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Why is Pakistan so dirty?

People take initiative by paying taxes. Now say they don't pay and take responsibility themselves. Then you can say ok thats right. Till then show the flow of money where it starts and where it ends.

That will take whole dirt with it.
Pakistan is the best nation on earth... those who are trying to malign pakistan, will not be spared....at any cost..:angry:
I think its about civic sense of people. GOVT can facilitate but they can't do much unless people change their manners. Every household must have a bin outside their gate. One major problem is the use of plastic bag in our society. Its strange that even person buying a pack of biscuits wants to have it a plastic bag:sick: These bags play major role in blockade of sewerage system. Also their must be some way to not allow open drains at least in major cities.
Uncivilised people. They will throw their litter on the street even if the bin is nearby.
To be honest, it depends upon the city and location. Navi Mumbai is pretty clean compared to say Mumbai. One of the reasons being planning and maintenance.
I understand open drains and sanitation infrastructure is not the fault of the people. Its failure of government.

However what I don't understand is why do people allow filth around their house? Why are the streets so dirty? Why do people litter everywhere?

Islam teaches you extreme hygiene standards. You are not a Muslim if you are not clean or keep your surroundings clean.

It is also the basis of being civilized.

If Pakistan is a Muslim country then why don't the people follow these teachings?

Yeah I agree, I was shocked to find so many dirty and filthy garbage where nobody take the responsibility to take care of their country and always blame on governments.

Wait a minute, just think of Western countries clean their environments religiously compared to Pakistan or Asia.
Also other reasons for cleanliness are literacy and awareness.
However there will always be some folks who would shamelessly ruin the place by littering, they should be punished.
Cleanliness is one of the reasons I love Navi Mumbai.Its no where near the western standards, but I can safely say its one of the cleanest city in India barring a few pockets here and there.
The credit goes to the governtment.

Also lesser population and more greenery helps.
Here's a pic : Palm Beach road,Navi Mumbai

The whole cleanliness issue reminds me of "the Great Stink". Sewage and waste had been deposited in the River Thames for years. It was only until the smell of the river got so bad that the issue was tackled. I guess we'll have to wait until there's garbage right outside the National Assembly that we'll see the government address the issue.
Yeah I agree, I was shocked to find so many dirty and filthy garbage where nobody take the responsibility to take care of their country and always blame on governments.

Wait a minute, just think of Western countries clean their environments religiously compared to Pakistan or Asia.
Uncivilised people. They will throw their litter on the street even if the bin is nearby.

Animals learn what is human?

To set a trend gov should provide bin of same color and design to every home and advertisement. Take away garbage regularly.

Individuals can be lazy but not gov. Trend has to be set from the top!

Hint: The reason is a group of ethnic races who collectively end up being called Pakistanis. A lot of them choose to call themselves Muslims too which they consider a title no less, but that is pretty much the limit of it.

Take an example, the first foul smelling Mosque I went to in the US was one that happened to be run by Pakistanis
So any progress on this? Any social media campaigns? Why do you guys not want to clean up your streets?
So any progress on this? Any social media campaigns? Why do you guys not want to clean up your streets?

People are getting together to clean cities on their own. Especially people of Karachi.
They paint walls and even show their artistic skills.
This problem is not caused by one party. When people are careless and throw their trash everywhere, then government or those who are responsible to pick up the trash aren't doing what thy are supposed to do.
People are getting together to clean cities on their own. Especially people of Karachi.
They paint walls and even show their artistic skills.
This problem is not caused by one party. When people are careless and throw their trash everywhere, then government or those who are responsible to pick up the trash aren't doing what thy are supposed to do.

I get that, ok so there are many ignorant people who choose that lifestyle. But surely there should be many who can build awareness and make it into an initiative? So many mediums to choose from, social media, print, news etc. They should be teaching the others.

I know its not as fashionable as political corruption on the news but its probably more important because it goes hand in hand with disease prevention and pride in your surroundings.

This topic really annoys me because this can all be controlled but people are not doing anything about it. Who wants to visit a country and take a million jabs just to make it through without getting ill. I appreciate in tropical climates this is inevitable but simple things like having an awareness of hygiene in your neighborhood can mean the difference between life and death.

There needs to be a massive drive to promote good practices and make laws around it.
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