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Will separating the North East be better for everyone?

Hi @Armstrong Been long. I am doing well. Became dad some days ago. So been busy and find the new work-quality life mix a real challenge. :lol: Waking up at nights to check up on kid isn't an easy thing to get used.

Congratulations brother ...... :cheers:
maybe indians will have mixed opinions on this, but personally i don't mind if it is separated. reasons:

-northeast is racially mongoloid and 100% east asian, not south asian
-their history is with china under chinese empires, and they are basically immigrants from east asia

when people think of indians they will always think of the brown people, so i can see why they feel left out or identity crisis
maybe indians will have mixed opinions on this, but personally i don't mind if it is separated. reasons:

-northeast is racially mongoloid and 100% east asian, not south asian
-their history is with china under chinese empires, and they are basically immigrants from east asia

when people think of indians they will always think of the brown people, so i can see why they feel left out or identity crisis
See,you are sensible and actually someone who truly knows the spirit of anti-colonialism.Unfortunately,so many and I am not just saying this of Indians will happily be colonists themselves when it suits them.
If India is a real democracy, it would allow its own people to choose on whether they want to stay in India. like how Scotland can choose. India should allow people of Kashmir self determination. Otherwise, how is India different from dictatorship of communist China or your friendly neighbor to your west.

Also northeast India should have self determination as well
If India is a real democracy, it would allow its own people to choose on whether they want to stay in India. like how Scotland can choose. India should allow people of Kashmir self determination. Otherwise, how is India different from dictatorship of communist China or your friendly neighbor to your west.

Also northeast India should have self determination as well
India abide by the constitution which supreme in democracy.it cannot run on wishes of few sour sissies
India abide by the constitution which supreme in democracy.it cannot run on wishes of few sour sissies

India exist today because of the gift of nationhood from the Brits. It's existence is a daily reminder of colonialism.
India exist today because of the gift of nationhood from the Brits. It's existence is a daily reminder of colonialism.
Like usa exist today because of genocide of native Americans by Imperial forces which build its nation on their Skulls you guys don't have any right to tell us what we are
maybe indians will have mixed opinions on this, but personally i don't mind if it is separated. reasons:

-northeast is racially mongoloid and 100% east asian, not south asian
-their history is with china under chinese empires, and they are basically immigrants from east asia

when people think of indians they will always think of the brown people, so i can see why they feel left out or identity crisis

See,you are sensible and actually someone who truly knows the spirit of anti-colonialism.Unfortunately,so many and I am not just saying this of Indians will happily be colonists themselves when it suits them.

while admitting the wider presence of this tension, i can say, separation is never possible, may be they can simply leave and its a win win situation for all, no tension at all

Another couple from northeast assaulted in Bangalore, asked to leave India - Hindustan Times

Days after the Manipuri student Michael Haokip was assaulted for not knowing Kannada, another couple from Nagaland was assaulted on the outskirts of the city by four men who called them "foreigners" and "NRI".

The victims, who requested the media for anonymity, have said in their complaint to the police that the man was punched and the woman slapped by them.

Although the attack happened on Saturday, the issue came to light on Monday after the arrest of the four men. They have been identified as Rathan, Mahesh, Harish and Ananth. Mahesh, Harish and Ananth are software engineers and Rathan owns a gym.

Getting these men booked, however, was hardly an easy task for the couple. They were turned back from two police stations they visited by policemen who refused to register a complaint.

They finally approached the nodal police officer appointed to address grievances of people from the northeast states living in Karnataka. The FIR was registered only on Sunday afternoon, more than 24 hours after the incident.

Narrating the horror, the Nagamese man told reporters that he had gone for a drive with his wife and their friend to a picturesque part of the city when their car had a flat tyre.

As they tried to repair the car, they were approached by four men who came in a SUV.

The victims claimed that the men called them NRIs and foreigners and demanded to know what they were doing at such a lonely spot. Soon, they started pushing the man around and when the woman intervened, she too was slapped.

"They kept repeating that we should leave India," said the man, who is a software engineer and has lived in the city for 13 years.

Although home minister KJ George avoided the media, sources in his office said that an enquiry will be conducted to ascertain why the police delayed the FIR.
Why would south Tibetan want to associate with poor nation of Hindu Indian? Given a chance they would prefer independent rather being rule over by Hindu Indian.
What the author should understand is the is no place on earth that is free from discrimination.

In even developed countries like USA, there's discrimination against African Americans. In Australia, against Asians.

So it is more rampant in developing countries in south Asia. Be it against Shia Muslims in Pakistan, against Hindus in Bangladesh, against Tamils in Sri Lanka, against Tibetans in China.

All these discriminated sects are citizens of the respective countries. It is an essential component of human nature to discriminate against people in any sort of minority.

Same is the case in India. Here north Indians discriminate against south Indians and vice versa. So discrimination against north east by mainland, is logical in that respect, when each state in the north state itself discriminates against other states.

Refer Assam's multiple border issues for a better understanding of the problem, and I rest my case here that when in one is a minority in any region of this earth, expect some amount of discrimination and grin and bear it if possible, else move back to native place where one isn't in minority. Everyone has that choice and, to each his own..

What the author should understand is the is no place on earth that is free from discrimination.

In even developed countries like USA, there's discrimination against African Americans. In Australia, against Asians.

So it is more rampant in developing countries in south Asia. Be it against Shia Muslims in Pakistan, against Hindus in Bangladesh, against Tamils in Sri Lanka, against Tibetans in China.

All these discriminated sects are citizens of the respective countries. It is an essential component of human nature to discriminate against people in any sort of minority.

Same is the case in India. Here north Indians discriminate against south Indians and vice versa. So discrimination against north east by mainland, is logical in that respect, when each state in the north state itself discriminates against other states.

Refer Assam's multiple border issues for a better understanding of the problem, and I rest my case here that when in one is a minority in any region of this earth, expect some amount of discrimination and grin and bear it if possible, else move back to native place where one isn't in minority. Everyone has that choice and, to each his own..
sorry for the double post, but try as I might, I'm not able to edit or delete it..
while admitting the wider presence of this tension, i can say, separation is never possible, may be they can simply leave and its a win win situation for all, no tension at all
Exactly,India should simple leave.No tension and spoiling its goody two shoes image.Win win for all.
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