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Will never recognise Durnd Line as official Pak-Afghan border: Karzai

You guys are not well wishers of any of your neighbours. I see immaturity on this site from so many of your senior members . Instead of live and let live , you have a incessant need to meddle with all your neighbours , and never take responsibility.
Kind of hard to do since India was created a day after Pakistan.


Pakistan pushed this agreement forward to have there man inside the Kabul parliament. Gulbuddin Hekmatyar along with his family is living in Pakistan...that should tell you the whole story behind this peace deal. The real Taliban are the Haqqani network and they are again controlled by the ISI. Seriously have you been hiding under a rock?

Mullah Omer was the real Taliban and Hezb i Islami is different group.

Hezb i Islami members are returning back to Afghanistan because they are aware now with whom they are fighting in real.

Pakistan influence has been reduced in Afghanistan because of the policies adopted by the Chinese. Republic of India is still waiting for Pakistan to stop being the reason for the destruction of Afghans.
Pakistan should just occupy durand line and connect to Tajikistan
I never troll . See my posts.
Read Kabuliwallah by Rabindernath Tagore. Even before 1947 we had a deep connection with Afghans.
Do you mean the Mughals or the British? or the indus valley civilization?
Why does Pakistan never protest this controversial statements with Afghanistan and force them to accept. They don't want to fight because they cannot fight us at the moment but an enemy should never be taken lightly specially these Afghan snakes whom we have been feeding for decades.

it may be news for Pakistanis. But nations are usually based on ethnicity not religion
the most important part pak needs is the access to north asia via tajikstan.
Kandahar was under the rule of Shah of Persia until 1650

The name “Afghanistan” comes from “Upa-Gana-stan” which means in Sanskrit “the place inhabited by allied tribes”.

The Kalkaa community of Brahmins had ancquired promince in those times.Samantdev, Bheemdev, Jaipaldev, Anandpal and Trilochan. Jaipaldev suffered a defeat in 1002 when Mohammed Ganzavi invaded India.but the dynasty remained in power in Gandhara and the Punjab until the beginning of the 11th century.

It is very remarkable that Kalhana (c. 12th century), the author of Rajatarangini (written in AD 1147–49), also refers to the Shahis and does not maintain any difference or distinction between the earlier Shahis (RT IV.143) and the later Shahis or does not refer to any supplanting of the dynasty at any stage as Alberuni does in hisTarikh-al-Hind.
That's rich coming from an Indian.

India is unique. Most of world's Hindus live in India. States in India are organized in linguistic basis. The Indian state has protected rights of major language groups.
India is unique. Most of world's Hindus live in India. States in India are organized in linguistic basis. The Indian state has protected rights of major language groups.

I don't want to start with you over how unique India is where minorities are lynch for eating beef, women are beaten and raped specially of lower cast. So spare me the usual
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