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Why is there so much hatred for India in Pakistan?

Sorry to butt in here .. but I want to know something. people here claim to bed indian girls like a badge of honor and call them whores. I wonder what they call the kids borne out of such relationships? What value their mothers carry in the eyes of average Pakistani here.
@Syed.Ali.Haider can you shed some light on this one?

BS, show me 1 post of Pakistani who said that. And in any case Pakistanis do not marry Indian girls anyway, stop believing in RSS love jihad propaganda.
Don't watch TV much. ...
You want to tell me PR and media doesnt matter? Reaaaaaaaaaaaaaally, is that so?

I really want to see what happens when some one, say from Iran creates a prime time TV serial to be aired in UK or USA and casts actors from Syria or Lebanon, where Israel is shown as baby killer, last shithole on earth.

Lets see if you and Israel people also have the same statment then.

.... Why, instead of blaming individuals, do you instead blame Jews or Indians as a people?

There is a very firm distinction between Jews and Zionists. For us, Jews are people of book who should be respected and protected, where as Zionists are political terrorists, creating havoc in the world.

BTW ... isn't it that you have been doing all along? Why don't you blame few individuals instead of blaming Iranis or Pakistanis or Lebanese or Turkish? Or Germans for that matter?

The who doesn't matter. The truth does....
The truth is, that were it not for US Veto in the United Nations, Israel would have been declared a terrorist state and would have been tried for crimes against humanity (war crimes, genocide etc.).

90% of the countries in this world support this, go check the UN General Assembly resolutions.

For that Pakistanis have to be willing to "see", yes?

I am, and many more of my country man. Show some good will,stop siding with our adversary and maliging Pakistan, you will start finding friends in Paksitan for sure.

If Arab countries can have relationship with Israel, so can Pakistan as well.

But Pakistan-Israel relationship, I think, we should create a separate thread for that.
You want Amit Shah in jail, and for same reasons I want Musharraf, Zia Ul Haq, PA, Nawaz, Bhutto in jail. They are serious criminals with serious charges from Murder, Treason to war crimes. So what hypocrisy?

I can easily prove your hypocricy for wanting someone Indian criminal in jail. You better worry about your own country, when your own political leaders with much serious crimes portfolios are roaming free and living in luxury.

Yes if there is a UN banned terror outfit in India who is detonating bombs in Pakistan cities then tell me?

How about we start with Modi right now?

Who is known terrorist and until now was banned to travel to US and Western countries?
Where are you from? Because there is no hatered against India in Pakistan, infact we love Indians. But can't say the same about Indians, they indeed hate us for no reason.
I live in Rawalpindi where HQ of PakArmy is located, so that might explain anti-India sentiment in this historical city of Generals and their greedy establishment.

but same is the case in India they view Pakistan as an enemy state.
This is exactly the kind of argument I feel weird on a personal level. If Indians in general hate Pakistan, why are we as a nation obliged to hate back with even harder force?

you have lived outside Pakistan? can you clarify my doubt? I am sure you have seen enough mixed relationship.
Yes, I usually live in Norway, only been here for few weeks as a visit. This thing really amazes me how people at large here hate India, while at the same time love Indian cinema, television and other imported goods not found in Pakistan. What other word to define the obvious but collective hypocrisy?

You can go ahead and throw as much propaganda as you want, live in your delusions of ''moral superiority'', your tactics are way too obvious to actually have a debate. I know you don't want to actually debate, you just want to make me feel 'guilty' for mistreating the poor Jews, then you'll go ahead and try to get me to 'embrace Zionism', all the typical tactics - I know how it works and I also know that it doesn't work on me.
LOL. It was Off Topic but there you gave me the best laugh of this year. Thanks alot, sir! :D

go to india next and i guarantee you that the feelings will be mutual

sub-continental reality....we all hate eachother.
Mutual hatred ;) Interesting.

You have given some example, I can also give you tons others quoting Noam Chomsky and other jewish people about what they think about Zionists and how Israel is conducting a systematical genocide of indigenous people.
Please discuss this Israel-Palestine conflict somewhere else.

If you want Amit Shah, we want Zia Ul Haq, we want Bhutto, we want Nawaz and we want yuour Musharraf behind bars.They have commited lot of crimes.Why are they roaming free ?
Because our justice system suckkks bad!

Let me make it clear. I hate India. Yes hate. Not dislike. Not some disagreement or something. If someone is confused I am making it clear to him. I hate India..
Yes, and exactly that was the question. Why do you hate India? :)

then we also want Zia Ul Haq, Musharraf, Nawaz and Bhutto tried for their crimes and put behind bars. They have committed more crimes then any political leader can in his life.
Nawaz was put behind bars and in fact sentenced to death for his crimes against our then army chief Musharraf, in 1999, but he was soon saved and exiled by his Saudi Sheiks. So in a way Musharraf committed highest treason by selling out a convicted criminal of highest treason to foreign hands = triple treason :D

And the same hate is in india for us.
Probably, but it still doesn't explain our hatred for them. You may hate me, but I don't need to hate you. :)

I can easily prove your hypocricy for wanting someone Indian criminal in jail. You better worry about your own country, when your own political leaders with much serious crimes portfolios are roaming free and living in luxury.
Correct, 100 percent!

Yes if there is a UN banned terror outfit in India who is detonating bombs in Pakistan cities then tell me?
RAW, Indian Government (sarcasm on)

Amit shah is accused of killing some Indian, but has nothing to do against Pakistan ever. He is accused just like an of your political leaders from Nawaz, to Musharraf to Zia to Bhutto.
I see you are having a really hard time explaining this logic to my countryman that mere accusation, like in case of blasphemy, is NOT more than enough of a proof for the accused to actually become a convicted criminal per law! :D
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That would be the subject matter of another thread perhaps, if allowed by the Admin team here.
that thread would end up in ban for the thread starter and many others. My mere point was why people (on either side) have to brag about their exploits as if they won the Panipats thrid battle on the expense of girls. Is this what we are reduced to? or were we always like that to begin with.
that thread would end up in ban for the thread starter and many others. My mere point was why people (on either side) have to brag about their exploits as if they won the Panipats thrid battle on the expense of girls. Is this what we are reduced to? or were we always like that to begin with.

Like I said, I am not touching this one with a ten foot pole. :D
you would have to be blind to not notice the bragging here. I just want to know what their kids thought about it.

First of all no Pakistani will talk like that about mother of his kids. I challange you to find even 1 post.
Yes, and exactly that was the question. Why do you hate India? :)

Since you already believe 100% with a Bharati I don't think you are worthy enough to be answered for this question. By the way do include Amit Shah in PTI. You guys need criminals like him. :)
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