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Why is there so much hatred for India in Pakistan?

These are symptoms, TankMan. You don't bother to list the rest: why HR orgs pick on Israel, the religious-inspired hatred of Jews, or how Palestinian Arabs treat Jews might be a cause of their problems. All can be picked apart by critical analysis, but that's the sort of thing you're avoiding because you reject the possible result.
I'm not avoiding anything. Go ahead, pollute this thread with your zionist agenda, I will pick apart and destroy every single point you make.
Why HR orgs pick on Israel? Because Israel has illegally occupied 25,000 km"2 worth of land, on the basis of some biblical promise.
How Palestinian Arabs treat Jews? They had let the Jews live in their lands for a long time before the state of Israel was formed.

You can go ahead and throw as much propaganda as you want, live in your delusions of ''moral superiority'', your tactics are way too obvious to actually have a debate. I know you don't want to actually debate, you just want to make me feel 'guilty' for mistreating the poor Jews, then you'll go ahead and try to get me to 'embrace Zionism', all the typical tactics - I know how it works and I also know that it doesn't work on me.
And Pakistan don't have any officially declared AKHANDTA... While India and indians(public) do have such plans and mindset.in their generation in which they include Pakistan as a part of AKHAND BHARAT.(aka)greater India...:drag:
This is a general question haunting me ever since I visited my country of birth after residing 15 years here in Norway. Every other person I meet on the street, in restaurants and conferences accuse India for plotting conspiracies against Pakistan for reasons that are not very clever. They blame India for Pakistan's dire economic state, security situation and our nation's bad reputation internationally.
It seem outrageous to blame your (enemy) neighbor for your own collective shortcomings. But when you see things with open mind, it becomes clear that future of the nation is in our own hands and not in our neighbors', so why blame them for almost everything bad and ugly in Pakistan?

Note: Indian members of PDF are NOT welcome for reply on this thread to avoid trolling. I am sorry but I had to place this notice as a precaution :)

@zip @TankMan @Malik Abdullah @Leader @Pakistani shaheens @Syed.Ali.Haider @nomi007 @Major Sam @MastanKhan @Windjammer @fatman17 @dexter @khanboy007 @Aether

Too many reasons but I guess this alone would suffice here.

Lakhwi is still detained while Aseem anand, Amit Shah, Indresh Kumar and Maya Kodnani Roam Free
IMO baseless hatreds, conspiracies, and endemic corruption are all the result of how Pakistanis are taught to think. Examples:

- This past summer Hamas bombarded Israel with rockets and Israel eventually took military action to suppress them. Pakistanis looked only at what Israel's actions and thus classed the event as "Israeli aggression".

- In Anatoly Lieven's book, Pakistan, a Hard Country, the most outstanding example of corruption was perhaps that of the Baluchi tribal chief who lambasted his people for wasting precious water while he himself used acre-feet of it monthly to keep his lawn green.

- Even today there are Pakistanis who think 26/11 Mumbai murderer Kasab wasn't Pakistani, based on supposed flaws in his speaking.

I'm sure readers here can think of other examples. In each case Pakistanis seized upon information - hard or subjective - that buttressed their existing prejudices or preferred conclusion and discarded or ignored the remainder, resulting in errant judgments.

Contrast this with the oath taken by Americans serving as witnesses in court upon Bible or Koran: "...to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." Leaving relevant facts out in America is a no-no; in Pakistan it's par for the course.

This sort of thing may be characteristic of the culture but is also taught. Jeffrey Goldberg wrote in Prisoners of his trip to a Pakistani madrassa that once he expressed a different interpretation than his hosts the students responded by chanting together and drowning him out. Volume replaces critical analysis.

Whenever some of us start having a favorable opinion (or at least a neutral one) towards Israel, someone from you does some real shyt that pisses Pakistanis off.

Take the example of the prime time TV serial "Homeland" , which was written by Israeli and he casts all those indians in it with one single purpose - to malign Pakistan and show it in a worst possible shape.

What would you expect from Pakistanis in this case? A medal of honor as appreciation? Being a hyper sensitive country itself, no one other than Israel understands it better.

Then Jewish owned media doesnt help either, every now and then starting some shyt about Prophet, Quran or Muslims in the name of freedom of speech (which by the way is not available in case you wanted to ask few questions about WWII or why Germany is giving billions of dollar worth nuclear armed submarines to Israel as a gift etc.).

You have given some example, I can also give you tons others quoting Noam Chomsky and other jewish people about what they think about Zionists and how Israel is conducting a systematical genocide of indigenous people.

It is very easy to write-off others as conspiracy theoresits, and ride on the self-righteousnes horse, isnt it?

