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Tiananmen Square Massacres' 27th Anniversary. China Detains Activists


Oct 10, 2013
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China detains activists on Tiananmen anniversary
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Fred Dufour 1 hr ago

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1/4 SLIDES © Provided by AFP
A Chinese paramilitary guard stands in Tiananmen Square under portrait of Mao Zedong in Beijing on June 3, 2016, on the eve of the 27th anniversary of the June 4, 1989 crackdown on pro-democracy protests
Chinese police have detained several activists while others were under surveillance Saturday on the anniversary of the bloody Tiananmen Square crackdown, rights groups said.

Six human rights activists, including the poet Liang Taiping, have been held by Beijing police since Thursday after holding a private ceremony commemorating "June 4", the date in 1989 of the brutal crushing of pro-democracy protests in Beijing, the Chinese NGO Weiquanwang said.

They were suspected of "provoking quarrels and fomenting unrest", said the group, which also reported another activist had "disappeared" in recent days in the capital.

Nearly three decades after the crackdown by the military, the communist regime continues to forbid any debate on the subject, mention of which is banned from textbooks and the media and censored on the Internet.

As in previous years, the "Tiananmen Mothers", an association of parents who lost children during the violence, were placed under heavy surveillance.

Zhang Xianling, whose 19-year-old son was killed in 1989, told AFP that when she went to a Beijing cemetery on Saturday with a dozen other parents to pay their respects at the graves of their children, they were surrounded by security forces.

"We have been under surveillance since last week... 30 (plainclothed policemen) were at the cemetery," said Zhang.

The Mothers of Tiananmen penned an open letter slamming the "27 years of white terror and suffocation" they have been subjected to by the authorities.

"We the victims' families are eavesdropped upon and surveilled by the police; we are followed or even detained, and our computers searched and confiscated," read the letter signed by the group's members and released the NGO Human Rights in China.

- "Massacre never happened" -

"The government has ignored us, pretending that the June Fourth Massacre that shocked the whole world never happened in China, and refusing to respond to our appeals, while our fellow countrymen gradually lose the memory of the event," the letter continued.

The letter also said that the group had been warned that all visits to the home of the group's founder Ding Zilin, who is now 79-years-old and in poor health, would be restricted from April 22 to June 4.

"Those who want to visit her must apply for permission and may visit her only after approval by the Beijing Public Security Bureau, and they may not be accompanied by other victims' family members," the letter read.

Ding was under increased surveillance at her home and the police had cut the household telephone line, Hong Kong-based media reported.

Calls to Ding's telephone number on Saturday were met with a recorded message: "The user you have contacted does not have the right to receive calls."

Chen Guang, a soldier-turned-artist, has been visited multiple times by police and civil security agents during the weeks leading up to the anniversary, he told AFP.

At the time of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the crackdown in 2014, Chen was placed in detention for a month after he put on an artistic performance in memory of the victims of Tiananmen.
How would the young Chinese soldiers today feel about crushing down their own friends and families under tanks, all to preserve and perpetuate the rule of this 'party'?
The 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre Is a Myth: British “Black Information Operation”

By Gregory Clark
International Business Times 4 June 2014

June 4, 2015 will for many mark the 26th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre.

What it should actually mark is the anniversary of one of the more spectacular UK black information operations — almost on a par with the mythical Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.

The original story of Chinese troops on the night of 3 and 4 June, 1989 machine-gunning hundreds of innocent student protesters in Beijing’s iconic Tiananmen Square has since been thoroughly discredited by the many witnesses there at the time — among them a Spanish TVE television crew, a Reuters correspondent and protesters themselves, who say that nothing happened other than a military unit entering and asking several hundred of those remaining to leave the Square late that night.

Yet none of this has stopped the massacre from being revived constantly, and believed. All that has happened is that the location has been changed – from the Square itself to the streets leading to the Square.

The original story began with a long article in English, published six days later in Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post, by an alleged protester whose whereabouts have never been ascertained. Anonymously planted stories are a favourite technique of UK black information authorities, but this did not stop it from being front-paged by the New York Times on June 12, together with photos of blazing troop-carrying buses and followed up by Tankman – the photo of a lone student allegedly trying to stop a row of army tanks from entering the Square. The myth of an unprovoked massacre has since taken root.

True, no one denies that large numbers of citizens and students were killed near the Square by soldiers seemingly out of control. But why?

