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Why is My Hijab Your Problem?

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Noz, I meant which town/city in the UK? Most places people speak English.

O you must have missed my other post...I have moved from UK...Move a lot for my own good :(

Noz, I meant which town/city in the UK? Most places people speak English.

Yea, Even in Wales, I could find English speakers..here it is rare and even my English is deteriorating!
What's this conspiracy? My tag color hasn't changed yet, maybe new rules state that I need to troll 2000 additional posts. :argh:

I accept the challenge @ mods :what:

Get ready for a salvo of posts......
What's this conspiracy? My tag color hasn't changed yet, maybe new rules state that I need to troll 2000 additional posts. :argh:

OR MAYBE trolling doesn't count in your number of posts needed for a change in colour!
OR MAYBE trolling doesn't count in your number of posts needed for a change in colour!
Chupp... No one else knows of it, yet! ;)

I think it's something to do with time aswell, I think you need to wait a year. :rofl:
Well, in such a case, expect me back in a 7 months. I am an extremely competitive person by nature. :flame:

@Juice, what's up buddy? Why lurking in stealth mode? :)
Talon, good night and sweet dreams. In the mean time don't get lonely, we're all here ready to troll with you! :)
Talon, good night and sweet dreams. In the mean time don't get depressed, we're all here ready to troll with you! :)

HAHAHA...thanks!! Good Night!

Why do we never hear about Fatima Jinnah, she was in politics too right?

Honestly speaking I do not know about her in details! More like a sideline! Very supportive of her bro though! Wonder why she never got married!
OH right, Good night mate, Beer won't help you sleep I think....:cheers: I don't know, is it like caffiene?

Anyway I need to sleep soon too, it was a good day, congratz on 2000 posts. Sleep tight.
LOLZ...hitting the bed!! Nite nite!
Hey that is not valid for girls. Girls @28/29 :)

Nighty night!

I''ll keep that in mind, I have to be 36, she can be half my age 18???? I will die a happy man then.

Nope, there is a mathematical formula I have devised, I'll pm you that as well, else I maybe branded an arsehole! :D
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