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Will separating the North East be better for everyone?

Ching chong - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ching chong or ching chang chong is a pejorative term sometimes employed by speakers of English to mock or play on the Chinese language, people of Chinese ancestry, or other East Asians who may be mistaken for Chinese that resided in Western countries.

If you are really a Northeast Indian, you would have known that this is a racial slur, for anyone of East Asian appearance.

Don't you find it funny how so many "North Easterners" have in the last year sprung up on PDF?

They only make up 2-3% of India's total population and so there should hardly be any here, especially taking into account the relative backwardness of the NE compared to mainland India.

Most of these "North Easterners" are really Indians who are desperate to show that all are happy in the forced union that is India.
Good one -- and I shall be the administrator general of the new nation! :enjoy:

@Horus @Oscar
Only if you have the necessary woman "parts" for it. If you have man parts, you will be castrated, hung, drawn and quartered in that nation. Only women can enter the nation, and only the most womanly woman gets to be the admin general.
Nah. They'll need a "real" man. Trust you me! :D

Only if you have the necessary woman "parts" for it. If you have man parts, you will be castrated, hung, drawn and quartered in that nation. Only women can enter the nation, and only the most womanly woman gets to be the admin general.
Don't you find it funny how so many "North Easterners" have in the last year sprung up on PDF?

They only make up 2-3% of India's total population and so there should hardly be any here, especially taking into account the relative backwardness of the NE compared to mainland India.

Most of these "North Easterners" are really Indians who are desperate to show that all are happy in the forced union that is India.
Not really,Assamese will not mind India if they get their share of prosperity.Others are a different matter.But yes,a lot of the NE members are here just to put up a facade of Indian unity.
Weird ....Can't believe he is from A.P. ..." My people would never allow marriage with a mainlander and dilute one's blood " .. same comment was made by some chinese poster here. But still he may be a one of a kind from A.P.
Why have you?For it is your people who still live like cavemen..not full dressed
Wouldn't be surprised if its true. I wonder when was the last time he meantion our people instead of your.feels kinda alien & weired when someone talks like that.
Don't you find it funny how so many "North Easterners" have in the last year sprung up on PDF?

They only make up 2-3% of India's total population and so there should hardly be any here, especially taking into account the relative backwardness of the NE compared to mainland India.

Most of these "North Easterners" are really Indians who are desperate to show that all are happy in the forced union that is India.
North east India has 40 million people. Even if only 10 percent of them have internet, and only 1 percent of those who have internet visit PDF, that's 40,000 people. So four or five people commenting here is not only possible, it is more than likely.

BTW, your assessment does hold true for the "north easterners" like the OP. An IP check would be very edifying, revealing probably Pakistan's North-East, or even lungiland.

@Tshering22 @zootinali @halupridol are all from the north east. Only the new outgrowths who haven't contributed anything illuminating about the North-East or India in general crop up and start India bashing threads. All the personnel of the Assam Rifles and Arunachal Scouts and all the other N-E regiments have won battle honours fighting for India. That's just one example that proves their patriotism; not that we need to prove it to anybody. If you think that they are all waiting to leave India and join lungiland, I don't want to disabuse you of your dreams.

:lol: If you want Mr. 'South Tibetan' you are free to move to China or anywhere you want. No one is stopping you.
He's probably in Isloo or Pindi or most likely in lungiland, and frustrated by his failure to pole vault.
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:lol: If you want Mr. 'South Tibetan' you are free to move to China or anywhere you want. No one is stopping you.
Nah,we will wait until PLA rolls down and massacres the Indian soldiers and the rest run back to assam and mainland like sissies.deja vu 62.
You may continue to lick the boots of your brown masters in hope they finally,someday,stop seeing you as a sub-human.:cry::lol:
Nah,we will wait until PLA rolls down and massacres the Indian soldiers and the rest run back to assam and mainland like sissies.deja vu 62.
You may continue to lick the boots of your brown masters in hope they finally,someday,stop seeing you as a sub-human.:cry::lol:

I like the way you loose your cool, Red.
Stop projecting yourself on me.If you don't like the truth of how these RSS people you love to cheerlead for,actually view you,not my fault is it?:-)

View me? They view me with the same dignity and respect as they view each other. BTW this 'they' is your country's problem. Here everyone is a 'we'.

Continue your ranting and stop dragging entire region into the discussion. Our country and our region is of no business to false flaggers.
Nah,we will wait until PLA rolls down and massacres the Indian soldiers and the rest run back to assam and mainland like sissies.deja vu 62.
You may continue to lick the boots of your brown masters in hope they finally,someday,stop seeing you as a sub-human.:cry::lol:
You say that u are not an Indian but a Tani (Chinese). So please change you flag ... at least the your country of origin to China
View me? They view me with the same dignity and respect as they view each other. BTW this 'they' is your country's problem. Here everyone is a 'we'.

Continue your ranting and stop dragging entire region into the discussion. Our country and our region is of no business to false flaggers.
Yawn,just empty rhetoric.Everyone knows how mongoloid people are viewed as by mainlanders,especially our more liberal society and women.Mainlanders don't even view each other with the same eyes let alone us mongoloids.After all,if NI and punjabi attitudes towards southies is well known and so does every other group view each other in negative light.
In case I need to remind you..please suck up some more.Your brown masters need to be pleased more.

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