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Willing to work with India for peace in S Asia: China

unstable economically and politically trust me if ur political leaders try to take action on any army general for their mistakes openly then i agree that pakistan is stable politically and the democratically elected leaders are in control.............

Take action against whom
Dead zia ul haq?Dead ayub khan?

The dead dont speak!
now donot tell me that there is no one doing mistake............

well what do u call by killing by 1000 cuts what do u call it as......... very decent and mature

? U mean wat somebdy said decades back? isnt it a fact tht india created mukti bhani terrorists and LTTE?

and after 62 they made our peoples resolve strong
I dont know wat ur talkin abt!

we export terrorism to other country dude were u in coma or are u a selective listener or u just posting for the sake of argument to defend ur country............ Obama and the uk primeminister and the other world leaders are nor fools to say that 90 % of world terrorist are trained in pakistan

Obama never said tht!:smokin:

UK pm is a bloody crack head his own parliament call him a loud mouthed moron!
EX 911 NY bombings
london Underground train bombings
spain bombing

Alqaeda is not a Pakistani organistion and the people involved were british citizens!

mumbai 26/11

Lol even the name uve given the attacks is a copy of 9/11 of USA:woot:

parliment attack

Kashmiri Freedom fighters!
osama bin laden

Yup hes a Pakistani armed by CIA to fight USSR in astan!:rofl:

and david coleman heady is a pakistani

Its headly and no hes american!

and ajmal kasab and his 9 other terrorists

Narinder modi and likes r indian!? They have killed not hundreds by THOUSANDS and are still a part of indian government!

i wish u can say that to Baluchistan and ur agencies assassinated their leader i dont remember his name the poor old man and the 1000's of baluch's ................

Dont rant here i myself m frm balouchistan so get a puckin life!

its not a comeback it is a fact and i can see how dumb u are rather than pointing fingers at others for ur inability

Only a retarded moron gives example of a natural diaster far bigger then tsunami,2005 earth quake and haiti earth quake combined and talks of sense!

donot drift off topic and make me reply for ur BS off topic dirfts so try to stick to the topic it is about china and india and pakistan is no where in the list so stay away form the indo china discussion which brings pakistani issues............... its not the pak members im mentioning its the issues related to india and pakistan and there is other threads where we can fight keep this thread clean........... stay within the topic...........

Its a PAKISTANI FORUM and every one has the right to state the facts! If we go about ur statement then u should shut up while talking about Pakistans or chinas internal affairs and stick to ur endia threads!
I'm sure this thread not moving towards peace.

I sincerely wish China and India solve the boundary disputes, it is the only obstacle between good Indo-China relations. Hope both of them rise peacefull for the good will of the world.
While it is good to see these positively meant comments by China, what i would like to stress is that when a softcore politician like MMS goes for such comments that too openly. Its time that the top leadership wants to do a recheck in its China Policy.

While one cannot expect drastic changes in immediate time frame, this could be a sign of things to come.

Also i would like to stress that this is a welcome change, because surprisingly India while withstanding any kind of external pressure even from USA at certain times in its history, falls silent and acts childish vis-a-vis China. It is necessary that a assertive India is what , that engages China not a defeatist India as seen till now. This is good for both because China can understand India better and India too can get a better view of China by openly engaging it on all aspects. However till now India has been brushing under the carpet all contentious issues and going for only a few.

Recognition of one's character is only seen when one acts accordingly.
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Well dragged Canada into the equation in the first place. If you we really that serious about trolling you would have not done so.

Cameron drug addict and the British parliament calling him a loud mouthed moron!! After reding all that, i am sure some one is on drugs but its not Cameron.

Bottomline: Canada apologised but Cameron refuses to do so & yet Zardari visits him. Good going.

Now back to the topic. Given that you are so concerned about trolling, i am sure you will stick to the discussion at hand.

True zardari is an azzhole!

But i wonder why indians love USA even though a US president called em d.gs and indra a b..h.

Now kindly dont go offtopic with the usual rants!like some of ur fellow indians.
Well,its good to build a co-operative relationship,not for India and China,but i guess for the whole of Asia.

But what my experience on World Affairs says is,don't trust China in the long term..
True zardari is an azzhole!

But i wonder why indians love USA even though a US president called em d.gs and indra a b..h.

