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Why is there so much hatred for India in Pakistan?


Aug 19, 2014
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This is a general question haunting me ever since I visited my country of birth after residing 15 years here in Norway. Every other person I meet on the street, in restaurants and conferences accuse India for plotting conspiracies against Pakistan for reasons that are not very clever. They blame India for Pakistan's dire economic state, security situation and our nation's bad reputation internationally.
It seem outrageous to blame your (enemy) neighbor for your own collective shortcomings. But when you see things with open mind, it becomes clear that future of the nation is in our own hands and not in our neighbors', so why blame them for almost everything bad and ugly in Pakistan?

Note: Indian members of PDF are NOT welcome for reply on this thread to avoid trolling. I am sorry but I had to place this notice as a precaution :)

@zip @TankMan @Malik Abdullah @Leader @Pakistani shaheens @Syed.Ali.Haider @nomi007 @Major Sam @MastanKhan @Windjammer @fatman17 @dexter @khanboy007 @Aether
sorry did not want to comment but can you describe your visit.. may be in another thread.. where you went... food you ate.. and what you liked/disliked etc:offtopic:
This is a general question haunting me ever since I visited my country of birth after residing 15 years here in Norway. Every other person I meet on the street, in restaurants and conferences accuse India for plotting conspiracies against Pakistan for reasons that are not very clever. They blame India for Pakistan's dire economic state, security situation and our nation's bad reputation internationally.
It seem outrageous to blame your (enemy) neighbor for your own collective shortcomings. But when you see things with open mind, it becomes clear that future of the nation is in our own hands and not in our neighbors', so why blame them for almost everything bad and ugly in Pakistan?

Note: Indian members of PDF are NOT welcome for reply on this thread to avoid trolling. I am sorry but I had to place this notice as a precaution :)

@zip @TankMan @Malik Abdullah @Leader @Pakistani shaheens @Syed.Ali.Haider @nomi007 @Major Sam @MastanKhan @Windjammer @fatman17 @dexter @khanboy007 @Aether

I personally think a significant percent of our populations (both Pakistanis and Indians) do not hate each other. Dare me to say more than 50%.

But where do the hardliners on our side get the fodder?

In my opinion, it can be narrowed down to one fundamental thing: The rejection of Pakistan as a separate country in indian mindset. The extremists - who unfortunately are in very powerful positions on indian side, including their PM - still have this weird dream of Akhand Baharat and Ghar Wapsi.

When you see news coming from India (go through this very forum to get an idea), all the threats from extremist hindus, how they hate Pakistan and blame everything on us, that gives the hardliners on our side a chance to justify their own existence. Thus all the hatred that we see in the news.

Just my two cents.
IMO baseless hatreds, conspiracies, and endemic corruption are all the result of how Pakistanis are taught to think. Examples:

- This past summer Hamas bombarded Israel with rockets and Israel eventually took military action to suppress them. Pakistanis looked only at what Israel's actions and thus classed the event as "Israeli aggression".

- In Anatoly Lieven's book, Pakistan, a Hard Country, the most outstanding example of corruption was perhaps that of the Baluchi tribal chief who lambasted his people for wasting precious water while he himself used acre-feet of it monthly to keep his lawn green.

- Even today there are Pakistanis who think 26/11 Mumbai murderer Kasab wasn't Pakistani, based on supposed flaws in his speaking.

I'm sure readers here can think of other examples. In each case Pakistanis seized upon information - hard or subjective - that buttressed their existing prejudices or preferred conclusion and discarded or ignored the remainder, resulting in errant judgments.

Contrast this with the oath taken by Americans serving as witnesses in court upon Bible or Koran: "...to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." Leaving relevant facts out in America is a no-no; in Pakistan it's par for the course.

This sort of thing may be characteristic of the culture but is also taught. Jeffrey Goldberg wrote in Prisoners of his trip to a Pakistani madrassa that once he expressed a different interpretation than his hosts the students responded by chanting together and drowning him out. Volume replaces critical analysis.
Its mutual - political differences, religious differences and ignorance that was manipulated by politicians on both sides.
Yes, I have also noticed similar hatred for Israel, a tiny nation of the Middle East that hasn't done Pakistan any harm.
Again, many factors, mainly political and religious- but this is a completely different subject since half the world dislikes Israel, including Human Rights orgs etc and they have actually done a lot to 'earn' that. Pakistanis feel more allegiance to Palestinians than to Israelis, and Israel hasn't really been treating the Palestinians well, which is what creates that hatred. Its not good, surely, but in this case Pakistan alone isn't to blame.

Politicians (on both sides - Israel uses the dislike for Muslims a lot) and Mullahs (exclusive to Pakistan - but they're basically politicians, just more cheap and uneducated) would obviously take advantage of that too.
Sorry to butt in here .. but I want to know something. people here claim to bed indian girls like a badge of honor and call them whores. I wonder what they call the kids borne out of such relationships? What value their mothers carry in the eyes of average Pakistani here.
@Syed.Ali.Haider can you shed some light on this one?
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Contrast this with the oath taken by Americans serving as witnesses in court upon Bible or Koran: "...to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." Leaving relevant facts out in America is a no-no; in Pakistan it's par for the course.
Good. This sums up general Pakistani mentality in a nutshell. We leave out facts that do not suit our predetermined agenda.
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Where are you from? Because there is no hatered against India in Pakistan, infact we love Indians. But can't say the same about Indians, they indeed hate us for no reason.
...half the world dislikes Israel, including Human Rights orgs etc and they have actually done a lot to 'earn' that...Israel hasn't really been treating the Palestinians well, which is what creates that hatred -
These are symptoms, TankMan. You don't bother to list the rest: why HR orgs pick on Israel, the religious-inspired hatred of Jews, or how Palestinian Arabs treat Jews might be a cause of their problems. All can be picked apart by critical analysis, but that's the sort of thing you're avoiding because you reject the possible result.
About people blaming India for everything i don't know if that is the case anymore
from what i have gathered lately there has been some introspection in our society on where we have gone wrong!
Yes but people still do consider India an enemy country....but same is the case in India they view Pakistan as an enemy state.
What it should not do is cloud our judgement in dealing with our internal issues !
Good. This sums general Pakistani mentality in a nutshell. We leave out facts that do not suit our predetermined agenda.
you have lived outside Pakistan? can you clarify my doubt? I am sure you have seen enough mixed relationship.
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