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Warning to Overseas Pakistanis: Think Before Visiting Pakistan

Not vindicating the establishment, but PTI/IK isn't the solution. If he returns to power, we'll see more of the same, but with different people in charge. I know it's unpopular, but I'll say it here; if IK returns, he'll have his supporters in the Army and Courts, but that doesn't mean the Army and Courts would necessarily be any better than they are now. @VCheng
Exactly. Idk what kind of inqilab people are touting these days. Bhai nothing will change. Heck even no one has an economic plans. Khan's master plan was to bring investment in real estate loll.
Hey, another overseas Pakistani was very happy though, he got an ISI protocol, Rangers escort, bureaucrats whizzing him around, ISI guy even gave him a 15 min intro of the happenings in Lahore! :D

Exactly. Idk what kind of inqilab people are touting these days. Bhai nothing will change. Heck even no one has an economic plans. Khan's master plan was to bring investment in real estate loll.

Mere bhai, aik kaam kar.

Asad Umar and Jhagra were in the Muzammil Hassan podcast a few weeks back, 2 ghantay nikal kar woh sun lay bas.

Now you will have every result from google banned - fellow was happy to equate PA with McDonalds just to keep his delusions up.

No sir, you are being disingenuous here. Give credit to the guy, at least he was talking about Lockheed Martin :P
Softwre upgrade doesnt necessary need to be evil act.. jaaahil aadmi.
just a confessionary starement that i said a wrong thing... the level of stupidity u produce I wish you were not even born.
Laanat on you , your family.. your mom your dad. ... you all are utter disgust for mankind.
Try to say "bloody civilian" without saying "bloody civilian" and you have the above statement.
Try to say "bloody civilian" without saying "bloody civilian" and you have the above statement.
Hey, another overseas Pakistani was very happy though, he got an ISI protocol, Rangers escort, bureaucrats whizzing him around, ISI guy even gave him a 15 min intro of the happenings in Lahore! :D

Mere bhai, aik kaam kar.

Asad Umar and Jhagra were in the Muzammil Hassan podcast a few weeks back, 2 ghantay nikal kar woh sun lay bas.

No sir, you are being disingenuous here. Give credit to the guy, at least he was talking about Lockheed Martin :P
Yes my mistake - @M. Sarmad Mausoof was equating Lockheed martin’s purchases of land and ownership of private businesses as good for the goose , good for the gander because they employ military personnel.

Lockheed Martin - a publicly traded private company who are not part of the US government nor is answerable to US citizens, makes independent decisions and whose shares I can purchase and has major shareholders with multinational interests - is what is the closest analogy to Pakistan Army.

Reminds of that PTi guy who went on drunk at a TV show and was “Allah ke baad agar koi aadmi hai Pakistan ke liye woh Imran Khan hai!”…
Direct Action Day was instigated by jinnah?? Who told you that? Where's the proof.

I asked you to use Google ...

Anyways, here's what Jinnah said in a press conference held in late July 1946:

"... If you want war, we accept your offer unhesitatingly... We will either have a divided India or a destroyed India" (Bourke-White, 1949, p 15)
Direct Action Day was instigated by jinnah?? Who told you that? Where's the proof.
Most recorded common knowledge of the era long with testimonies by key ML leadership in their memoirs. Unless you are now going to claim you were alive and it was actually Captain Bhagora Ayub Khan who initiated it?
I asked you to use Google ...

Anyways, here's what Jinnah said in a press conference held in late July 1946:

"... If you want war, we accept your offer unhesitatingly... We will either have a divided India or a destroyed India" (Bourke-White, 1949, p 15)

IK is no Jinnah, obviously, at least thus far, in this matter.
the post didn’t quote - here, this was from another thread where after pointing out the fallacy of PA’s involvement in DHA and other business the example of lockheed martin was provided as why it is kosher for PA to do so.
Wow ..this coming from a PDF think tank ........ I wonder why does he even post here on PDF

Can we plz make this a sticky post as well along from one from @-blitzkrieg- from 1st page of this thread?
Because I am a meesna - rok sako tu rok lo
IK is no Jinnah, obviously, at least thus far, in this matter.

Yes, IK, unlike Jinnah, is a pacifist. He would never give a call for any sort of 'Direct Action'. He believes in playing it by the book till the very end

Yet we have Army fanboys here labelling IK as an anarchist (I don't think they know what anarchy means) .. I wonder what are their views on "Jinnah the anarchist"

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