Now kindly dont go offtopic with the usual rants!like some of ur fellow indians.

Still off topic, but let me explain. Nixon was a crook & was forced to resign under the threat of impeachment by the US Congress. It can be safely said that he was virtually thrown out of office. Now do you want us to take Nixon as a prototype for the entire US & start hating Americans. Hardly resonable.

George Bush called Pakistanis as "pakis", i didnt see Musharraf hating him and withdrawing from the war on terror.

You cant brand an entire country based on the rants of a crook. Get the point. A vast majority of americans have a very positive view of India & American Indian's in perticular, who are one of the most successfull communities in the US. People like Nixon dont represent the vast majority of them.
Lets rewind the tape!

Limited nuclear war!
Cold start!
2 Front war!
International reports tht indians consider china there Top enemy just like Pakistan!
Dalai Lama!
Killings in Kashmir etc


The tape continues:

China is India potential enemy #1

Nuclear is for our north neighbor

96 hours

Democratic alliance against China

Approaching S. Korea and Japan for containment of China

Discuss China with US to contain it
@Renegade ur a true diplomat!

Nixon resigned or watever tht was and is a US internal matter right?
And ur calling him a crook for the problem he created for his own country yet ur head of state still visited nixon in his tenture in office?

Bush never said tht!so dont lie!

And about indians being one of the most successfull communities in the US true and same can be said about Pakistanis americans who though r a small community but they are successfull and one of the highest paid ethnic group of USA!
The tape continues:

China is India potential enemy #1

Nuclear is for our north neighbor

96 hours

Democratic alliance against China

Approaching S. Korea and Japan for containment of China

Discuss China with US to contain it

These thread use to be amusing when they weren't so frequent. Like some Indian members here have said "Sympathy anyone can get, jealousy you have to earn". Too much of this is wasted noise.
This was a decision taken at the top, simply because Chinese diplomats/visa officers are not given much autonomy (like the case of the Canadian Visa-officer).

As I have tried to explain before, there is very little chance that we civvies will ever find out why this decision happened, but I suspect it is just a re-iteration of China's stance on Kashmir. It does not want to appear to take sides against Pakistan by allowing the visit of a General in active command of a disputed region. While it may allow generals from Arunachal Pradesh to visit China despite its disputed status because the dispute is with China, it cannot undermine Pakistan's position by sending such a signal (especially coming from an important third party to the dispute)

Again I admit to callousness on Beijing's part, but if India wants to figure more prominently in Beijing's political calculus, it needs to make a few changes.

@ renagade and pesha I'm respectfully begging off an argument with you two because as far as I'm concerned it/you can add nothing useful to this discussion.

Point taken. But China could have surely informed India beforehand that they wont allow a General from a disputed region to travel to a country. Such a step could have surely avoided the fiasco.

Anyway, whats been done, is done. I hope this isnt a major setback and the two countries to talk and sort things out bilaterally.
@Renegade ur a true diplomat!

Nixon resigned or watever tht was and is a US internal matter right?
And ur calling him a crook for the problem he created for his own country yet ur head of state still visited nixon in his tenture in office?!

Indeed the Watergate scandal over which Nixon resigned was an internal US matter. I painted the character of Nixon out for you & he comes out nothing but as a crook. He is hated & despised to such an extent in the US that any major scandal in the US and world over is given suffix "gate". Thats his legacy as President of the USofA. Presidents are remembered for positive contributions to their countries and Nixon gave America its biggest scandal and caused outrage.

Does he look like a saint to you. What more can one expect from a person like him.

Bush never said tht!so dont lie!

I am not lying. He is on record saying that. Here is a link. You can get the video too if you search.

Naive Bush slights Pakistanis with a short-cut | World news | The Guardian

And about indians being one of the most successfull communities in the US true and same can be said about Pakistanis americans who though r a small community but they are successfull and one of the highest paid ethnic group of USA!

I am sorry to say that the same cant be said of Pakistani-Americans, they are way behind. Though the Chinese are very close to Indians in this regard.
These thread use to be amusing when they weren't so frequent. Like some Indian members here have said "Sympathy anyone can get, jealousy you have to earn". Too much of this is wasted noise.

Any thoughts on post-38 mate. I am still awaiting your verdict on wether he is God or not.
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