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Warning to Overseas Pakistanis: Think Before Visiting Pakistan

Can't compare Jinnah and IK but we can compare their opponents.. Jinnah's opponents were not beghairat.

You make a great point. However, politics can be a dirty business, and Jinnah obviously was masterful in out-maneuvering his worthy opponents. IK should be able to do much better than he has been lately, given the morons he is fighting against.

Yes, IK, unlike Jinnah, is a pacifist. He would never give a call for any sort of 'Direct Action'.

Yet we have Army fanboys here labelling IK as an anarchist (I don't think they know what anarchy means) .. I wonder what are their views on "Jinnah the anarchist"

Please see the above.
You make a great point. However, politics can be a dirty business, and Jinnah obviously was masterful in out-maneuvering his worthy opponents. IK should be able to do much better than he has been lately, given the morons he is fighting against.
Jinnah would have been shot a lot earlier with his ambulance broken on its way to the nearest hospital had he gotten the similar opponents as those of IK
Now you will have every result from google banned - fellow was happy to equate PA with McDonalds just to keep his delusions up.

Hey, another overseas Pakistani was very happy though, he got an ISI protocol, Rangers escort, bureaucrats whizzing him around, ISI guy even gave him a 15 min intro of the happenings in Lahore! :D

Mere bhai, aik kaam kar.

Asad Umar and Jhagra were in the Muzammil Hassan podcast a few weeks back, 2 ghantay nikal kar woh sun lay bas.

No sir, you are being disingenuous here. Give credit to the guy, at least he was talking about Lockheed Martin :P
Perhaps you would also deny corporatocracy using their gains and influence in power corridors. Ther govt. and military sectors sit in between all that.
Most recorded common knowledge of the era long with testimonies by key ML leadership in their memoirs. Unless you are now going to claim you were alive and it was actually Captain Bhagora Ayub Khan who initiated it?
His call was to suspend business. Hartaal.
Pretty different ftom going to capital and bringing down the admiral governor..
Most of the riots were local to Calcutta and initiated because of pre existing local tensions
now do you have a proof that jinnah made the call for this instigation or it had many other local and past issues involved and that the direct action day just exacerbated the situation and tipped things off.
Yes, IK, unlike Jinnah, is a pacifist. He would never give a call for any sort of 'Direct Action'. He believes in playing it by the book till the very end

Yet we have Army fanboys here labelling IK as an anarchist (I don't think they know what anarchy means) .. I wonder what are their views on "Jinnah the anarchist"

Actually from what limited reading I have done, Jinnah was labeled a pacifist early on as well, and termed delusional by many for his wishes of a united India and a peaceful resolution to things.

As for labeling Jinnah an anarchist, well they did label his sister a great many things. Jinnah zinda hotay to unhain bhi ghaddar bana dena tha.
Yes, IK, unlike Jinnah, is a pacifist. He would never give a call for any sort of 'Direct Action'. He believes in playing it by the book till the very end

Yet we have Army fanboys here labelling IK as an anarchist (I don't think they know what anarchy means) .. I wonder what are their views on "Jinnah the anarchist"

I don't think you have read it properly

From the source you yourself provided:

..Jinnah had called for peaceful demonstrations all over India on Direct Action Day,...


B- The Instigators

Controversy still rages about the respective responsibilities of the two main communities, the Hindus and the Muslims, in addition to individual leaders’ roles in the carnage. The dominant British view tends to blame both communities equally and single out the calculations of the leaders and the savagery of the followers, amongst whom there were criminal elements (Tuker, 1950). In the Congress’ version of the events (Bose, 1968), the blame tends to be squarely laid on the Muslim League and in particular on the Chief Minister of Bengal, [Suhrawardy->article82]. The view from the Muslim League side, nowadays partly upheld in Bangladesh, the successor state to East Pakistan, is that in fact Congress and the Hindus used the opportunity offered by Direct Action Day to teach the Muslims in Calcutta a lesson and kill them in great numbers (Rashid, 1987). Thus, the riots opened the way to a partition of Bengal between a Hindu-dominated Western Bengal including Calcutta, and a Muslim-dominated Eastern Bengal (nowadays Bangladesh).
Brother of Dr. Amir Jalal was visiting Pakistan. His name is Imran Jalal and his family is PTI supporter so obviously he was picked up by Na-Maloom Afraad last week in the wider interest of national security.

When he was dropped off on the side of a road, he was in following condition (warning: graphic video):
If you are overseas Pakistani who is planing to visit Pakistan under the PDM-GHQ regime, think twice.

@Signalian @blain2
Should we say "missing list updated or not allowed now"
The man called for anarchy in a soverign country..he created problems for himself and his loved ones.
It's he himself only whose software should be upgraded by police.
Agree he should have been shot ..we should learn from kim our beloved north Korean friend who helped Pakistan missile program

Traitor need to be tied to cannon and blown away
A lot of political pressure as well ofcourse.. but he didn't instigate for any violence..that all my point is..
Fatima Jinnah was true traitor
Not only did she had her election symbol a lantern (ANP Symbol) but also was in cahoots with mujeeb.
But heroes of Pakistan army took care of her with help of patriotic ayub.

Jinnah himself was also traitor so we rugged him in Quetta

Hafiz sahab zindabad..
Inshallah they are going to start ghazi w hind under Asim and bajwa in Thailand massage parlors
Link toh pakistani share kar daitay ..ab indian sikhaian gai history?

Does it matter where the link is from? Does not change basic history such as this.

Strop trying to create a strawman bud.
Jinnah would have been shot a lot earlier with his ambulance broken on its way to the nearest hospital had he gotten the similar opponents as those of IK

A hypothetical claim nearly a century later? I cannot assess that at all. Does not compute.
Hafiz sahab zindabad..
Inshallah they are going to start ghazi w hind under Asim and bajwa in Thailand massage parlors

N@pak Fouj akhri goli aur akhri khatray tak laray gi. lol


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