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Why is there so much hatred for India in Pakistan?

Look around on Youtube or anywhere else. Any place where there is a Pakistani doing something good, there is an Indian hater to spoil the mood.

Most Indians (not all, some are good mentally stable people) have an inferiority complex they are black and skinny and not particularly attractive or masculine. Most Pakistanis are, women love us and so do theirs, this is a verified fact and I am speaking from experience. I have had European women, Brazilian women comment on just how manly and good looking they find Pakistani men. No mention of Indians however.

This burns them inside, they start hating. So they turn their attention to accumulating wealth and project some sort of macho fake state power and attempt to bully everyone around them like BD, Pakistan and Sri Lanka etc with their bogus propoganda and articles and political overtures.

Because of this deep rooted bitterness at the fact they are so dark and ugly and no girl apart from Sunita with the hairy ears wants them means they will never grow to treat Pakistanis are fellow human beings with respect and dignity. Forever butthurt Indians!

Yes, you are right that Pakistanis, on an average, are light skinned as compared to an average Indian, but God doesn't bless everyone with everything, on an average Pakistanis are less intelligent and are less successful as compared to Indians.
Note: Indian members of PDF are NOT welcome for reply on this thread to avoid trolling. I am sorry but I had to place this notice as a precaution :)

I thought OP did not want Indian members to reply on this thread...:drag:
@Norwegian I have only read the entire thread till this post and have not commented as you told (I hope this post is not taken as a comment)!!:D
If you want to know why Pakistanis hate India pause for a moment and ask yourself one question. Why Pakistanis hate Israelis? use all the logical things and make a list of all the bad things that Israel has done to Pakistan. Now what is your logical outcome?

For me Kashmir, 1971, Afghan involvement, Cultural invasion of Pakistan, Bad treatment of Pak players. What has Israel done to Pakistan? The answer is NOTHING. So the only reason Pakistanis hate Israelis is because they are Jews.

Pakistanis hate Israelis because they are Jews. Pakistanis hate Indians because they are Hindus. Now you know why Pakistanis hate Indians. They do not need a reason to hate Indians. They just hate hindus and Jews.

Every Madrassa and Mullah teaches this to almost every Pakistani child from age 5 that Hindus and Jews are enemies. and you wonder why that hate India and Israel!!. Every Madrassa and Mullah (which teach majority of Pakistanis) spews hate for Hindus/Jews. Is it wrong?
This is a general question haunting me ever since I visited my country of birth after residing 15 years here in Norway. Every other person I meet on the street, in restaurants and conferences accuse India for plotting conspiracies against Pakistan for reasons that are not very clever. They blame India for Pakistan's dire economic state, security situation and our nation's bad reputation internationally.
It seem outrageous to blame your (enemy) neighbor for your own collective shortcomings. But when you see things with open mind, it becomes clear that future of the nation is in our own hands and not in our neighbors', so why blame them for almost everything bad and ugly in Pakistan?

Note: Indian members of PDF are NOT welcome for reply on this thread to avoid trolling. I am sorry but I had to place this notice as a precaution :)

You will understand this in a much better & clear way if you come to Mid. East. At least where I am living I can show you all the corrupt games played by Indians against Pakistanis in all sectors.
To get an idea how much they hate us? Sorry, but I haven't met an indian abroad who hate Pakistanis. We only fight in subcontinent, on social media. But when in the West, its all brotherly. Hypocrites.
I dont live in West but correct me if I am wrong. The brotherly relation is only between people of same ethnic or region (UP/ Dehli/Punjabis) or same religion (Indian and Pak Muslims) or sometimes a mix of both. I dont think people from South India / East India have any brotherly relation with Pakistanis right?
Why Pakistanis hate Hindus and Jews. Read below:

Most madrassas in Pakistan are Sunni, with an estimated 4-10% madrassas serving the minority Shia population. Most Sunni madrassas follow the doctrine of the Deobandi sect.

In 1947 there were only 189 madrassas in Pakistan, but there number expanded greatly during the rule of the dictator General Zia-ul-Haq. In 2002 the country had 10,000-13,000 unregistered madrassas with an estimated 1.7 to 1.9 million students. A 2008 estimate puts this figure at "over 40,000".

