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Top ten military powers?

Neither have America, but would you win against them. India have nothing but Numbers over the UK.

Neither have America
Not just AMERICA.... nobody

Why should we fight against Afghans? :taz:
You have not answered my question? How is India more powerful than UK?

Chinese has one sentence 狐假虎威 (a fox flaunting in the tuition of a tiger)

It means "The a-s-s in the lion's skin"

UK = a-s-s

USA = lion

Because USA is super-strong, so the World respect her minion UK.

In fact, UK is incompetent! :rofl:
I just want to know why you think India are more powerful than UK?

Being a military power is just an upper hand in a war. It is not decisive. Did I ever say that India is more powerful than UK :no: I just answered your following quote:

176 I am not 100%. However India are not as powerful as the UK how can you come to that conclusion. All India have over UK is numbers and nothing else. UK spend more on defence, Higher Economy, More Advanced Ships, Planes and Tanks, Second Highest spender on Military Tech after USA, One of only two nations building Aircraft Cariers, Best trained men in the world, Blue Water Navy. UK would win in a war vs India but not China, well not without NATO assistance.

US is at top, still they have faced defeat in Vietnam and currently Afghan fiasco.
Explain. 4th Highest Defense Spender, Nuclear Weapons, Top Ten Ecconomy, Largest Navy and Airforce in NATO, Leading member of the EU, Second highest military power projection, Blue Water Navy, Royla Marines have the longest training in the world, SAS regarded as the best Special Force in the world,
Explain. 4th Highest Defense Spender, Nuclear Weapons, Top Ten Ecconomy, Largest Navy and Airforce in NATO, Leading member of the EU, Second highest military power projection, Blue Water Navy, Royla Marines have the longest training in the world, SAS regarded as the best Special Force in the world,

But still high death toll in Iraq / Afghanistan!!!

It seems that UK still wants to reassert your hegemony over the World now. But not succeeds!
176 is not a high death toll compared to other wars. I do not argue that China is far more powerful than UK but India is not.
176 is not a high death toll compared to other wars. I do not argue that China is far more powerful than UK but India is not.

Given its size I believe the Indian military will have some initial success, but the UK can actually sustain war for a lot longer than India can given its industrial capacity, economy and technological prowess. They'll win hands down.

China is certainly stronger than the UK but it's not going to be a cakewalk. The UK has some of the best trained soldiers on the planet, cutting edge technology and most importantly experience. England has trained for NBC combat in Europe for decades during the cold war. China might win, but it'll be one hell of a fight. They won't come out of it unscathed, I'm inclined to believe that they'll be pushed back at least a few years.

The UK doesn't get enough credit, they aren't the power they used to be, but they're certainly still a force to be reckoned with in their own right. I believe the UK has the strongest military in Europe does it not?
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