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Warning to Overseas Pakistanis: Think Before Visiting Pakistan

most children of armed forces are living off the sale of plots and other illegal monetary gains from the Pakistani state.

A good friend of mine, his sister is married to the son of a retired paf air commodore. The son was also in the paf as an avionics engineer. In 2005, he moved to the uk with his British wife and kids, bought a house with cash for £980k and was able to send his children to private school and not work. Eventually he did get a job at a British radar manufacturer.

The stories my friend told me about his sisters and husband life in the air force was something that resembled the British royal family. No need to do anything, servants for everything! the focus was getting ready to attend parties everyday with other senior paf collegues and wives, alcohol was freely available but everyone was focussed on namaz. This I found very weird.

Today these same people sit in the west, cursing PTI for having the audacity to question the establishment and it's interference in politics.

In my college's Pakistani Student Association, there are a couple of guys and girls whose fathers and grandfathers were high ranking Pakistan Army people like brigadiers and stuff.

The wealth these guys have accumulated is INSANE. One kid I was talking to in the PSA drives a Mercedes G WAGON despite his dad being a brigadier, this kids dad bought it for him when he was 18 lmao.

A lot of them are modern day brown sahibs who just do bad parodies of gora culture its really disgusting and embarrassing.

@AA_ @PakFactor @Dalit @Clutch

Does Nani Maryam put pang or charas in your free biryani, above post appears to be from someone high on weed and totally brainwashed and incoherent…

He's being sarcastic
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In my college's Pakistani Student Association, there are a couple of men and women whose fathers and grandfathers were high ranking Pakistan Army people like brigadiers and stuff.

The wealth these guys have accumulated is INSANE. One kid I was talking to in the PSA drives a Mercedes G WAGON despite his dad being a brigadier, this kids dad bought it for him when he was 18 lmao.

A lot of them are modern day brown sahibs who just do bad parodies of gora culture its really disgusting and embarrassing.


He's being sarcastic
It seems just like the black economy in the country is much larger than the official economy, likewise Army gas an official budget and a much larger black budget for funding perks like cars and servants and plots, and other business ventures…
It seems just like the black economy in the country is much larger than the official economy, likewise Army gas an official budget and a much larger black budget for funding perks like cars and servants and plots, and other business ventures…

All countries have classified projects.

Pakistan is no different.

Not every military project and budget can be declared.
Wouldn’t it be interesting if any existing employer or even business partners of his saw his views? Employers will literally throw him out right there and then - but we have closet racists in the US who otherwise are happy to sign off on their diversity training so “paise ke liye tu kuch bhi karega”

You are preaching to the choir here.

A couple of days ago Islamabad police actually tweeted that they will send the names and Twitter ID's of those who are residing abroad to their respective embassies, that those people are supporting protests and illegal activities in Pakistan.

So Isb police will write to an EU country or the US or Canada, that they were shelling protestors and lathi charge and picking up people from their homes without a warrant and arresting underage minors, and that your citizen is tweeting in opposition of these draconian measures. Oh the irony.

I am just amazed at the intellect of the moron SP who would have thought of this and approved this tweet.

In sab ki aqlain gitton main hain.
It seems just like the black economy in the country is much larger than the official economy, likewise Army gas an official budget and a much larger black budget for funding perks like cars and servants and plots, and other business ventures…

This one girl I know whose grandfather was a major general wears all fashion designer clothes and makes tik tok videos showcasing makeup. I was talking to her on insta and casually asked in one of our convos where does she get the money from for makeup, she said her dad buys it for her lmao.

After she gave me her tik tok, I decided to look up the prices for the stuff she's getting. On one of her videos she was showing off some weird Vegan Face and Eye set, I looked up the price for it, its like $320. And its multiple things like palettes that cost around hundreds of dollars each. She even drives in a new BMW from daddy's money 😂 😂

I was very shocked as to how these guys accumulate that much wealth. Some crazy dealings and laundering going on behind the scenes.

@AA_ @PakFactor @Dalit @Clutch
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. . . but PTI/IK isn't the solution. . . .
Okay agree. But who could be the best solution then?