The level of Hate for Indians rises proportionally from 1947 to 2014 with the increase in Madrassas from 1947 to 2014. We do not teach RELIGION to children in age group of 5-20 years to Hindu/Sikh/Buddhist kids. In Indian schools there is no subject on religion. Religious studies are not part of mainstream education of Children. If anyone wants to study religion, he can do it in his own individual capacity. We do not create religious fanatics in millions in our schools.

While Millions of Indian students learn everyday about equality of all religions, about how Akbar was a great king, about excelling in Physics, Maths. Same time Millions of Pakistani kids are learning Quran, and learning how to become pure Muslims, and how Hindus and Jews are evil. Then you also wonder why Pakistan does not produce great scientists but great religious scholars (like Hafiz etc).

Religious education creates mentally unstable kids filled with Hate for other religions.There is no doubt about it. Children need to study science and maths and not religion in schools. They can read Quran at home if they want. But religious education is very good for Mullahs, it creates a very faithful stream of followers for these Mullahs. All Madrassa tutored kids (which Pakistan is creating in Millions) are faithful followers of these hate spewing Mullahs. You already seen that in Lal Masjid, how the students were supporting that Mullah. Religious education is good only for Mullahs.

and who funded the creation of these 40000 Madrassas in Pakistan?? Everyone knows right
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Just by saying that Indians 're not invited here you've made this discussion one sided.
I'm sorry I could not resist posting here after what I read yesterday.
I read an article written by a very "prominent" member of pdf about how Af-Pak relations should be improved and why Pak should concentrate on central asia, the issue was that writer very conveniently assumed that Pakistanis 're despised by Indians (I've used the same words as the author) and went on to call India an "expansionist" neighbor. I wished to tell him that its all his figment of imagination.
I was left flummoxed after I read his article and could not figure out, was it his way of attracting more eyeballs to his article or was it his way of venting out his anger at something he hasnt even witnessed.
So this is what came to my mind
"Why is there so much hatred for India in Pakistan?".
And the same hate is in india for us.
And the difference is...
Their number is higher :D
Yes,it is true,Indians do hate Pakistanis. I can understand. Many have never been to Pakistan nor met any Pakistan.
About the numbers,Please give me the statistics & the source
Hypocricy is comparing Lakhwi to Amit Shah. Lakhwi killed Indians in India and is head of a UN banned terrorist organisation.

Amit shah is accused of killing some Indian, but has nothing to do against Pakistan ever. He is accused just like an of your political leaders from Nawaz, to Musharraf to Zia to Bhutto.

There is no comparison between two. But if you insist on his arrest, then I also insist on arrest of Zia, Bhutto, Nawaz, Musharraf. They are also accused of Murder, Treason, War Crimes just like Amit Shah is accused of a murder.
I know the credibility of Pakistani courts. Many judges have been killed,threatened with deadly threats. The few lucky ones even managed to seek Asylum in foregin countries.What about the cleric from Lal Masjid,has he been arrested or tried in court of law for speaking against Pakistan. U have Altaf Huessin giving death threats from London,don't talk of Amit Shah. Yesterday I read in DAWN Newspaper about a programme in Geo Channel,where a fanatical cleric talks about Ahmedi Muslims as the enemy of Pakistan,four days latter a Ahmedi Muslim is shot dead. Where is the justice,what are your courts doing.Lastly how can GEO channel air such a programme
Indian Girl Speech Against Pakistan

Wait wait...I know I will get knee jerk responses from Indian Members on this posting but fellows as I know this girl is not representing the whole Indian janta same goes to the fringe elements in Pakistan. May I ask you this with the fervor you are posting in this thread with the same passion have you ever tried to make or initiate friendship with a Pakistani (with a clean heart of-course)?...I have done that and this is my "personal opinion" that South Indians are much easier to approach to and become friends with as appose to North Indians here in the US.
Indian Girl Speech Against Pakistan

Wait wait...I know I will get knee jerk responses from Indian Members on this posting but fellows as I know this girl is not representing the whole Indian janta same goes to the fringe elements in Pakistan. May I ask you this with the fervor you are posting in this thread with the same passion have you ever tried to make or initiate friendship with a Pakistani (with a clean heart of-course)?...I have done that and this is my "personal opinion" that South Indians are much easier to approach to and become friends with as appose to North Indians here in the US.
She represents most of India there are several other similiar videos from Indiq
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