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Why is there so much hatred for India in Pakistan?


And we know what you are by ur signature

--Supporter of terrorism.. No wonder terrorists are attacking your kids...

"USA is a shitty country, and will continue to be a shitty country until and unless they return the daughter of Pakistan, Dr Aafia Siddique, and if anyone finds this signature offensive, you can shove it up your rear end"

Where are you from? Because there is no hatered against India in Pakistan, infact we love Indians. But can't say the same about Indians, they indeed hate us for no reason.

we never hate pakistan. After all its our land. One day we will get our Akhand Bharat...
Don't forget Bangladeshis. We also hate India and there are many valid reasons for doing so.
Dont join the club jamaati. Your countrymen hate your kind and have driven you lot out of the country, call you traitors.

You are a Pakistani inside, not a Bangladeshi.

You cant speak for anyone except Jamaati's and Razakars - both of whom are heading for extinction.
primarily because of the religion
and The same why there's so much hatred towards China in India... Because we've lost a war to them as Pakistan lost all the wars against India
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Has anyone touched on 'Education', yet? I've read reports where many a schools curriculum was a concern around intolerance.
There are dozens of reports and investigations from reputed sources and journalists that Pakistani school curriculum is filled with clear lies and promotes hatred against non-Muslims/minorities.

There is no coming back unless the school curriculum changes...and no one in Pakistan wants to change it.

And frankly, it suits us and the world that this does not change. The more Pakistan falls into this, lies taught at school, bigotry, the more it will fail as time goes by. I for one am a supporter of the Islamic Pakistan.

No Sir, I am not touching this one.
And why is that? You have never been one to stay away from speaking your mind.
Hate is a necessity against an enemy

We don't hate anyone who doesn't deserve to be hated

It is a requirement to keep the pursuit of the objective strong

During the crusades anyone else would have given up, however even after decades of occupation of Jerusalem and even collusion by treacherous local muslim lords Muslims kept at the crusaders till the point where the crusaders were crushed and Jerusalem retaken

It is this that will ensure israel will remain under constant pressure demographic and otherwise, it is tjis that will ensure Kashmir will be free that muslim kashmiris will always hate and resent hindu indians regardless
Dude having such extreme views & living in the U.K can get you in a'lot of trouble , better change your hate filled sick mindset !
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@Norwegian ,mate i told you earlier that the level of hatred between Indian and Pakistan has a historic point of view.I mean,the feeling is mutual in India too.No matter how much the Indian members try to refute it the truth is that the majority of our population hate each other and this hatred has been cultivated in a planned manner by the both the Govt. over the last six decades.Nowadays it has become a fashion among the youngsters of both the countries to hate each other.The political leadership of both our countries literally thrive on these kinds of hatred and hence they will see to it that things don't become normal between us.
The sad but bitter truth is that this enmity won't diminish overnight and probably is going to last for a long time!!
hey are hindus, why wouldn't we hate them

We have historical issues and grievance with them including occupation of Kashmir to justify our hatred of them
You are right! Hating pagans is a good thing. Hindustan was created by Muslims and ruled by Muslims. It should be the same in the present. It will help Muslims to get back in power again.
primarily because of the religion
and The same why there's so much hatred towards China in India... Because we've lost a war to them as Pakistan lost all the wars against India


We are 7 times smaller than you in population, 4 times smaller in land mass

In the first war with nothing but irregulars we took a big chunk of Kashmir and cut you off from central asia/Afghanistan forever whilst creating a link with China

in the second war you were panicking tried to attack lahore before being annihilated

your only success is getting involved in a civil war where pakistan ccouldn't supply or support its forces

Even in Kargil you allowed a handful of troops to take a big chunk of land whilst your troops fled it was only political pressure that stopped Pakistan from supporting them, to this day Pakistan controls vital peaks taken during the kargil conflict

you should be ashamed a country 7 times smaller than you has done so much

And why is that? You have never been one to stay away from speaking your mind.

It will take this thread off course and I do not want to be the one to do so.
You are right! Hating pagans is a good thing. Hindustan was created by Muslims and ruled by Muslims. It should be the same in the present. It will help Muslims to get back in power again.

They are pagans,,,, we cant be friends with these people

lets face it we wouldn't even drink from the same cup as these people

They occupy kashmir and currently a murderer is in charge of their country voted in because he killed muslim in Gujraat
He is an accused just like Lakhwi. With years of investigation and proofs against him. Enough said. I don't even want to have discussion with you guys on this subject. And don't compare my founder to your filth of BJP.

Actually BJP is much better then the filth that you want to defend, for his own benefit he allowed millions of people from both country to be killed

Our founder kept us save from a billion plus r@scals and b@stqards who call themselves Indians.

Jake apne baap ko bolna se sab, you people best suited for this title
I know the credibility of Pakistani courts. Many judges have been killed,threatened with deadly threats. The few lucky ones even managed to seek Asylum in foregin countries.What about the cleric from Lal Masjid,has he been arrested or tried in court of law for speaking against Pakistan. U have Altaf Huessin giving death threats from London,don't talk of Amit Shah. Yesterday I read in DAWN Newspaper about a programme in Geo Channel,where a fanatical cleric talks about Ahmedi Muslims as the enemy of Pakistan,four days latter a Ahmedi Muslim is shot dead. Where is the justice,what are your courts doing.Lastly how can GEO channel air such a programme

The death of judges at the hand of terrorists shows the credibility of Pakistan courts. Where Pakistani judges have to face the wrath of terrorists for not becoming a party with them. Unlike India where judges become a party with terrorists. In your attempt of face saving you are bringing everything from Altaf Hussain to Lal Masjid to a Geo. Why not bring one thing at a time and I would refute your lies about that one particular issue.

Actually BJP is much better then the filth that you want to defend, for his own benefit he allowed millions of people from both country to be killed

That's what you think. He didn't kill even a single person. He fought for a cause and achieved. Something which B@stards of BJP can't ever think of.
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