- Bilawal?
- Maryam?
- Hamza?
- Shehbaz?
- Nawaz?
- Zardari?
- Fazl Rehman?
- JI ?
- ANP ?
- MQM ?
- any other? name please

Whom do you think can be the best PM for Pakistan out of available lot.
You cannot say no one, because someone has to be the PM of Pakistan and run the country whether single party or coalition government, and it has to be from available lot.

And please don't answer like below o_O
So who shall we support then?
Would you recommend Shahbaz Sharif or Bilawal or Maulana Fazlu to lead the nation?
Can you grow a pair and stand for elections to lead the nation yourself ? No you are not cut out for that.

You know what you are doing ? You are now stuck between choosing two evils. Lesser evil or bigger evil.
music . . .
اتنا اچھا جواب، الیکٹرا آپ کا ہوا
اور آپ سوزوکی کار والے فائینل راؤنڈ کے لیئے کوالیفائی بھی کر گئے

Reminds me of few PPP supporters :lol: that I know, they always answer such questions like this.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
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most children of armed forces are living off the sale of plots and other illegal monetary gains from the Pakistani state.

A good friend of mine, his sister is married to the son of a retired paf air commodore. The son was also in the paf as an avionics engineer. In 2005, he moved to the uk with his British wife and kids, bought a house with cash for £980k and was able to send his children to private school and not work. Eventually he did get a job at a British radar manufacturer.

The stories my friend told me about his sisters and husband life in the air force was something that resembled the British royal family. No need to do anything, servants for everything! the focus was getting ready to attend parties everyday with other senior paf collegues and wives, alcohol was freely available but everyone was focussed on namaz. This I found very weird.

Today these same people sit in the west, cursing PTI for having the audacity to question the establishment and it's interference in politics.

Loot maar is paramount in the eyes of establishment and their PDM minions.

National Security is the primary concern of all PTI supporters, not of the army or their puppet government.

Sweetness I have been in the think and thin of it,
as opposed to I have a friend, and he has a friend, and he says this and I heard this ....
I think you are a minion, nothing more than a self mutilating, toxic little minion.
Sweetness I have been in the think and thin of it,
as opposed to I have a friend, and he has a friend, and he says this and I heard this ....
I think you are a minion, nothing more than a self mutilating, toxic little minion.

Yes yes everything is fake.
Why do these unpatriotic people visit Pakistan if they hate Pakistan so much?

They are just working for the foreign agencies to destabilise Pakistan.

Awesome job done by our agencies.

Boot licker

No. These overseas Pakistanis are anarchists on the payroll of the foreign agencies.

They are using PTI to create a color revolution in Pakistan and seize our nukes.

No shit …

I think you had too much donkey naan
Does Nani Maryam put pang or charas in your free biryani, above post appears to be from someone high on weed and totally brainwashed and incoherent…
Nani got votes from majority of people in central Punjab.. apparently her face lift surgery does work !!

Untill now everyone thought same about Khan Abdul ghaffar/mujeeb ur rehman candidateFatima Jinnah ...what happened recently why people sensitive now.. it's been 55years since she was killed
Brother of Dr. Amir Jalal was visiting Pakistan. His name is Imran Jalal and his family is PTI supporter so obviously he was picked up by Na-Maloom Afraad last week in the wider interest of national security.

When he was dropped off on the side of a road, he was in following condition (warning: graphic video):
If you are overseas Pakistani who is planing to visit Pakistan under the PDM-GHQ regime, think twice.

@Signalian @blain2
Last visited in March of 2022 and not going back until sepoys are lynched in public square. Pulling out all investments and won't make any new ones until above condition met.

Let the sepoys go to their new hindutva slave master's for dollars, amreeka bahadur has already shown them their auqat a la Lord Clive.
Not vindicating the establishment, but PTI/IK isn't the solution. If he returns to power, we'll see more of the same, but with different people in charge. I know it's unpopular, but I'll say it here; if IK returns, he'll have his supporters in the Army and Courts, but that doesn't mean the Army and Courts would necessarily be any better than they are now. @VCheng

Well that's how 12th graders company thought and look where it have already ended up and this is still not the end of road.
Why do these unpatriotic people visit Pakistan if they hate Pakistan so much?

They are just working for the foreign agencies to destabilise Pakistan.

Awesome job done by our agencies.
Rs100 cheque has been sent to Abdul Rehman Majeed duly signed by Maryam Nawaz and Mir Hafiz.

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