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Turkey shells Syria's Afrin region, minister says operation has begun

Battle for Afrin is in fact a part of the Battle for Ankara!!! Either you face them in Afrin or in Ankara - the Turkish folks have chosen for the former...
According to Syrian Revolution Network, The US-backed "Syrian Democratic Council" (the new name for the PYD, whose military wing is known as the YPG) announced today that it does not rule out any coordination with the Assad regime around the town of Afrin in Aleppo province northern Syria in the event of any attack on the region.

They can simply hand over the security in Afrin, Manbij and other areas in border to Syrian army and avoid another useless conflict in an already bloody war.
They can simply hand over the security in Afrin, Manbij and other areas in border to Syrian army and avoid another useless conflict in an already bloody war.
They tried to play smart and offered Damascus to raise Syrian flag in Afrin again without allowing Syrian security forces, no need to mention the offer got rejected.

BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:55 P.M.) – The Syrian government has rejected the Kurdish PYD’s proposal to restore state institutions in the Afrin Canton, a source in Damascus told Al-Masdar News this afternoon.
According to the source, the PYD offered to raise the flag of the Syrian Arab Republic over their buildings and to restore state institutions in exchange for their continued support in the Afrin Canton.

However, the government rejected the proposal after the PYD refused to allow Syrian security forces inside the Afrin Canton.
The government fears that accepting this proposal will leave their institutions at the mercy of the Kurdish security forces, who have harassed their employees in other regions of the country, including in the northeastern cities of Hasakah and Qamishli.

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They were not man enough to go after ISIS when the devils had surrounded Kobane and watched from the sides; when the brave Kurdish women defended that city against these lunatics.
Regretfully Turkey has complete lack of respect for any minorities.
They were not man enough to go after ISIS when the devils had surrounded Kobane and watched from the sides; when the brave Kurdish women defended that city against these lunatics.
Regretfully Turkey has complete lack of respect for any minorities.
Your aware that Turkey allowed Peshmerga to move troops throught Turkey when isis besieged Kobane right?
Why Turkey invades another city in another country...?!

And people here are dealing with that thing by saying (go Turkey.....Kill them all...!)
There are people killed there.....it is not a Football game.:(
these kurd were waving Israeli flags when they said Jerusalem is their capital. I have zero sympathy for kurds
They tried to play smart and offered Damascus to raise Syrian flag in Afrin again without allowing Syrian security forces, no need to mention the offer got rejected.

Yes read that news, but obviously, that's not how it works.
AirBombardment on Afrin commenced. Watch live !

So it started, gazamiz mübarek olsun.

They were not man enough to go after ISIS when the devils had surrounded Kobane and watched from the sides; when the brave Kurdish women defended that city against these lunatics.
Regretfully Turkey has complete lack of respect for any minorities.
Look at this smartass, hahahaha :)

We allowed 200k Kurds from Kobani to enter Turkey and afterward Kurdish Peshmerga forces went through Turkey to fight against ISIS...lf it wasn't Turkey they would all be slaughtered.
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