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Why do people want Ottoman empire back?

leave (give up) from this Sion-Islamist fairy tale.

from the 11th century - 19th century - the Muslims suffered the most (having the Ottomans and other Caliphate). it was worse! there was a war between the two countries, the Islamists, sects, cut the head, raped women, the sultans were corruption and depravity. dictatorship, the absence of democracy. poverty (poor)!

ZOG - create puppet - Sion-Caliphate (1.6 billion) - and - against China (2,000,000,000!).
for "jihad" = terrorism and chaos!
America will be smiling sarcasm.

repetition - not!

:astagh:here is your hypocritical "Islam" Auzubillyahi! you want to rape - beautiful women))) like European women, and not their Oguz)), your women are "beautiful" (Mongol)?))

what a stupid text.

the Muslims have lived freely among the Khalifaat. When the Khalifaat fell the imperialisme including russian imperializm costed milions of muslims. Not the forget colonisation of the west. It wasnt permit to be a muslim under the russian and we talking about a time scale under the 100 years. So why do you write stupid things?

The khalifaat is for the protection of the muslim world.

we can now see the situation of the Muslim world.
Something like a Islamic Strategy Union will be nice like NATO or Europe.

Muslim countries are too busy backstabbing each other my friend.Your idea won't work,at least in current situation.

Anyway, who says Turks want Ottomans back? I thought they are more interested in their secularism and cumhuriyet.
Times have changed. Arabs who are wealthy in oil will never acccept Turk rule.
Soon they will be out of oil.. wait 50 years..

But it will be too late, we won't want them back unless they turkify themselves.

everyone wants the Ottoman back, get your facts right btw, it won't be just Ottomans, the middle east as well and I believe it's coming. Erdogan doesn't control the military cos the general is an idiot who supports secularism. He tried arresting some that attempted to do military coup like why do u think Stalin killed so many generals lol and may I ask Erodgan is an Islamic PKK then how did he win?

Secularism is the only way to go. The only way to have a developed country. Why do you live in Secular Australia? Wake up my friend :D

Muslim countries are too busy backstabbing each other my friend.Your idea won't work,at least in current situation.

Anyway, who says Turks want Ottomans back? I thought they are more interested in their secularism and cumhuriyet.

we want Turkic union, who have common values, such as secularism, turkism and honor/dignity. All Turkic peoples are secular and modern people. Only Turks in Iran need to be made more modern but the reason they are not is because of Iranian rule. In addition we could add a non-turkic empire for non-Turks.
we want Turkic union, who have common values, such as secularism, turkism and honor/dignity. All Turkic peoples are secular and modern people. Only Turks in Iran need to be made more modern but the reason they are not is because of Iranian rule. In addition we could add a non-turkic empire for non-Turks.

So basically, you want to rule Arabs and Greeks, again? What else do you have to offer?
Are you seriously talking about an empire in 21st century? Don't you want to choose Sultans for Germany and France too?
So basically, you want to rule Arabs and Greeks, again? What else do you have to offer?
Are you seriously talking about an empire in 21st century? Don't you want to choose Sultans for Germany and France too?

No we don't want to rule them. Greece has multiple times debt against its GDP. In 10-20 years when EU collapses they will beg us to take them back. But we won't want them. What can they offer us? They don't have natural resources. They don't have human capital. They will have to bend to our will if they want to benefit from our rise.

As I told you I'm interested in Turkic union. Turkey+Azerbaijan+South-Azerbaijan+Kazakh+Uzbek+etc

Look at this love :D

Turks all have common values. I see them uniting. Blood is stronger than anything.
Pride / haughtiness is the bane of nationalism. That is why I dislike Nationalism. There is no humanity in it as a supreme value. It has cost more human life than any other ideology. It has given us monsters like Hitler, Mussolini, Franco. From 1700s to 1950s European history reeks of disasters unleashed in the name of Nationalism. It is funny to see ideas about ethnic dominance presented in the garb of Pan-Turkism. Turkey is not a great power yet (would it ever be?), and already we can see ideas of regional dominance being displayed. Is it any different from North Indian obsession with regional dominance?
Empires have to depend on a competent human being. Most people talk and longs about the return of the Khilafat-e-Rashida, but what they actually mean is a government like that of Hazrat Umar bin Khattab (R.A).

I'm all open for the return of Ottoman empire but ONLY if a genius like Suleiman I is going to lead it. He is perhaps the greatest Muslim ruler of the second millennium.

Problem with the empires is, they fade away when they cease to produce capable men. And as history has proved, all empires are ephemeral.
but then between 1525 and 1917 they were always, without fail, beaten by the russians.........................

You are wrong. I can't remember every single war between Ottomans and Russian between 1525 and 1917. But I clearly remember we won the Pruth River Campaign in 1710-1711 against Russians which makes your assumption invalid. :wave:
but then between 1525 and 1917 they were always, without fail, beaten by the russians.........................

Every nation has its own stereotypes. Ours is interest toward Slavic women.
For the record, Ottos are not the only ones who had been fought with Ruskies. In good old days, when Turkics were pimpin around the Great Steppes, Khazars, Kipchaks, Golden Horde and many more kicked Russian azz. Even when you look to first Russian states, there you would see lots of Turkic influence.
but then between 1525 and 1917 they were always, without fail, beaten by the russians.........................

Its not simpel to fight in 3 continent with several countries. What the fok did you people do 400 years?
We need to divide and rule that **** bro. Uniting the middle-east will only cause problems for us.
Times have changed. Arabs who are wealthy in oil will never acccept Turk rule.

Not only who are wealthy, but also most of Arabs, talking about reviving Ottoman empire is more of an insult. Friendly relations are okay but nothing more than that.
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