Let’s go back to those photos of the burning buses. The popular view is that they were torched by angry protesters after the shooting began. In fact they were torched before. The evidence? Reports of charred corpses being strung up beneath overpasses (one photographed by Reuters remains unpublished), and photos of badly burned soldiers seeking shelter in nearby houses. Soldiers in that kind of situation tend to go out with guns blazing – just ask the good citizens of Fallujah, Iraq.

Fortunately we also have the hourly reports from the US Embassy in the Beijing, available on the Internet, to tell us what actually happened. They note that originally the Beijing authorities had wanted to send in unarmed troops to clear the Square of remaining students as the protests were beginning to wind down. Blocked by the crowds, armed troops were bused in and this time they were blocked by crowds with petrol bombs, with ugly results. Even so, some units tried to restrain the out-of-control solders. And an embassy report of students killing a soldier trying to enter the Square could explain some of the carnage on its periphery.

As for Tankman, we now know from the cameraman himself that his widely-publicised photo was taken from his hotel window the day AFTER the riots, and the tanks were going away from, not into, the Square.

A detailed report by the authoritative Columbia Journalist Review, ‘The Tiananmen Massacre Myth and the Price of a Passive Press’ has since noted the media preference for blood and gore stories. But none of this seems to have dented the credibility of the Tiananmen massacre story.

True, some of the blame also lies with Beijing. Its campaigns to hunt down student protest leaders and to blame everything on anti-regime plots have not created a good impression. But it may have its reasons. Out of frustration as their long protest began to dissipate, some of the student leaders had called for action by the angry crowds still around the Square. And how did some in those crowds have access to petrol bombs – a weapon not used by Chinese rioters and allegedly responsible for over 400 vehicles being destroyed?

The regime had tolerated the protesters by allowing them to occupy its central square for six weeks. Its party general secretary had tried in vain to negotiate with them. And it later regretted how its lack of crowd control equipment meant it had had to rely on untrained soldiers. But then again, none of this would have happened if the regime itself had not been at fault in the past.

The words of well-known Taiwan-born writer Hou Dejian, who had been on the hunger strike on the Square to show solidarity with the students, says it all: “Some people said that 200 died in the Square and others claimed that as many as 2,000 died. There were also stories of tanks running over students who were trying to leave. I have to say that I did not see any of that. I myself was in the Square until 6:30 in the morning.

“I kept thinking — are we going to use lies to attack an enemy who lies?”

Gregory Clark is a former Australian diplomat, Chinese-speaking correspondent and university president resident in Japan. He can be found at www.gregoryclark.net. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent those of IBTimes UK

How would the young Chinese soldiers today feel about crushing down their own friends and families under tanks, all to preserve and perpetuate the rule of this 'party'?
They feel the right decision. I feel proud of CPC making China powerful and proud again.

We are happy we didn't go the Soviet Union way! :enjoy:

Look at these Libya families. Do they agree with US of backing the rebel that topple Gaddaffi.
What has happen to Libya now? These kids will not hesitate to tell you. They missed Gaddaffi days.

Libya families.jpg
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Tiananmen Square massarcre---Then what? World No.2 economy.
Spring of Arab, Spring of Ukraine----Then what? battle field
All US kids shall be ashamed of US claiming herself champion of freedom but will not hesitate to support Saudi regime that behead people in open public and ban Women from driving. Same as UAE and Qatar.

What happen to champion of freedom ,equality and against suppression? Selective? :lol:
How would the young Chinese soldiers today feel about crushing down their own friends and families under tanks, all to preserve and perpetuate the rule of this 'party'?

How would Young American Union Soldiers today feel about crushing down their own Brothers and families in Southern States? :azn:

I am very Proud, that China have a Strong Governement.
And all of us, can see What China achieve today :smitten:

Some people in here, wants China to become Syria.
But, China have Strong government and with Support of all Chinese people all over the World.
Today, even Americans and Indians ENVY with China's Achievements.

Syria Today
Syria Today.jpg

Mumbai, India Today
Indian Mumbai.jpg

China Today
Shanghai 18.jpg

Shanghai 19.jpg


How would the young Chinese soldiers today feel about crushing down their own friends and families under tanks, all to preserve and perpetuate the rule of this 'party'?

