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Two explosions hit Istanbul's Atatürk Airport, 36 dead 140 injured reported


The attackers once again Uzbeks.

Majority of terrorist attacks in Pakistan committed by Uzbeks.

Both Turkey and Pakistan should do joint invasion of Uzbekistan.

Which countries are Uzbekistan allied to?
you can try if you two want to fight a war with China and Russia.
I understand Russia, maybe, but why China?
it is the backyard of both China and Russia. We may not appear as agressive as russia, but when it comes to protect our interests, we have far more resources to employ than russia.
it is the backyard of both China and Russia. We may not appear as agressive as russia, but when it comes to protect our interests, we have far more resources to employ than russia.

We know Russians relation to ex-Soviet republic Uzbekistan, what is your relation to Uzbek that you prefer Uzbekistan over close ally Pakistan? Or is the relationship to Pakistan not that close?
We know Russians relation to ex-Soviet republic Uzbekistan, what is your relation to Uzbek that you prefer Uzbekistan over close ally Pakistan? Or is the relationship to Pakistan not that close?
It has nothing to do with pakistan. none of its business. What we care is to never let turkey gain any influnce in this region, I believe russia has the same thoughts.

The attackers once again Uzbeks.

Majority of terrorist attacks in Pakistan committed by Uzbeks.

Both Turkey and Pakistan should do joint invasion of Uzbekistan.

Which countries are Uzbekistan allied to?

Cummon bro. They are not state sponsored terrorists. Uzbek government does not fund or support them in any way or form. These terrorists are rogue elements just like TTP or ISIS. So please please please do not invade uzbekistan, i request you. :P
It has nothing to do with pakistan. none of its business. What we care is to never let turkey gain any influnce in this region, I believe russia has the same thoughts.

Understood. But I thought Uzbeks are something like Turks?

Okay, let's stop here, to much OT.

One thing that always bother me. Why ISIS never claim any responsibility for any attacks in Turkey? We know they do this usually.
ISTANBUL: Three suspected the militant Islamic State (IS) group suicide bombers who killed 44 people in a gun and bomb attack at Istanbul's main airport this week were Russian, Uzbek and Kyrgyz nationals, a Turkish government official said on Thursday.

The attack on one of the world's busiest airports, a hub at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, was the deadliest in a series of suicide bombings in Turkey this year. The three bombers opened fire to create panic outside, before two of them got inside the terminal building and blew themselves up. The third detonated his explosives at the entrance. A further 238 people were wounded.

The official gave no further details beyond confirming the attackers' nationalities and declined to be named because details of the investigation have not yet been released.

Forensics teams had been struggling to identify the bombers from their limited remains, officials said earlier.

“A medical team is working around the clock to conclude the identification process,” one of the officials said.

Interior Minister Efkan Ala told parliament that evidence continued to point to IS responsibility and that 19 of the dead were foreigners. Ala said the identity and nationality of one of the bombers had been determined but did not comment further.

The pro-government Yeni Safak newspaper said the Russian bomber was from Dagestan, which borders Chechnya, where Moscow has led two wars against separatists and religious militants since the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991.

Turkey's Hurriyet newspaper named him as Osman Vadinov and said he had come from Raqqa, the heart of Islamic State-controlled territory in Syria. The Russian interior ministry said it was checking information about Vadinov.

A spokesman for Kyrgyzstan's state security service said it was investigating, while the Uzbek security service had no immediate comment.

Thousands of foreign fighters from scores of countries have crossed Turkey to join IS in Syria and Iraq in recent years. Turkey has tightened security on the Syrian border but has long argued it needs more information from foreign intelligence agencies to intercept the fighters.

The revelation that one of the attackers was a Russian national comes at an awkward time for relations between Ankara and Moscow, strained since Turkey shot down a Russian warplane near the Syrian border last November.

Nikolai Patrushev, the head of Russia's Security Council, sent a telegram to his Turkish counterpart calling for cooperation in fighting terrorism after the bombing, Russian news agencies reported.

Dawn raids
Turkish police detained 13 people, four of them foreigners, in raids across Istanbul in connection with Tuesday night's attack. Broadcaster CNN Turk said they were accused of providing logistical support for the bombings.

Counter-terrorism teams led by police special forces launched simultaneous raids at 16 locations in the city, two officials told Reuters.

Yeni Safak said the organiser of the attack was suspected to be a man called Akhmed Chatayev, of Chechen origin. Chatayev is identified on a United Nations sanctions list as a leader in IS responsible for training Russian-speaking militants, and as wanted by Russian authorities.

Turkish officials did not confirm to Reuters that Chatayev was part of the investigation.

Wars in neighbouring Syria and Iraq have fostered a home-grown Islamic State network blamed for a series of suicide bombings in Turkey, including two others this year targeting foreign tourists in the heart of Istanbul.

IS has claimed responsibility for similar bomb and gun attacks in Belgium and France in the past year.

Turkey, a member of the NATO military alliance and part of the US-led coalition against IS, has repeatedly fired back on the Sunni hardliners in recent months after rocket fire from northern Syria hit the border town of Kilis.

In a sign of the growing threats to Turkey, US defence sources said on Wednesday that Washington was moving towards permanently banning families from accompanying US military and civilian personnel deployed in the country.

US Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said the Istanbul attack bore the “hallmark” of IS and that one US citizen had been slightly injured.

Parliamentary pressure
Critics say Turkey woke up too late to the threat from IS, focusing instead early in the Syrian civil war on trying to oust President Bashar al-Assad by backing even his hardline Islamist opponents, arguing there could be no peace without his departure.

Turkey's main opposition leader, Kemal Kilicdaroglu, angered by the ruling AK Party's refusal to hold an inquiry into the airport attack, accused the AKP of “an ideological kinship” with IS. Government officials have flatly rejected such accusations in the past.

Turkey adjusted its military rules of engagement this month to allow NATO allies to carry out more patrol flights along its border with Syria. It has also carried out repeated raids on suspected IS safe houses in Turkey.

Nine suspected militants, thought to have been in contact with IS members in Syria, were detained in dawn raids in four districts of the Aegean coastal city of Izmir on Thursday, the state-run Anadolu news agency said.

It said they were accused of financing, recruiting and providing logistical support to the group.

The military killed two suspected IS members trying to enter Turkey illegally at the weekend, security sources said on Thursday.

One of the suspects, a Syrian national, was thought to have been plotting a suicide bomb attack in either the capital Ankara or the southern province of Adana, home to Incirlik, a major base used by US and Turkish forces through which some coalition air strikes against IS are carried out.
So you forgot to take your meds?
Terror in Turkey has increased many folds after Turkey shot down intruding Russian plane.
It's easy to guess who is taking revenge and also look at the nationalities of the attackers all from Russia's satellite states.
Terror in Turkey has increased many folds after Turkey shot down intruding Russian plane.
It's easy to guess who is taking revenge and also look at the nationalities of the attackers all from Russia's satellite states.

Isis members come from all around the world. By your logic Belgian and French authorities are supporters of terrorism because the perpetrators of the Paris bombing were nationals from those countries. Isis members come from all over the Middle East, Europe, North America, Parts of Asia and Africa.

Turkey is a targeted by ISIS for their supposed role in training Iraqi forces to fight Isis as well as well as bombing Isis in norther Syria and Iraq.
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So it's like I said earlier this terrorist came from highly oppressed countries with foreign influence..

Such idiots don't see that they are used from ppl wich they would describe as kuffar to kill Muslims..
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