I personally favor having Pakistan-Israel relations established, but give us something that we can show to our people and tell them, "hey, see Israel is not our enemy, it is just another country in the world with whom we can establish normal relationships".
u did heard the Jinnah's qoute about israel, right??
Yeah, like if we ever cared about Jinnah's quotes regarding Qadianis being Muslims or Pakistan to have a secular outlook where state would have no business dictating its citizen's religion. Jinnah even envisioned Indo-Pak relations to be just like US and Canada. Again, as @Solomon2 said earlier above, we only care about Jinnah as long he suits our current agenda which is general hatred for India, Israel, US, Qadianis and blind love for 'brotherly' Islamic States such as Saudi Arabia.
This is a general question haunting me ever since I visited my country of birth after residing 15 years here in Norway. Every other person I meet on the street, in restaurants and conferences accuse India for plotting conspiracies against Pakistan for reasons that are not very clever. They blame India for Pakistan's dire economic state, security situation and our nation's bad reputation internationally.
It seem outrageous to blame your (enemy) neighbor for your own collective shortcomings. But when you see things with open mind, it becomes clear that future of the nation is in our own hands and not in our neighbors', so why blame them for almost everything bad and ugly in Pakistan?

Note: Indian members of PDF are NOT welcome for reply on this thread to avoid trolling. I am sorry but I had to place this notice as a precaution :)

@zip @TankMan @Malik Abdullah @Leader @Pakistani shaheens @Syed.Ali.Haider @nomi007 @Major Sam @MastanKhan @Windjammer @fatman17 @dexter @khanboy007 @Aether
No there is not. On the contrary people love all things indian .be it films tv serials fashion .cosmetics even ayuervedic medicine.
Dont know which circle u move around in .I am talking about the general public

When did Amit Shah blew a bomb and killed 166 in any Pakistan city? if he does anything like that, and if he runs a terrorist organisation BANNED by UN. then tell me.

Amit Shah is an impressive political leader and as respected as your country's founder.

For that matter tell me the Indian ORGANISATIONS banned as Terrorist Organisations who have committed terrorist activities in Pakistan? So what is your problem that you keep interfering in our internal affairs.

We don't care about Lakhwi if was not responsible for killing people in India.
When did Amit Shah blew a bomb and killed 166 in any Pakistan city? if he does anything like that, and if he runs a terrorist organisation BANNED by UN. then tell me.

Amit Shah is an impressive political leader and as respected as your country's founder.

He is an accused just like Lakhwi. With years of investigation and proofs against him. Enough said. I don't even want to have discussion with you guys on this subject. And don't compare my founder to your filth of BJP.
When did Amit Shah blew a bomb and killed 166 in any Pakistan city? if he does anything like that, and if he runs a terrorist organisation BANNED by UN. then tell me.

Amit Shah is an impressive political leader and as respected as your country's founder.

We have had this discussion on another thread. Indian justice system is a joke. Setting all those extremist terrorists free by finding one loophole or the other.

Whereas you want the others to just punish someone without having the due judicial process?

How convenient ! :fie:
He is an accused just like Lakhwi. With years of investigation and proofs against him. Enough said. I don't even want to have discussion with you guys on this subject. And don't compare my founder to your filth of BJP.

Accused of what? Crimes in India. Its none of your matter how we treat someone who is accused of crimes in India.

Tell me what crime he did in Pakistan?.Whats your bone of contentions?

We want Lakhwi because of crimes he committed against Indians.

If you want Amit Shah, we want Zia Ul Haq, we want Bhutto, we want Nawaz and we want yuour Musharraf behind bars.They have commited lot of crimes.Why are they roaming free ?
Let me make it clear. I hate India. Yes hate. Not dislike. Not some disagreement or something. If someone is confused I am making it clear to him. I hate India. And if some kala angraiz and Amreeki Tattuu like @Syed.Ali.Haider calls it ignorance or whatever. I don't need certificates of knowledge and enlightenment from some Amreeki Tattuu.

Deal with it.

Accused of what? Crimes in India. Its none of your matter how we treat someone who is accused of crimes in India.

Tell me what crime he did in Pakistan?.Whats your bone of contentions?

We want Lakhwi because of crimes he committed against Indians.

If you want Amit Shah, we want Zia Ul Haq, we want Bhutto, we want Nawaz and we want yuour Musharraf behind bars. Aren't they roaming free also?

He might have committed crimes on Mars. It doesn't matter. He is an accused. And suddenly cases were dropped against him while his party is in power and his countrymen are whining about Lakhwi release in Pakistan. This is duplicity. And this is unacceptable.
Accused of what? Crimes in India. Its none of your matter how we treat someone who is accused of crimes in India.

Tell me what crime he did in Pakistan?.Whats your bone of contentions?

We want Lakhwi because of crimes he committed against Indians.

If you want Amit Shah, we want Zia Ul Haq, we want Bhutto, we want Nawaz and we want yuour Musharraf behind bars. Aren't they roaming free also?

Samjhota Express is not just indian issue.

Pakistanis were killed by exremist hindu terrorists whom your court has set free. Do some research before posting.
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