Chinese soldiers are basically CCP cadres, especially the officers are partymen. PLA/PLAF/PLAN is CCP's own military force, it's owned by the party, but paid by the country.
Someone is mad China didn't end up with "freedom and democracy" like Lybia, Afghanistan and Syria where despotic warlords, drug and smuggling cartels and terrorists rule all or half of the nation and the country is in perpetual war and path of selfdestruction.
"Tiananmen Square Massacres" is a decade old lie

Hitler's propaganda minister said: "Repeat a lie a thousand times and it becomes the truth."

Westerner say: "That quote is attributed to one of the most evil men who ever lived, Dr. Joseph Goebbels, propaganda minister of the Third Reich. Unfortunately ...

And this army kicked indian democratic army's *** in 1962.

India barely had an army in 1962, Nehru thought China is a friendly country and didn't fortify our positions in spite of repeated warnings from our army generals of an impending Chinese attack. When the attack happened, roughly 8,000-10,000 ill-equipped Indian army men were attacked by a well-equipped Chinese force of over 100,000 men. Even then Nehru didn't use air force and refused to send reinforcements initially in the hope of peace. Finally when he agreed to send reinforcements, Chinese declared an unilateral ceasefire and withdrew to their original positions.

That attack of 1962 by China finally drilled some senses in the heads of our pacifist leaders, and India started modernizing and expanding its military. The measures paid off when our army kicked Chinese army's *** in 1967 at Nathu La and Cho La in Sikkim, then a protectorate state of India. The result was that China retreated from Sikkim and later Sikkim joined Indian union. Your Baidu search engine may not show it, but rest of the world can access the information.

But that's off-topic. Please stay on the topic.

"Tiananmen Square Massacres" is a decade old lie

Holly $hit!!!!!



Those anti-Chinese government people keep using this what so call tankman pictures and video to paint the "brutality" of the Chinese government and Chinese solders, who they are actually stupid and out of their mind, and those who believing it are unable to think logically, or even more stupid.

In the video, did the man were being crashed by the tank? NO

The video shows that the man were bravely try to stop the tank be moving forward,
also it also shows that the tank driver halt the tank or turn it side-way, being avoid to hurt the man.

In fact, overall the video is not showing the brutality of solder tank driver, but instead, it's showing his
professionality and benevolent to live.
"Tiananmen Square Massacres" is a decade old lie

Hitler's propaganda minister said: "Repeat a lie a thousand times and it becomes the truth."

Westerner say: "That quote is attributed to one of the most evil men who ever lived, Dr. Joseph Goebbels, propaganda minister of the Third Reich. Unfortunately ...

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/tiananme...china-detains-activists.433526/#ixzz4AcoT3C6e

India barely had an army in 1962, Nehru thought China is a friendly country and didn't fortify our positions in spite of repeated warnings from our army generals of an impending Chinese attack. When the attack happened, roughly 8,000-10,000 ill-equipped Indian army men were attacked by a well-equipped Chinese force of over 100,000 men. Even then Nehru didn't use air force and refused to send reinforcements initially in the hope of peace. Finally when he agreed to send reinforcements, Chinese declared an unilateral ceasefire and withdrew to their original positions.

That attack of 1962 by China finally drilled some senses in the heads of our pacifist leaders, and India started modernizing and expanding its military. The measures paid off when our army kicked Chinese army's *** in 1967 at Nathu La and Cho La in Sikkim, then a protectorate state of India. The result was that China retreated from Sikkim and later Sikkim joined Indian union. Your Baidu search engine may not show it, but rest of the world can access the information.

But that's off-topic. Please stay on the topic.

Holly $hit!!!!!

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View attachment 308793

India (PAK+BD) is a nation with the largest Muslim population ,India today has more than 180 millions Muslim alone. :police::police::bunny::bunny::cheers::cheers::victory::victory::smitten::smitten::smitten:

Thanks to Britain, Pak to cut relations between India - Central Asia, BD doing the Job in East sea port,,Lanka to share a lot of benifits in India ocean. at last, China holds Aksai Chin,Tibet, high lands and source of water.

India can never escapes and will be lock in South Asia forever !!!

China accepted the divide and rule works in South Asia from Britain!!!
Most Chinese ppl busy earning money in normal life, nobody care this coz everyone knew if success maybe worse than today life. So lucky ~!

The West media like it coz it's the few chance to shame BeiJing government, although their police & army also killed students during riots in last 60 years.

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