for the benefit of other members here and just to write.

No Probs.. When someone has made up his mind then there are nothing remained to discuss as well.. I am clear on my stance that China is intentionally not going to make it easy our strategic and Foreign relation while continue to increase Economic relation. So lets agree to disagree with each other and you be happy with stereotyping of Indians..:wave:
Give me one Chinese article officially stating that China wants to "provoke" India and I'll back your statement.

Please read:-

Ms. Jiang Yu further underscored "About our visa policy towards inhabitants in the Indian-controlled Kashmir region, the policy (stapled visa) remains unchanged.

CHINA: Declares Open Season on India:

China objects ADB loan to India

China objected to ADB loan to India | China | India | Indian Express

Please come up if it is wrong.
No neither country will be fine with war. It is useless bravado to say we don't care.
No neither country will be fine with war. It is useless bravado to say we don't care

No Bravado here. But its irritating at times. We already had a war, there are bitter experiences we all know. When you really want peace, you should avoid any measure that disrupts it. We need to end it at some point of time. No one is voting for a war, but if there will be war then so be it, we will defend ourselves very well.

Give me one Chinese article officially stating that China wants to "provoke" India and I'll back your statement.

So if China wants to provoke India, then they will publish an article on it?, Politics isnt so secured , is it?...We all know what are the indications. Now you tell me you dont know it.
.....but we will continue to needle them intermittently without any provocation."

There, now the quote is complete.

Whatever Chinese did will most likely translated into this guy’s mentality, and further “confirmed” by Indian free lying media, thanked by vast illiterates or otherwise ill-informed constituents of democratic union of India.
Whatever Chinese did will most likely translated into this guy’s mentality, and further “confirmed” by Indian free lying media, thanked by vast illiterates or otherwise ill-informed constituents of democratic union of India.


Why you talk about media? When did China had a 'media' to know what it is? Anyone should first have something like that other than party mouthpieces to comment on others.

What ever he says is very true and reflected by China's provocations.
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